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EDU 657 Week 2 DQ 2 Resilience in American Higher Education Check this A+ tutorial guideline at

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1 EDU 657 Week 2 DQ 2 Resilience in American Higher Education Check this A+ tutorial guideline at DQ-2-Resilience-in-American-Higher-Education Large scale philanthropy contributors who offered substantial gifts such as foundations, trusts, and estates were necessary to higher education budgets in order to pay for salaries, services and the construction of new buildings. The transformation of philanthropy in American higher education was the coming together of industry and religion in what was termed the “Protestant work ethic.” Discuss why this was important to wealthy entrepreneurs. From your readings, what challenges do current higher education institutions face with regards to funding? What are some of the possible solutions to these challenges? Do you believe it is still important today? Do you believe this work ethic perspective has changed in higher education today? For more classes visit

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