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Palm Springs Unified School District
Facilities Study Session O.E. 12 Presented by PSUSD Staff: Julie Arthur, Executive Director Facilities Planning & Development Mike Sattley, Director of Facilities & Energy Services Gregg Shoemaker, Director of Maintenance & Operations November 15, 2016
AGENDA Review May 10, 2016 Study Session
Palm Springs Unified School District Current Projects Energy and Water Saving Updates Measure E Bond and Redevelopment Projects and Funds Potential New Projects
1. Review May 10, 2016 Facilities Study Session
1. May 10, 2016 Board Study Session Project Approval
Projects Budget Funding 1. Palm Springs High field restroom 2. Proposition 39 HVAC & Lighting projects 3. Districtwide HVAC projects 4. Raymond Cree Middle roof replacement 5. James Workman Middle roof replacement 6. Rancho Mirage Elementary roof replacement $ ,000 $ 1,900,000 $ 2,887,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 1,956,000 $ ,000 Measure E Bond
1. May 10, 2016 Board Study Session Project Approval
Projects Budget Funding 7. Districtwide HVAC, roof, parking lot repairs and shade structures 8. Rancho Mirage K – 8 school 9. New elementary land 10. Mission Springs Water District Turf Replacement Grants : Total Redevelopment funds allocated: Total Measure E Bond funds allocated: $ 7,000,000 $73,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ ,000 Measure E Bond Redevelopment $ ,000 $ 92,353,000
2. PSUSD Current Projects
The Richards Center for the Arts 2016 PSHS Auditorium 2012
2. Current Facilities Planning Projects:
Traffic Study Surplus Land Sales DHS Grant for landscape removal Raymond Cree roof replacement K – 8 school design and CEQA review High School Marquees Request for Qualification for Architect Services Baristo Land clean-up CCHS Solar and roof project Nellie Coffman warranty lighting replacement PSHS Restroom building Relocatable classrooms at Katherine Finchy, Rio Vista, Cathedral City, Two Bunch Palms, Landau, Sunny Sands, Cabot Yerxa, and Vista Del Monte (RR)
2. Current Facilities Planning Projects:
Vista Del Monte Communication Tower Proposition 39 projects HVAC Replacement - MSJ JWMS and PSHS Proposition 39 lighting retrofitting Agua Caliente Renovation Raymond Cree Portable replacement District Administration Center Fire Alarm Upgrades Districtwide Swimming Pool (CCHS) PSHS Auditorium (99% complete) James Workman roof replacement Rancho Mirage Elementary roof replacement Ongoing Minor Capital Projects Ongoing DSA close outs
3. PSUSD Energy and Water Updates
Presented by: Mike Sattley, Director of Facilities & Energy Services Gregg Shoemaker, Director of Maintenance & Operations November 15, 2016
3. Electric Costs in Numbers (2015-2016)
$5,557,761 spent on electricity $4,352 per classroom per year (1,277) $244 per student $15,226 cost per day $2.32 per square foot
3. Utility Year End Summary for 2015-2016
Year-end in numbers, compared to the prior year: $441,139 LESS in electricity costs $79,711 LESS in water costs $28,152 more in natural gas Fiscal year 14/15 compared to 15/16 savings $492,698 Rate increases in past
3. School Rankings: Cost per SQFT 2014/15 compared to 2015/16
Raymond Cree was number 27 – now number 11 , NCMS – project for funding for a CP retrofit… JWMS will move, Solar Site * Served by IID **Under Construction
3. Top Electric Savers (2015 compared to 2016)
Raymond Cree Middle – 35% Sunny Sands Elementary – 24% Katherine Finchy Elementary – 13% Cahuilla Elementary – 11% Cathedral City High School – 11%
3. Utility Cost Distribution
3. Average Electric Use Distribution
3. Lighting Replacements (SCE SEEP Program, PROP 39)
Phase 1 (Complete) Phase 2 District Service Center* Desert Springs Middle School* Bella Vista Elementary School District Office* Rio Vista Elementary School Palm Springs High School* Rancho Mirage High School* Raymond Cree Middle School* Cabot Yerxa Elementary School Cahuilla Elementary School Cathedral City High School* (*Partial Change Out) Desert Hot Springs High School* James Workman Middle School
3. Lighting Retrofit in Numbers
