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 Class and Diagram  Representation of Class Name Attributes Operations  Visibility of Attributes and Operations.

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Presentation on theme: " Class and Diagram  Representation of Class Name Attributes Operations  Visibility of Attributes and Operations."— Presentation transcript:

1  Class and Diagram  Representation of Class Name Attributes Operations  Visibility of Attributes and Operations

2  Relationship or Notation of class diagram  Generalization  Association  Composition  Aggregation


4  Used for describing structure and behaviour in the use cases.  Provide a conceptual model of the system in term of entities and their relationship.


6 The top part contain the name of the class. It is printed in Bold, centred and the first letter capitalized.

7 The middle part contains the attributes of the class. They are left aligned and the first letter is lower case.

8 The bottom parts gives the methods or operations the class can take or undertake. They are also left aligned and the first letter is lower case.

9  “+” is used to denoted Public visibility (everyone)  “#” is used to denoted Protected visibility (friends and derived)  “-” is used to denoted Private visibility (no one)

10  By default, attributes are hidden and operations are visible.  The last two compartments may be omitted to simplify the class diagrams

11 Account Name -Customer Name - Balance +add Funds() +with Draw() +transfer() Name Attributes Operations

12 There are two kinds of Relationships  Generalization (parent-child relationship)  Association (student enrols in course) Association can be further classified as  Aggregation  Composition

13  Generalization express a parent/child relationship among related classes.  Used for abstracting detail is several layers Example Super type supertype1 supertype2

14 Association represent relationship between instances of class. An association is a link connecting two classes. Bi-directional association Association are assumed to be bi- directional e.g. Flight and place Notation:

15 Uni-directional association e.g. Order and item Notation:

16 EXAMPLE: Student Department Course

17  Composition: express a relationship among instances of related classes. It is specific kind of Whole-Part relationship  It expresses a relationship where an instance of the whole-class has the responsibilities to create and initialize instances of each Part-class.

18 EXAPMPLE OF COMPOSITION Legs Hands Person Automobile Engine Transmission

19  Aggregation: express a relationship among instances of related classes. It is a specific kind of Container Containee relationship.  It express a relationship where an instance of the Container-class has the responsibility to hold and maintain instances of each Containee-class that have been created outside the auspices of the Container-class.



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