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“I Can” Learning Targets

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1 “I Can” Learning Targets
3rd English/Writing 3rd Six Weeks (Edit wording as needed, but make sure edits accurately reflect the standards, not necessarily the textbook since the text isn’t fully aligned with the standards.)

2 3rd Six Weeks Pacing Guide
English Skills: Unit 4 Writing: Unit 9

3 Ongoing/Year-long Skills
I can write in print (manuscript) and cursive so that others can read what I write. I can spell words that I use and read often in my 3rd grade books. I can use word play, word walls, and word sorts to help me develop my vocabulary. I can be a good listener by not interrupting, raising my hand, and facing the speaker. I can read comfortably, smoothly, and without pauses when I read alone or with a group.

4 “I Can” Unit 4 I can identify and use adjectives that describe.
I can identify and use adjectives that compare. I can identify and use article adjectives. I can Identify and use adverbs in a sentence. I can use to/too/two, and their/there/they’re correctly.

5 “I Can” Unit 9 (slide 1 of 4) I can put instructions in sequential (step by step) order. I can follow three-step directions that I hear. I can give three-step directions out loud. I can read and follow instructions to complete a recipe or put something together. I can ID/use irregular verbs. I can tell how two things are alike and different.

6 “I Can” Unit 9 (slide 2) I can describe the meaning of …
organization supporting details Thesaurus sequential I can write for different listeners on a subject given to me. I can write about a prompt and within a given time limit. I can choose a topic for my writing. I can write for different reasons (to entertain, persuade, inform, tell what I know, answer questions, tell a story, or tell how I feel or what I think about a story). I can write complete sentences. I can write my sentences in an order that makes sense. I can write my sentences differently to make them easier to understand and more interesting.

7 “I Can” Unit 8 (slide 3) I can create an organized paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting details, and an ending sentence. I can set-up my writing by using paragraphs, indenting, margins, and titles correctly. I can follow the correct steps when writing: brainstorm and organize ideas, make a first copy, read and make changes, and share the finished copy. I can create graphic organizers to group my ideas for writing (webs, charts, graphs, and diagrams).

8 “I Can” Unit 8 (slide 4) I can take turns and ask questions when talking to someone else. I can be a good listener by not interrupting, by raising my hand, and by facing the speaker. I can summarize information that I have heard from others. I can understand the main idea from a speech that I have heard. I can talk politely with others. I can take part in group discussions. I can use new vocabulary when talking to others. I can take part in discussions, choral reading, and oral presentations about a text. I can choose correct group behavior. I can choose ideas that were not mentioned in a speech. I can use a dictionary, thesaurus, and a computer to make my writing better. I can use a rubric in a small group to check my writing and the writing of others. I can use technology to publish and present my writing. I can look for places to publish my writing (contests, websites, newspapers, or periodicals).

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