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Learn All the Time Network

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1 Learn All the Time Network
Partnership Guidelines 2017

2 What is LATT? LATT is a network that focuses on building high quality out of school time programs through: Providing standards based professional learning Organizing for efficiency Maximizing resources Advocating for OST learning

3 If Then LATT Logic Model Increased High quality Academic performance
Graduation rates Social and emotional competencies 21st Century skills Attendance High quality OST programs Lead to Then Improving program quality in Central Texas Leads to

4 Quality Goal Provide direction and support for high quality program standards that are reinforced by a culture of participatory learning, which includes ongoing program/organizational improvement, training and professional development.

5 Capacity Goal Ensure high quality OST programming and experiences are available and accessible to all Central Texas children, youth and their families.

6 Outcomes Goal Use data to inform and drive decision making, monitor progress and articulate clear outcomes for providers, children and youth that are appropriate to the OST setting.

7 LATT Partnership Models

8 Key Considerations Simple = as easy as possible to communicate, calculate, manage and monitor Flexible = allows partners to choose based on their current needs/capacity for the year Mutually beneficial in helping build capacity for the field in our community Friendly to a variety of agency structures & needs: 21st CCLC, vendors, small to large orgs

9 Key Features Designed for youth-serving organizations and vendors
Aligned with a network model which emphasizes capacity building, resource mobilization and increased outcomes for the entire region with a “give” and a “get” for the greater good of the field- partnership vs. membership Offers two cost tiers based on organizational budget, paid in line with a standard academic year; continued opportunities to “pay as you go” for individuals without current organizational buy-in. Pilot year focuses on these partner options: Quality Improvement Partner LATT Ambassador

10 Primary Partnership Models
Quality Partner This partnership agreement is for organizations who wish to improve and/or maintain the quality of their afterschool and summer programs. Aligned with LATT’s goal to improve program quality, LATT will offer professional development opportunities aligned to TXPOST standards and best practices in the afterschool and summer learning fields. LATT Ambassador This partnership agreement is for organizations who wish to support LATT’s system building efforts and engage in any / all offerings aligned with LATT’s strategic plan focused on quality, capacity and advocacy, and outcomes. Shirlene starts

11 Partner Benefit Highlights
Free & unlimited access to Leadership Series and Monthly PD Discount to yearly conference Access to early registration for LATT offerings Unlimited subscription to LATT’s newsletter and e-blasts Recognition on LATT website and other promotional materials as appropriate Opportunity to be featured in monthly partnership spotlights Opportunity to promote your organization’s events in LATT newsletter Special invites to Ambassador only events including ED Round Table Quality Development Partner X LATT Ambassador

12 Partner Agreement Highlights
Executive leader signs partnership agreement Pay annual partner fee Provide program data Appoint organization liaison Follow and cross promote LATT Support LATT’s Lights on Afterschool efforts Provide letters of support or testimonials when opportunities arise for advocacy work. Quality Development Partner X LATT Ambassador

13 Partnership Costs per Year (based on operating budget)
Quality Partner < $500K= $200/org $501K-$1.99M= $500/org $2M += $1000/org LATT Ambassador < $500K= $250/org $600/org $1200/org Partnership Costs per Year (based on operating budget) Pricing is based on Mission Capital, One Voice and other organizations. Pricing reflects a cost below what it would be for one person to attend all events and functions. For middle- 2 people and for large 3 people.

14 Plus Additional Benefits
What if you do not join the LATT Network ? You can pay as go for LATT learning opportunities, LATT conference and other networking events. Organization Budget Quality Improvement Partner LATT Ambassador $2M + $ 1000 $1200 $501K-$1.99M $500 $600 < $500 $200 $250 Actual Value 5 People = $1750 10 People $3500 $2250 10 People = $4500 Plus Additional Benefits Joining LATT saves money! The more you engage the more you save.

15 LATT Partnership means…
Unlimited professional learning for your organization Access to special events Networking and resources sharing One time annual fee for ease of accounting Influence and voice in advocacy and policy development And much more!!!

16 Join our efforts!!! Contact:

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