$690,634 -Total Value of Work (provided by SCE) 9,726 -Total Number of Fixtures Retrofitted 755,804 -Estimated Annual kWh Savings $120,000 -Estimated Annual Savings $4,000 –Cost to PSUSD
3. HVAC Replacements in Progress (Prop 39)
James Workman Middle Replacement of 48 HVAC units Mt. San Jacinto High Replacement of 29 HVAC units Palm Springs High Replacement of 88 HVAC units 435,906 – Estimated Annual kWh Savings $69,744 – Estimated Annual Savings
3. Solar Production (SunEdison)
PPA Solar Sites Bella Vista ES (10/22/2014) Cabot Yerxa ES (12/18/2014) Cathedral City ES (12/10/2015) Cathedral City HS (8/5/2013) Desert Hot Springs HS (11/19/2013) District Service Center (10/19/2013) Katherine Finchy ES (12/7/2015) James Workman ES (5/22/2013) Nellie Coffman MS (10/15/2014) Painted Hills MS (10/19/2013) Palm Springs HS (8/26/2013) Rancho Mirage HS (8/27/2013) Raymond Cree MS (10/15/2014) Total 35,650,000 kWh generated (as of 11/2/2016) BWES – 113,000 to 34,000 TBP – 127,000 to 29,000
3. Solar Production (District Owned*)
Bubbling Wells ES Generation to Date (online 11/6/2014 to 11/2/2016) 1,191,441 kWh Desert Hot Springs HS Generation to Date (online 1/6/2015 to 11/2/2016) ,488 kWh Two Bunch Palms ES Generation to Date (online 11/5/2014 to 11/2/2016) 1,251,227 kWh Total 2,774,156 kWh Generated Rebates generated to date $202,000 (and counting) *Grant Funding Provided by SCAQMD
3. Water Update Rate increases at CVWD, MSWD implemented 2016
DWA increases coming in early 2017 Locally based water restrictions – to be revisited in January 2017 12% DWA increases
3. Grass Replacement - MSWD Grant
Amount $180,000 (rebates): Cabot Yerxa Elementary Julius Corsini Elementary Desert Hot Springs High
3. Upcoming / Ongoing Projects
Retrocommissioning Report of Central Plant Sites Kitchen Billing (Reimbursement of Energy Used) Utility Bill Audits (Utility Cost Management) Prop 39 – Continued (Lighting and HVAC) Kitchen Billed to date – need data
3. Replacement of Drinking Fountains
Survey Results, Next Step and Other Considerations Surveyed 22 school sites (Older than 2009) 116 outside drinking fountains need replacement Prioritize and replace 30 drinking fountains with highest need scheduled for summer 2017 Consideration of Hydration Stations for 23 School Sites (1 ea./Inside Use Only) ~$120K
4. Measure E and Redevelopment Funds and Projects
4. Measure E Bond Completed Projects
Name of Project Year District Service Center Tenant Improvement 2016 2. Rancho Mirage High School exterior restroom 3. Raymond Cree Middle chiller plant and cooling tower replacement 4. Palm Springs High auditorium renovation and seismic upgrades 5. Edward Wenzlaff Education Center 2015 6. Palm Springs High snack bar and field house renovation 7. Bubbling Wells Elementary parking lot expansion 8. Desert Hot Springs High Dug-outs 2014 9. Nellie Coffman Modernization 2013 10. Palm Springs High Performing Arts Building 11. Rancho Mirage High School 2012 12. District Service Center 13. Bella Vista Elementary
4. Measure E Bond Construction Projects
Name of Project Status 1. District-wide phone system and bandwidth On-going 2. Cathedral City High School Theater upgrades 3. District-wide swimming pool at CCHS 4. Solar & roofing at CCHS for pool Bidding 5. Agua Caliente Elementary renovation 6. District-wide fire and security alarm upgrades 7. Raymond Cree MS 8 classroom permanent (DW portable replacement) 8. District-wide heating and air conditioning replacements and Prop. 39 funding – PSHS, JWMS, MSJ 9. Raymond Cree Middle roof replacement In design 10. James Workman Middle roof replacement 11. Rancho Mirage Elementary roof replacement
4. Measure E Bond Projects – No action
Name of Project AB 300 List Seismic Building Renovation – PSHS Buildings Desert Springs Middle modernization Nellie Coffman kitchen renovation Cielo Vista and Vista Del Monte portable replacement CCHS band and choir upgrades District-wide reconfigure site layouts, parking, etc. Land purchase – Elementary Schools #20, 21, & 22 Land purchase – Middle School #6 Land purchase – High School #5 Karen Street Elementary DHS (Elementary 17)
4. Measure E Bond Authorization
