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KELLER MGMT 591 All DQ's Week 1 to Week 7 Check this A+ tutorial guideline at

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1 KELLER MGMT 591 All DQ's Week 1 to Week 7 Check this A+ tutorial guideline at dq For more classes visit MGMT 591 Week 1 DQ 1 Is there a danger in over communicating? Can a leader over communicate to the point that people start tuning them out? There is an old saying: What is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right. With this in mind, I’m wondering: what are your thoughts on consensus? Are there times when a leader must act without consensus? If so, what about the risks that comes with such a maneuver? Each workplace is unique. Do you think that there are certain items which would be needed in your workplace in particular, that are not on the list?

2 MGMT 591 Week 1 DQ 2 Assume you are new to your job and on the first day you have a conversation with your boss, who says, “Satisfied workers are productive workers.” Do you agree with her statement? Why? Why not? Can you think of a situation where employees might be very satisfied, and very unproductive? What exactly does it mean to be “satisfied” at one’s job? What are some of the core things that you think are needed for one to feel “satisfied” with their job? Where do we draw the line in creating a “satisfied” workforce, and creating a workforce that is simply “out of control and turning the office into a fun house”? MGMT 591 Week 2 DQ 1 How do the new practices at Sodexho align with the essentials of performance management? How is Sodexho using social networking to its advantage? What are some potential problems that can arise from organizations using money as the primary means of motivating their employees? Do you have any examples of the problems that can arise? What is cultural stereotyping? “What assumptions and stereotypes might people start making about me?” Do you like these assumptions? If not, are there things you might change about yourself in order to combat any assumptions that you do not like? Has anyone heard of a concept called the “emotional bank account”? MGMT 591 Week 2 DQ 2 “Ethics in OB” features an ethical scenario where an employee finds confidential papers on a photocopier. Of course, she reviews the papers and notes they are full of information on performance evaluations, pay and bonuses. Using the motivational theories studied, how would you explain what motivates the employee? Explain in-depth what you would do if you were that employee? Please briefly state what Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is about. Passion is an interesting topic when it comes to motivation. Specifically, it gets interesting when we look at the subject of how to motivate people who are NOT passionate about their job. Let’s face it, some jobs are a bit difficult to get passionate about – such as working in a noisy restaurant or working as a toll collector on a bridge. What techniques can we use to motivate employees in positions that do not arouse

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