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 Any solar over can be converted into a food dehydrator with the help of a solar oven dehydrator kit. Instead of drying the food, these ovens cook it.

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Presentation on theme: " Any solar over can be converted into a food dehydrator with the help of a solar oven dehydrator kit. Instead of drying the food, these ovens cook it."— Presentation transcript:


2  Any solar over can be converted into a food dehydrator with the help of a solar oven dehydrator kit. Instead of drying the food, these ovens cook it as a result of high temperatures involved.

3  In the simplest of words, dehydrating foods is basically removing from it the moisture content to hinder the growth of bacteria which is the primary cause of the food going eventually bad.

4  Because of the world’s fickle climatic change has resulted in a consequent seasonal and food production changes, more and more people are drifting towards Freeze Dried BlueberriesFreeze Dried Blueberries

5  In addition to emergency food storage methods, a lot of people are investing in substitutes to food preparations, for instance several models of solar ovens, and camp stoves functional on kerosene or propane.

6  ADVANTAGES OF DEHYDRATING FOODS:  Dehydrated foods tend to last longer since they do not require refrigeration. Even canned goods, if not consumed without delay, will go bad without refrigeration once they have been opened.

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