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Dermal Tissues of Plants 1.Muhammad Hussaan Kamboh (M. phil Botany, Ph. D Scholar) & 2. Ali raza (M.phil Botany) & 3.Uzair Ashraf (MSC Botany)

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Presentation on theme: "Dermal Tissues of Plants 1.Muhammad Hussaan Kamboh (M. phil Botany, Ph. D Scholar) & 2. Ali raza (M.phil Botany) & 3.Uzair Ashraf (MSC Botany)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dermal Tissues of Plants 1.Muhammad Hussaan Kamboh (M. phil Botany, Ph. D Scholar) & 2. ALI RAZA (M. phil Botany) & 3.Uzair Ashraf (MSC Botany)


3 Epidermal cell Defination Epidermal cells originate from the protoderm, cover all parts of the primary plant body. Cuticle The exposed outer walls have a cuticle that varies in thickness, depending on the species and environmental conditions. Various cell in epidermis guard cells( stomata) trichomes root hairs

4 1) Stomata Stomata occur in the epidermis of leaves and sometimes on other parts of the plant, such as stems or fruits

5 Structure of stomata Guard cell is dumbbell-shaped cells flanking a stoma (mouthshape epidermal opening). Guard cells, unlike other epidermal cells, contain chloroplasts.

6 stomata No of stomata in plant leaf: There are between 1000 to more than 1 million stomata per square centimeter of leaf surface. Location of stomata on leaves: o In many plants, stomata are more numerous on the lower Epidermis than on the upper epidermis of the leaf o Offenly in many plant they are present on the lower side of leaf and a few, such as water lilies, have them only on the upper epidermis Function: The passage of oxygen and carbon dioxide, as well as diffusion of water in vapor form, takes place almost exclusively through the stomata.

7 2) Trichomes Defination:Trichomes are hairlike outgrowths of the epidermis. Location: o They occur frequently on stems, leaves, and Reproductive organs. Function: o Trichomes play an important role in keeping the leaf surface cool and in reducing the rate of evaporation. o Some glandular trichomes often secreting sticky or toxic substances to deter herbivory

8 3) Root hairs o Defination: o Root hairs, which are tubular extensions of individual epidermal cells, occur in a zone just behind the tips of young, growing roots. Function: o Root hairs keep the root in intimate contact with the surrounding soil particles and greatly increase the root’s surface area and the efficiency of absorption.


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