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EDU 673 Week 2 DQ 2 Effective Differentiated Curriculum Check this A+ tutorial guideline at

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1 EDU 673 Week 2 DQ 2 Effective Differentiated Curriculum Check this A+ tutorial guideline at Effective-Differentiated-Curriculum Visit the Discovery Education: Lesson Plan Library website and locate a lesson plan that represents the grade level and subject area you are teaching or are interested in teaching. In your discussion, post a link to the lesson plan that you have selected. Next, answer the following: 1. Is the lesson constructed so students will be consistently aware of what they should know, understand, and be able to do? Provide examples from the lesson to support your answer. If the lesson plan is not constructed in that manner, how will you change it to make students consistently aware of what they should know, understand and be able to do? Provide examples of the changes you would make. 2. Does a substantial portion of the work assigned help students make meaning of what they are trying to learn? Provide examples from the lesson to support your answer. If the work assigned does not help students make meaning, how would you change the assignments? Provide examples of the assignments you would modify. 3. How does the work that the students are asked to do support them in becoming thinkers and problem solvers? Provide examples from the lesson to support your answer. If the work does not support students in becoming thinkers and problem solvers, how would you modify the assignments? Provide examples of your modifications. Go to Discovery Education: Lesson Plan Library and find out a course program that tells Guided Response: Review at least two of your peers’ lesson plans and discussion postings. Are the lesson plans engaging, aligned and authentic? Analyze their examples and modifications to ascertain if the lesson will support students in becoming thinkers and problem solvers. Ask your classmates to clarify any confusing elements of their posting and extend their thinking by offering suggestions for additional lesson modifications. For more classes visit

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