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Piero Belforte, HDT 1999: PRESTO POWER by Alessandro Arnulfo.

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Presentation on theme: "Piero Belforte, HDT 1999: PRESTO POWER by Alessandro Arnulfo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alessandro ARNULFO R&D Application Engineer PRESTO_POWER

2 2 of 21 Now PRESTO is able to take into account noise propagation in any shape copper area. PRESTO_POWER is an high performance software tool to simulate high speed PCB taking into account EMC phenomena as bouncing on power plane. PRESTO POWER

3 3 of 21 CAD Extraction Sim. Set Up Creation of SPRINT netlist SPRINT Display Results SUBCIRCUITS of each copper area are linked to the other circuit elements. Extraction of copper areas and planes shape Possibility to model planes or not PRESTO ver. 3.2 New features implemented in PRESTO_POWER PRESTO_POWER flow

4 4 of 21 Power plane modelling - ground bouncing (noise propagation) - filtering (bypass C placing optimisation ) Gridding algorithm Conclusion NEXT STEPS

5 5 of 21 Power planes modelling is necessary to simulate effects such as: noise propagation and ground bounce influence on signals simulation of power plane filtering effect optimisation of bypass capacitors placement on PCB POWER PLANES MODELLING

6 6 of 21 NOISE PROPAGATION & GROUND BOUNCE input stage from driver interconnection and loads VCC GND Iout Vcc lead Gnd lead ChipVcc ChipGnd to other outputs and inputs of the chip Vout Vsso Ground bounce occurs when one digital output switches, due to the fact that a chip is encapsulated in a package with non- ideal pins.

7 7 of 21 Power planes modelling is necessary to simulate the noise propagation and ground bounce effect on signals NOISE PROPAGATION & GROUND BOUNCE

8 8 of 21 Gate Very large power supply inductance Power supply input drops to zero The gate may no longer work or break into oscillation POWER PLANE FILTERING POWER SOURCE

9 9 of 21 - Bypass capacitor insertion - Filtering through interplane capacitance between power planes SOLUTIONS: Gate POWER SOURCE POWER PLANE FILTERING


11 11 of 21 Power planes modelling is necessary to: simulate the power planes filtering effect optimise bypass capacitors placement on PCB POWER PLANE FILTERING

12 12 of 21 The model, used to describe the area, is a grid of losses transmission lines. This requires a mesh with square cells. This choice guarantees the same propagation delay for all transmission line. GRID OF LOSSY TRASMISSION LINE UNIFORM Td

13 13 of 21 Flexibility : each metal area can have a different, optimised grid step Parameters related to the grid step: Tstep : minimum time resolution max N_row : user-defined grid row limits max N_col : user-defined grid column limits MESH GENERATOR 5V 3.3V

14 14 of 21 Propagation speed (cross-section of PCB) Tstep (set up in simulation) dstep (spatial resolution) Single cell must have dimensions multiple of dstep micro-grid dstep GRID CHOICE ANALISY

15 15 of 21 Result after the meshing algorithm. The rectangular boundary is gridded with a regular mesh. 0%88% 100% 0% AN EXAMPLE OF GRIDDED AREA ZOOM IN

16 16 of 21 POWER PLANE MODEL (ZOOM) grid on which is built TL network grid_step dstep micro-grid linked to tstep

17 17 of 21 COPPER AREA GRIDDED Completely filled Partially filled

18 18 of 21 User can choose to model: POWER NET :PLANES SPLITTED PLANES SIGNAL NET Areas connections topology: SEGMENT - AREA VIA - AREA PIN - AREA POWER PLANES MODELLING

19 19 of 21 The user can choose to model or not signal and/or power areas Gridding settings AREAS SETTING USER INTERFACE

20 20 of 21 POWER PLANES MODELLING FOR MERITA PROJECT When several gates switch simultaneously, a large amount of noise is injected into power and ground pins The power planes model is used to evaluate noise voltage on power and ground planes.

21 21 of 21 CONCLUSION MOST IMPORTANT ACHIEVEMENT Copper areas modelling integration in PRESTO FUTURE STEP Taking into account coupling effects between copper area

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