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HHS 307 Week 3 Final Paper Outline and Annotated Bibliography Check this A+ tutorial guideline at

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1 HHS 307 Week 3 Final Paper Outline and Annotated Bibliography Check this A+ tutorial guideline at annotated-bibliography For this assignment, you will submit a descriptive outline that details your Final Paper. Additionally, complete an annotated bibliography for your sources. Your outline should contain: I. Thesis Statement II. Body of Outline: For this section, include sub-headings that correspond to the Final Paper elements as they relate to your selected topic. Each sub-heading should contain two to three sentences describing that portion of the paper. The description should demonstrate that you have done significant research, evaluation, and critical thinking on communication as it relates to a health and human services setting as well as its application to the chosen topic. You must also indicate within each sub-heading which sources will apply to that section. Your sub-headings should include: a. Define the topic. b. Provide background information on the topic. c. Discuss the importance of the topic. d. Specific examples of applications. e. Pitfalls and problems or barriers and possible solutions.

2 III. Annotated Bibliography: The annotated bibliography should include a complete APA style listing for each source as well as a one to two sentence description of the content of the source and how it will apply to the topic of the Final Paper. Your annotated bibliography must include at least five scholarly sources that were published within the last five years (not including the course text), two of which must be peer-reviewed journal articles. Your outline and annotated bibliography must adhere to proper APA format as outlined in the Writing Center. You can find samples of each in the Writing Center, which is located under “Learning Resources” in the left-hand navigation panel of your classroom. For more classes visit

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