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Address: Factory Address 1 H1-483, Bhamashah Industrial Area, Kaladwas (RIICO), Udaipur (Raj.) INDIA Phone No.: (Sales)

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Presentation on theme: "Address: Factory Address 1 H1-483, Bhamashah Industrial Area, Kaladwas (RIICO), Udaipur (Raj.) INDIA Phone No.: (Sales)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Address: Factory Address 1 H1-483, Bhamashah Industrial Area, Kaladwas (RIICO), Udaipur - 313003 (Raj.) INDIA Phone No.: +91- 9166354178 (Sales) +91- 9785732944 E-mail: / Factory Address 2 Plot No.1, New Vidhya Nagar, BSNL Road, Sector-4, Udaipur – 313002 (Raj.) INDIA

2  Semi Precious Stone Slabs Supplier  Blupier of Dev Group Company is initiated in the year 2000 in Lake City Udaipur India. For over 17 years, Blupier has provided high and finest quality Precious and Semi Precious Stone and Gemstone Products and most unique natural stone products are supplying to the whole world like India, Russia, China, Middle East, UK and USA.CompanyLake CityUdaipur Indiafinest quality Semi Precious StoneGemstone Productsunique natural stoneRussiaChinaMiddle East UKUSA

3  Semi Precious Stone Slabs Supplier  Blupier is offering exclusive and beautiful range of Semi Precious Stone Slabs to the customers. Semi Precious Stone has various varieties or collections such as Agate, Quartz, Fossil, Jasper Aventurine, Living Stone, Mother of Pearl, Accessories, Inlay and Exclusive collections etc. These products are of high and finest quality.beautiful rangeSlabsSemi Precious Stone AgateQuartzFossilJasper AventurineLiving StoneMother of Pearl AccessoriesInlayExclusive collections

4  Semi Precious Stone Slabs Supplier  Blupier provides many services like Stone installation, Stone finishing, Cut to size, Water Jet technology, Stone Consulting and so on. We are specialized in supply and installation of natural stones. At Blupier, Our professionals and experienced team help the clients bring their designs and ideas to reality and provide products on the demand of them. BlupierStone installationStone finishingCut to size Water Jet technologyStone Consultingnatural stonesexperienceddesignsproducts

5  Semi Precious Stone Slabs Supplier  Blupier is the largest manufacturer and supplier company of Semi Precious Stone and Gemstone in India. Our vision is to be the market leader in Semi Precious stone and Gemstone industry in India and the world. We are reputed stone company and have achieved highest success in stone leaderGemstone industryhighest success

6 Address: Factory Address 1 H1-483, Bhamashah Industrial Area, Kaladwas (RIICO), Udaipur - 313003 (Raj.) INDIA Phone No.: +91- 9166354178 (Sales) +91- 9785732944 E-mail: / Factory Address 2 Plot No.1, New Vidhya Nagar, BSNL Road, Sector-4, Udaipur – 313002 (Raj.) INDIA

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