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Here // This is the presentation about to describe categories of Hackers. //In this session you will learn aims, identity and purposes of hackers >>> Enter.

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Presentation on theme: "Here // This is the presentation about to describe categories of Hackers. //In this session you will learn aims, identity and purposes of hackers >>> Enter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Here // This is the presentation about to describe categories of Hackers. //In this session you will learn aims, identity and purposes of hackers >>> Enter In DOS Command

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3 Checking file system on C: The type of the file system is NTFS. A disk check has been scheduled. To skip disk checking. Press any key within 4 seconds(s).

4 Checking file system on C: The type of the file system is NTFS. A disk check has been scheduled. To skip disk checking. Press any key within 3 seconds(s).

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7 Your presentation is loading Please wait…. Presentation loaded successfully. Name : Frelix.theme Subject : Categories of Hackers Fetch

8 Welcome to world of MindgamersCO5G-1 MGM’s Poly. Program Code: 33124

9 Be Aware…… You Have been Tracked Be Aware You are being Tracked...

10 Accessing Slide No.1, Please wait…. Accessing Slides are in progress…

11 Types of Hackers  Intruders Slide No. 1

12 Types of Hackers  There are are two types of hacking persons.  1.intruders 2.Insiders Types Of Hackers 1.Intruders 2.Insiders

13 Accessing Slide No.2, Please wait….

14 Categories of Hackers 1.Script Kiddie 2.White Hat 3.Black Hat 4.Grey Hat 5.Green Hat 6.Red Hat 7.Blue Hat

15 Script Kiddie Script Kiddies normally don’t care about hacking (if they did, they’d be Green Hats. See below.). They copy code and use it for a virus or an SQLi or something else. Script Kiddies will never hack for themselves; they’ll just download overused software (LOIC or Metasploit, for example) and watch a YouTube video on how to use it. A common Script Kiddie attack is DoSing or DDoSing (Denial of Service and Distributed Denial of Service), in which they flood an IP with so much information it collapses under the strain. This attack is frequently used by the “hacker” group Anonymous, which doesn’t help anyone’s reputation.

16 Accessing Slide No. 3, Please wait….

17 Slide No. 3

18 White Hat Also known as ethical hackers, White Hat hackers are the good guys of the hacker world. They’ll help you remove a virus or PenTest a company. Most White Hat hackers hold a college degree in IT security or computer science and must be certified to pursue a career in hacking. The most popular certification is the CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) from the EC-Council.

19 White Hat Works for good purpose. They don’t steal money or Formulas

20 Accessing Slide No. 4. Please wait…..

21 Slide No. 4

22 Black Hat Also known as crackers, these are the men and women you hear about in the news. They find banks or other companies with weak security and steal money or credit card information. The surprising truth about their methods of attack is that they often use common hacking practices they learned early on.

23 We can say these are the bad Hackers Performs Stealing operation

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25 Slide No. 5

26 Grey Hat Nothing is ever just black or white; the same is true in the world of hacking. Gray Hat hackers don’t steal money or information (although, sometimes they deface a website or two), yet they don’t help people for good (but, they could if they wanted to). These hackers comprise most of the hacking world, even though Black Hat hackers garner most (if not all) of the media’s attention.

27 They just want Attention of People or Media Always try to be popular.

28 Accessing Slide No. 6. Please wait…..

29 Slide No. 6

30 Green Hat These are the hacker “n00bz,” but unlike Script Kiddies, they care about hacking and strive to become full-blown hackers. They’re often flamed by the hacker community for asking many basic questions. When their questions are answered, they’ll listen with the intent and curiosity of a child listening to family stories.

31 Tries Harder to hack More powerful technically

32 Accessing Slide No. 7. Please wait….

33 Slide No. 7

34 Red Hat These are the vigilantes of the hacker world. They’re like White Hats in that they halt Black Hats, but these folks are downright SCARY to those who have ever tried so much as PenTest. Instead of reporting the malicious hacker, they shut him/her down by uploading viruses, DoSing and accessing his/her computer to destroy it from the inside out. They leverage multiple aggressive methods that might force a cracker to need a new computer.

35 They do anything to complete their Purpose in which Killing is also included. They Performs Crimes like Getting money in form of Bitcoin.

36 Accessing Slide No. 8. Please wait….

37 Slide No. 8

38 Blue Hat If a Script Kiddie took revenge, he/she might become a Blue Hat. Blue Hat hackers will seek vengeance on those who’ve them angry. Most Blue Hats are n00bz, but like the Script Kiddies, they have no desire to learn.

39 They live for Revenge Always tries something new to crack

40 Accessing Feedback link….

41 Thanks You deserves to be an good computer engineers Thankss You deserve to be an good computer engineers

42 Good Bye Fin

43 The End. System is Shutting Down……

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