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Generalized and Weighted Least Square Kelompok 4: Iswan Achlan Khairunnisa Yunanto C Putranto Mata Kuliah Analisis Regresi Terapan Program Studi Statistika.

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Presentation on theme: "Generalized and Weighted Least Square Kelompok 4: Iswan Achlan Khairunnisa Yunanto C Putranto Mata Kuliah Analisis Regresi Terapan Program Studi Statistika."— Presentation transcript:

1 Generalized and Weighted Least Square Kelompok 4: Iswan Achlan Khairunnisa Yunanto C Putranto Mata Kuliah Analisis Regresi Terapan Program Studi Statistika Terapan, Dept. Statistika IPB

2 Outline

3 Asumsi dalam Regresi Linier

4 Heteroscedastic  Ilustrasi penanganan kondisi heteroscedastic o Titik kuning : amatan o Garis merah : garis regregsi o Garis hijau : Garis regresi dengan transformasi (var residu constant, linearitas terpengaruh)

5 Outline

6 Weighted Least Square (WLS) GLS Heteroskedastis Autokorelasi WLS Heteroskedastis Non-Autokorelasi

7 Weighted Least Square (WLS) OLS x x x x x WLS x y

8 Ilustrasi homogen??




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