Series Authorized Amount Total Bonds Issued Remaining Authorization November 2010 A $24,690,000 B 110,000,000 134,690,000 November 2013 C 70,000,000 204,690,000 July 2016 D $100,000,000 $304,690,000 $211,310,000
4. Measure E Bond Fund Balance
Project Expenditures Through 6/30/16 FY17 Budget FY18 Budget Project Budget State Funds Total cost to Bond Measure Aqua Caliente ES Re-build $ 1,721,712 $ ,651,835 $ ,626,453 34,000,000 - Bubbling Wells ES Parking Lot 470,621 79,863 550,484 Cathedral City HS Theater 587,272 87,728 675,000 DW HVAC Projects 2,887,000 DW Fire/Intrusion 1,006,980 493,020 1,500,000 DW VOIP 3,382,455 117,545 3,500,000 James Workman MS Roofing 1,965,000 1,956,000 Painted Hills MS Choir F&E 18,750 Palm Springs HS Auditorium 13,323,235 3,676,765 17,000,000 4,797,521 12,202,479 Palm Springs HS Concession 5,372,690 37,195 5,409,885 1,544,834 3,865,050 PROP 39 Matching HVAC / Lighting 1,900,000 Palm Springs HS Restroom Building 525,000 PSUSD Pool 1,355,829 4,666,068 6,000,000 6,021,897 PSUSD Pool Roof/Solar panels 7,221 992,779 1,000,000 Rancho Mirage ES Roofing 200,000 385,000 585,000 Raymond Cree MS Roofing 2,500,000 Raymond Cree MS Upgrades 2,038,249 62,445 2,100,000 2,100,694 Raymond Cree MS Classroom Bldg. 792,499 4,023,879 383,622 5,200,000 Bond Cost 100,295 108,340 25,000 233,635 Est. Total Project Cost Approved 30,159,057 33,493,212 24,920,075 87,540,753 82,229,989 State Funding Interest Revenues 291,611 250,000 Bond Issuance 100,000,000 Est. Total Revenues 1,836,445 105,047,521
4. Measure E Bond Fund Balance
Project Expenditures Through 6/30/16 FY17 Budget FY18 Budget Project Budget State Funds Total cost to Bond Measure Bond Cost 100,295 108,340 25,000 233,635 Est. Total Project Cost Approved 30,159,057 55,119,665 3,293,622 87,540,753 82,229,989 State Funding 1,544,834 4,797,521 Interest Revenues 291,611 250,000 200,000 Bond Issuance - 100,000,000 Est. Total Revenues 1,836,445 105,047,521 Funding Source: Bond Funds Measure E, Series B , C and D FY16 FY17 FY18 CASH BALANCE Cash balance 6/30/16 47,771,714 Cash estimate 6/30/17 71,554,309 97,699,570 Cash estimate 6/30/18 (24,720,075) 94,605,948 Projects approved but not yet active: Budget Rancho Mirage K-8 73,000,000 Districtwide HVAC, roof, parking lot 7,000,000 New Elementary Land 2,000,000 82,000,000
4. Measure E Bond Fund Balance
Project Expenditures Through 6/30/16 FY17 Budget FY18 Budget Project Budget State Funds Total cost to Bond Measure Bond Cost 100,295 108,340 25,000 233,635 Est. Total Project Cost Approved 30,159,057 55,119,665 3,293,622 87,540,753 82,229,989 State Funding 1,544,834 4,797,521 Interest Revenues 291,611 250,000 200,000 Bond Issuance - 100,000,000 Est. Total Revenues 1,836,445 105,047,521 Funding Source: Measure E Bond Funds Series B, C and D FY17 FY18 CASH BALANCE Cash balance 6/30/16 47,771,714 Cash estimate 6/30/17 49,927,856 97,699,570 Cash estimate 6/30/18 (3,093,622) 94,605,948 Contingency: Projects approved but not yet active: Budget $12,605,948 Rancho Mirage K-8 73,000,000 Districtwide HVAC, roof, parking lot 7,000,000 New Elementary Land 2,000,000 82,000,000
4. Redevelopment Fund Projects
Name of Project Status LED Marquees High Schools (5) In design Traffic Study Elementary Schools On-going Vista Del Monte Elementary Communication Tower Relocation 90% complete District Administration Center Phase II Energy Conservation at 10 schools Complete Cielo Vista Charter Master Plan Complete 2016 Rancho Mirage High School Video Scoreboard Katherine Finchy Elementary solar panel enhancement Energy Conservation – HVAC ground unit replacements Complete 2015 Farrell Site desert landscape conversation
4. Redevelopment Fund Balance
Project Current Year Expenses 6/30/16 FY17 Budget FY18 FY19 Transfer to 06 for Technology 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 Transfer to MMR 3,604,761 3,551,700 3,700,000 Airlinks towers 128,000 TIS PO's + Edom Hill 33,012 63,000 Olinger Lease 67,475 250,000 - Suitt Lease 113,413 MCP Funds 111,642 302,054 200,000 PSHS CS&FH F&E 55,687 Athletic Scoreboards 54,043 RMHS Video Score Board 125,883 CCHS Video Display Board 705 New District Administration Center 81,781 10,723,336 17,000,000 3,616,963 Climatec (407,840) Black Box theater - DHS HS 872 VDM Cell Tower 219,537 347,141 Consultant for Purchasing / Facilities 46,800 152,175 RCMS Roofing Design 60,840 239,110 KF Solar Panel Enhancement 64,793 95,207 KF Parking Lot Design 100,000 DW Parking-lot Design 13,750 76,250 LED Marquees for High Schools DHS Landscape match for MSWD 285,000 General Fund Cash Flow Reserve 5,000,000 Total Expenses $ 6,375,154 $ 23,812,973 $ 23,591,000 $ 9,707,963
