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UOP ECT 246 All iLabs (Week 1 to Week 7) Check this A+ tutorial guideline at For more classes.

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Presentation on theme: "UOP ECT 246 All iLabs (Week 1 to Week 7) Check this A+ tutorial guideline at For more classes."— Presentation transcript:

1 UOP ECT 246 All iLabs (Week 1 to Week 7) Check this A+ tutorial guideline at For more classes visit ECT 246 All iLabs (Week 1 to Week 7) ECT 246 Complete ilabs Week 1 To 7 ECT 246 Week 1 iLab Power Supplies TCO #1: Given an application requiring an AC to DC regulated power supply discuss the block diagram of the supply, and how its internal subsystems are related, using the appropriate data sheets, determine the device’s operating parameters, calculate, simulate and measure the power supply’s electrical parameters. ECT 246 Week 2 iLab Transistor Circuits Part A-Transistor Circuits

2 ECT 246 Week 5 iLab Op-Amps In week five, you will create several circuits using the operation amplifiers you studied earlier. An op-amp can be configured to perform special applications found in everyday electronic equipment. These include comparators, level detectors, summing amplifiers and digital to analog converters. A.Describe the operation of a level detector. a.Explain the operation of the following circuit. B.Determine the output of a level detector for a given reference voltage. Simulate a level detector and verify that the simulated voltages agree with the calculated values. C.Explain the operation of a summing amplifier and how the output voltage is calculated based on the input values. E.Calculate the output voltage of a three input summing amplifier. F.Simulate a summing amplifier with three inputs, measure the results and compare them to the calculated values. ECT 246 Week 6 iLab Filters and Oscillators Part A-Active Filters Week six addresses the concept of active filters and oscillators. The low, high, bandpass and notch active filters, their circuits, and operating parameters are covered. The Wein-bridge RC oscillator, its configuration, operation and circuit is discussed. TCO #6: Given an application requiring active filters calculate, simulate and measure filter characteristic of a low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, and notch filter. Part B- Oscillators TCO#7: Given an oscillator application, such as a tone generator, determine the operating parameters and calculate and measure the oscillator’s voltage, frequency and relative stability. Part C-Filters and Oscillator Simulations 1.The circuit below is a two-pole high-pass Butterworth filter. The upper critical frequency should be 1.12kHz. Find the required value for R4 and the closed loop gain. Verify the circuit operation in Multisim. Make the necessary changes to the circuit and verify its operations. The Multisim file ( can be found in Doc Sharing, week 7. ECT 246 Week 7 iLab Switching Transistors and Optical Devices Given a DC switching application such as driving a motor in one and two directions use a SCR and a transistor and an H-bridge driver to successfully perform the operation, calculate and measure the operating voltages and currentS

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