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CJA 394 Week 4 DQ 1 In the readings this week you read about the death penalty and reasons for it to be discontinued and reasons for it to continue. Part.

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Presentation on theme: "CJA 394 Week 4 DQ 1 In the readings this week you read about the death penalty and reasons for it to be discontinued and reasons for it to continue. Part."— Presentation transcript:

1 CJA 394 Week 4 DQ 1 In the readings this week you read about the death penalty and reasons for it to be discontinued and reasons for it to continue. Part of the accusations about the death penalty suggested that mistakes could be made. Knowing what you know today about things like DNA should that really be a concern today. DNA has been available now for over 20 years, individuals who are on death row or receiving the death penalty today have had the opportunity to have DNA testing run, is this an argument against the death penalty that is going to become less and less of an issue or will people cling to the idea of a mistake being made to further their cause? Discuss some of the other issues surrounding the death penalty and whether it should continue. To purchase this material click below link Week-4-DQ-1 For more classes visit

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