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Medicines for Medical Abortion at Home

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2 Mifepristone Misoprostol Primary and Secondary medicine for medication pregnancy termination @safeabortionpil

3 Misoprostol Misoprostol is a prostaglandin analogue by nature. It has ecbolic properties that leads to the uterine contractions and assists the detached embryo to be discharged vaginally. Mifepristone and Misoprostol are two medicines required in pregnancy termination procedure. Mifepristone Mifepristone is an anti-progesterone agent that blocks the necessary hormones, which are responsible for building the uterine wall and detaches the embryo. With the introduction of hormones in the pill, this hormone is blocked and therefore the embryo becomes detached.

4 MTP Kit MTP Kit contains all the essential abortion pills required for aborting a pregnancy that is within 10 weeks. It contains 1 pill of Mifepristone (200mg) and 4 pills of Misoprostol (800mcg).

5 It needs to be taken as follows— Consume 1 pill of Mifepristone with water. Wait for 24-48 hours. Consume 4 tablets of Misoprostol (800mcg total) buccally or vaginally (placing the pills 2X2 in the cheek pouches or in the vagina). Let them sit for 30 minutes to be dissolved naturally and then swallow.

6 Mifeprex Mifeprex is an anti- progesterone agent that works in the same manner as Mifepristone. It is a branded drug to the generic version- Mifepristone.

7 Cytolog Cytolog is a prostaglandin analogue which is ecbolic in nature. Its functioning is the same as Misoprostol. It is the branded drug to the generic version- Misoprostol.

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9 /safeabortionpillrx /womenshealth1234 /+safeabortionpillrx /UCoJnJiOwyCDHsGsDDSX-Hfg @safeabortionpil

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