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Piero Belforte, HDT 1998: Advanced Simulation and Modeling for Electronic System Hardware Design Part2 .

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Presentation on theme: "Piero Belforte, HDT 1998: Advanced Simulation and Modeling for Electronic System Hardware Design Part2 ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling All Needed Components Y PRESTO models come from: Ý Layout extraction Ý PRESTO libraries: active devices and packages Ý 20 and 3D field solvers Ý Vendor data, data sheets, IBIS Ý Spice analysis Ý Measurement of actual devices 20 of 52

2 Complex Passive Device Models From Field Solvers Y The package: 2 power, 3 ground planes, 299 pins, POA package Y The modal. 16.700 R's end L's, 38 drivers Y The simulation: 2,500 time points; took 23 minutes on an HP 750 workstation 21 of 52

3 Active Device Models Y Models taken from PRESTO library - behavioral models for common logIc families. Y Models based on vendor-supplied data: Ý Datasheets Ý IBIS Ý Spice Y Models based on TDR/TDT measurements: Ý Distributed input/output RC, not lumped Ý True clamp diode behavior 22 of 52

4 Active Device Measurement: CMOS TDR Input Response 23 of 52

5 TDR Measurement Setup for Active Devices 24 of 52

6 CMOS Input Model 25 of 52

7 ECL Output Model 26 of 52

8 Pin Bouncing Effect 27 of 52

9 Measurements of True Clamp Diode Behavior ACT Power and Ground Clamps 28 of 52

10 Effect of Slow Clamping on Signal Integrity 29 of 52

11 Ground Plane Modeling Y Power and ground planes can be represented by a mash of lossy transmission lines for SPRINT simulation. 30 of 52

12 TDR Curve Measuring Behavior of the Ground Plane 31 of 52

13 Ground Plane Modeling Y Fitting the Model to the TDR Measurement 32 of 52

14 Ground Plane Modeling Y Comparison of Simulation and Measurement 33 of 52

15 Point-to-Point ATM Interconnects 34 of 52

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