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Using Games in Teaching Vocabulary Evi Sofiawati.

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1 Using Games in Teaching Vocabulary Evi Sofiawati

2 Why Teach Vocabulary? Learners depend on vocabulary as their first resource (Huckin & Bloch, 1993)

3 Why Teach Vocabulary? A rich vocabulary makes the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing easier to perform (Nation, 1994)

4 Why Teach Vocabulary? Learners with poor vocabulary level get frustrated easily in trying to express their thought resulting in higher affective filter

5 The Objective of Teaching Vocabulary The essential objective is for the students: to acquire, remember, and meaningfully use newly learnt words.

6 Why Use Games? Bring in relaxation and fun for students Stephen Krashen’s hypothesis in ESL acquisition: lowering affective filter

7 Why Use Games? Promote students' active participation in problem solving and critical thinking The learning theory: constructivism

8 Why Use Games? Expose interpersonal skills and positive interdependence The learning theory: cooperative learning

9 Why Use Games? Cater students of different intelligences and learning styles Howard Gardner’s theory: multiple intelligences Fleming’s theory: learning styles

10 Why Use Games? Involve physical activities Dr. James J. Asher’s theory: Total Physical Response

11 General Procedures  Put students in heterogenic groups  Explain the rules of the games beforehand in details by giving at least one example  Tell students the topic or theme of the day’s game  Give the winning team immaterial as well as inexpensive material rewards alternately

12 A Sample Lesson Plan

13 Learners’ Background  5 th and 6 th graders of different schools  English course students of about 2 years of studying  Familiar with each other  6 students

14 A Sample Lesson Plan Vocabulary Teaching Objective By the end of the session (90’), students will be able to use the newly learnt vocabulary by identifying the misplaced words/phrases in a text and putting them in the right places. Topic Occupation-related skills and abilities

15 A Sample Lesson Plan Motivating Stage  Warm up the class at the beginning of the lesson by reviewing the vocabulary learnt in the previous session: kinds of occupations. Game: Ambiguous Pictures

16 The Games  Ambiguous Pictures   Draw a small part of a picture  Ask students (Ss) what the picture is  Encourage different opinion without confirming or rejecting their ideas  Add a little more to the drawing and ask Ss again  Build each picture in about four stages

17 A Sample Lesson Plan Motivating Stage  Check what students know before teaching new vocabulary items: occupation-related skills and abilities. Game: Association

18 The Games  Association   Start by putting a word in the center of a cluster on the board: artistic, for example. artistic art paintingpretty stick view movie  The first group send a representative to write a related word on one of the branches. If it is related, circle the given word. If it is not, cross it out. The other group take turn doing the same.

19 A Sample Lesson Plan Presentation Stage  Present new vocabulary items in context. Game: Matching

20 The Games  Matching   Prepare a set of flashcards for each target vocabulary a large piece of paper on the wall for each group to stick their work later.  Ask the groups to match the flashcards.  Give the key to each group so they can peer-check the other group’s work.

21 A Sample Lesson Plan Summing Up Stage  Review the newly learnt vocabulary focusing more on spelling. Game: Crossword

22 The Games  Crossword   Ask a student to write a newly learnt word in the middle of the board.  Think of a word which shares one letter with the word on board and give students a clue to your word. If somebody guesses the word, he or she writes the word so it crosses the first word and shares a letter.

23 The Aspects Covered  Multiple intelligences theory: - linguistic- visual-spatial - bodily-kinesthetic- interpersonal  Learning styles theory: - visual- auditory- kinesthetic  Constructivism theory: - critical thinking  Affective filter theory: - fun and engaging- student-student interaction  Total Physical Response (TPR) theory: - responding to teacher’s instruction physically

24 A Sample Lesson Plan Assignment  Assign students to find pictures related to each newly learnt word for next session review game. Game: Matching pictures and words Autonomous Learner

25 T H A N K Y O U

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