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Python Programming Workshop. List of Chapters Chapter 1: Very Basic Stuff Chapter 2: Conditionals Chapter 3: Functions Chapter 4: Iteration Chapter 5:

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Presentation on theme: "Python Programming Workshop. List of Chapters Chapter 1: Very Basic Stuff Chapter 2: Conditionals Chapter 3: Functions Chapter 4: Iteration Chapter 5:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Python Programming Workshop

2 List of Chapters Chapter 1: Very Basic Stuff Chapter 2: Conditionals Chapter 3: Functions Chapter 4: Iteration Chapter 5: Strings Chapter 6: Collection Data Types Chapter 7: Advanced Functions Chapter 8: Exception Handling Chapter 9: Python Modules Chapter 10: Files Chapter 11: Documentation Chapter 12: Classes Chapter 13: CGI Programming

3 Disclaimers I wrote this tutorial / introduction to Python while I was learning it myself. Therefore, I cannot speak from any significant experience with Python, and these notes may contain factual errors. I have tried all of the code examples that I present. --C. D. Sherrill, January 2010

4 Resources These notes are based on information from several sources: “Learning Python,” 2 nd edition, Mark Lutz and David Ascher (O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA, 2004) (Thorough. Hard to get into as a quick read)‏ “Dive Into Python,” Mark Pilgrim (, 2004)‏ “How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python,” 2 nd edition, Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, and Chris Meyers (‏ “Programming in Python 3: A Complete Introduction to the Python Language,” Mark Summerfeld (Addison-Wesley, Boston, 2009)‏

5 Why Python? High-level language, can do a lot with relatively little code Supposedly easier to learn than its main competitor, Perl Fairly popular among high-level languages Robust support for object-oriented programming Support for integration with other languages

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