4. Redevelopment Fund Balance
Current Year Expenses 6/30/16 FY17 Budget FY18 FY19 Total Expenses 6,375,154 23,812,973 23,591,000 9,707,963 Total Revenues 8,745,810 8,400,000 Net Change 2,370,656 (15,412,973) (15,191,000) 1,307,963 Reimbursement due by Foundation 90,000 Funding Source: Redevelopment FY17 Available Cash as of 6/30/16 37,586,138 Balance as of 6/30/17 22,173,165 Balance as of 6/30/18 6,982,165 Balance as of 6/30/19 5,674,202
5. Potential New Projects
5. Potential Projects Pending BOE Direction
Elementary school traffic study designs and Landau staff parking lot ($925,000) Surplus property and 7 11 committee services ($100,000) AB 300 Seismic building retrofit investigation ($250,000) Retro-commissioning recommendations for Cathedral City HS, Nellie Coffman MS, Rancho Mirage HS, District Service Center and Raymond Cree MS ($275,000) Nellie Coffman Middle Chiller Replacement ($6 million) Districtwide water fountain replacement and hydration stations ($2,000,000) Facilities Master Plan Update services ($450,000)
Under Previously Allocated Funds
5. New Project Funding Project Amount Requested Under Previously Allocated Funds New Bond Funds Elementary school traffic study designs and Landau staff parking lot $925,000 Districtwide HVAC, roof, parking lot repairs and shade structures No Design Retro-commissioning recommendations for Cathedral City HS, Nellie Coffman MS, Ranch Mirage HS, District Service Center and Raymond Cree MS $275,000 Total: $1,200,000
5. May 10, 2016 Board Study Session Project Approval
Projects Budget Funding Districtwide HVAC, roof, parking lot repairs and shade structures Rancho Mirage K – 8 school New elementary land Mission Springs Water District Turf Replacement Grants : Total Redevelopment funds: Total Bond funds: $ 7,000,000 $73,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ ,000 Bond Redevelopment $ ,000 $ 90,353,000
5. New Measure E Bond Project Funding
Amount Requested Under Previously Allocated Funds New Bond Funds 1. AB 300 Seismic building retrofit investigation $ 550,000 Yes 2. Nellie Coffman MS Chiller Replacement 6,000,000 3. Facilities Master Plan Updates 450,000 4. Surplus Property and 7 11 Committee Services 100,000 5. Replacement of drinking fountains and addition of hydration stations 2,000,000 New Bond fund total $9,100,000
Expenditures Through 6/30/16
5. Measure E Fund Balance Project Expenditures Through 6/30/16 FY17 Budget FY18 Budget Project Budget State Funds Total cost to Measure E Bond Cost 100,295 108,340 25,000 233,635 Est. Total Project Cost Approved 30,159,057 55,119,665 3,293,622 87,540,753 82,229,989 State Funding 1,544,834 4,797,521 Interest Revenues 291,611 250,000 200,000 Bond Issuance - 100,000,000 Est. Total Revenues 1,836,445 105,047,521 Funding Source: Bond Funds Measure E, Series B, C and D FY16 FY17 FY18 CASH BALANCE Cash balance 6/30/16 47,771,714 Cash estimate 6/30/17 49,927,856 97,699,570 Cash estimate 6/30/18 (3,093,622) 94,605,948 Projects approved but not yet active: Budget $12,605,948 Rancho Mirage K-8 73,000,000 Districtwide HVAC, roof, parking lot 7,000,000 New Elementary Land 2,000,000 82,000,000
5. Potential Projects Pending BOE Direction
$7 Million Allocated New Series D Bond funds Elementary school traffic study designs and Landau staff parking lot ($925,000) Facilities Master Plan Update services ($450,000) Surplus property and 7 11 committee services ($100,000) Retro-commissioning recommendations for Cathedral City HS, Nellie Coffman MS, Ranch Mirage HS, District Service Center and Raymond Cree MS ($275,000) AB 300 Seismic building retrofit investigation ($250,000) Nellie Coffman Middle Chiller Replacement ($6 million) Districtwide water fountain replacement ($2,000,000) Total: $9,100,000 Total: $1,200,000
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