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Are you confused about taking abortion pills?. Women have been using the abortion pill - mifepristone, since more than a decade. But lately, these anti-abortion.

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1 Are you confused about taking abortion pills?

2 Women have been using the abortion pill - mifepristone, since more than a decade. But lately, these anti-abortion groups have phased down their scare tactics—saying this causes breast cancer, infertility, some deadly infections—and are pushing laws that block your access. But all this issues is not protecting abortion or women but putting Women in problem as they will anyways choose illegal way for abortion. So now it's time to set the record straight.abortion pill

3 Medical abortion requires two pills. The first one is mifepristone which causes the embryo to detach from the uterine wall. Most women don't feel a thing about this. Later after 2 days pill called misoprostol contracts the uterus to expel the embryo. Now you can expect heavy bleeding, with clotting and bits of tissue, which will last for two weeks. Crazy fact: Abortion pills are only 95 percent effective. If you're one of the unlucky 5 percent then you can do it again or opt to have a surgical procedure. mifepristonemisoprostol 1. How It Works

4 Years ago, the FDA set a protocol like: -Women require to see a physician three times: to get three mifepristone pills (which you swallow in front of your doc). -Two days later to take two misoprostol pills, and two weeks after that, to ensure the pills worked. Since then, most doctors have adopted a safe, lower-dose regimen that is less trying. -You go in twice: first to take one tablet of mifepristone-- you take the misoprostol a day or two later at home--and for a follow-up visit. You may buy these pills online now at and can have easy abortion at home. 2. How to Get It

5 Because many docs don't use the official-but-outdated FDA plan, anti-abortion lawmakers argue that the drugs are unsafe and are going to great lengths to restrict them. Texas may soon require four doctor visits for nonsurgical abortions, including one for a (medically unnecessary) ultrasound. That could mean hundreds of dollars for the test, hours in the car driving back and forth to scarce providers, and days of missed work. Indiana wants you to pop the pills only in a surgical center. Wisconsin makes an MD determine as a "matter of fact" that her patient wasn't coerced into taking the pill. While providers like Planned Parenthood are challenging the law, they've had to suspend all nonsurgical abortions in the state. 3. When It Gets Tricky

6 Yes. A recent Princeton University study found that less than 1 percent of women who take it experience any serious medical side effects. In rare cases, bacteria can make its way into your cervix and cause an infection, but there's no evidence that the pill causes that. Women who have abortions don't suffer long-term psychological trauma either, although your hormones and emotions will probably be all over the place, even if you are sure of your decision. "Prepare for a feeling of loss before relief sets in," says Carin Goldstein, a family psychologist in L.A. Try to find a confidant who will support--not judge--you and help you move on. 4. So, Is It Safe?

7 Thank you

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