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CFBC BOILER UPDATE Coal Based Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC) Boiler Technology By :Asad Mehmood.

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1 CFBC BOILER UPDATE Coal Based Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC) Boiler Technology By :Asad Mehmood

2 Objective Introduction to FFBL Coal Power Plant (CPP) Project
Over-view of CPP Project Power Plant Classification Types of Coal based boilers Technology Selection of CFB Boiler Technology Design Specifications of CFB Boilers Main Equipments Coal Specification & Consumption Emissions and mitigation measures

CPP Project AIM Alternate fuel for steam and power generation owing to shortage of Natural Gas. Meeting FFBL Steam and Power requirements Additional margins for Power Export to National grid Main Components of CPP Project 2 x 250 MeT/hr Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) Boilers 3 x STG’s at 60 Hz 1 x BPSTG’s or BPSTG cum Condensing at 60 Hz 1 x 55 MWe STG’s at 50 Hz for Power Export

4 Over-view of Flow Schematic
New Coal Power Plant (CPP) Project FFBL Existing Plants Ammonia-Urea-DAP-Utilities Fertilizer’s Plant Coal (Mainly Indonesia / South Africa & local Coal) Utilities supplies to Coal Power Plant Exchange Facilities CPP Project 2 x 250 t/h CFB Boilers 3 x STGs + 01 BPSTG (60Hz) 1 x 50 ~ 60 MW (50 Hz) Balance of Plants (BOP) Limestone (Local Source) Steam supply to existing complex Sand (Local Source) Power supply to existing complex (60 Hz) Power Export to National Grid (on 50 Hz) Effluent (Storm water / Cooling tower blow down) FFBL Complex (350 Acres)

There are 3 major classes of power plant:- Sub-critical (upto 220 bara and upto 600 o C) Super-critical ( bara and o C) Ultra super critical ( bara and o C)

6 Types of Coal Based boiler technology
Coal fired Boilers Stoker Fired Boilers Spreader Stokers Travelling Grate Pulverized Coal Boilers Fluidized Bed Boilers Bubbling Fluidized Bed Circulating Fluidized Bed Pressurized Fluidized Bed

Application in boilers Stoker fired Bubbling Bed Circulating fluidized Pulverized coal fired Mean particle size (mm) <300 0.03-3 Primary air velocity (m/sec) 1-3 4-6 15-30 Solids motion Static Up and down Mostly up some down Up Overall Voidage Agglomeration Considerable Some No

Parameter Pulverized Coal (PC) Boiler Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) Boiler Technology Description Coal is grinded to fine powder size before burning i.e. (<0.07 mm). Coal is only crushed to (< 10 mm) before burning. Fuel Flexibility Limited and is designed for specific quality of Coal normally Bituminous or Sub-Bituminous Coals. Wide range of Coal and Solid fuels can be burnt including: Bituminous to Lignite (Thar Coal) De SOx Separate Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) is required for coals (S > 0.7%) No need for separate FGD. SOx removal is carried out inside boiler by injecting limestone De NOx Selective Catalytic reduction (SCR) is required. No issue, thanks for lower furnace temperature Furnace Temperature High temperature i.e oC. Medium temperature i.e oC.

9 Selection of CFB boiler
Fuel flexibility In-situ sulfur removal by using locally available limestone. Low furnace temperature i.e. very low NOx generation. Safe operation as compared to PC boiler.

10 Design Specifications For CPP
Description Number of Boilers 2 Type of boiler Single drum, Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion Boiler Sub-critical Draft system Balanced Draft Type of Circulation Natural Circulation Design Capacity for each boiler 250 MeT/hr Design Steam Pressure at SH outlet 92 bara Boiler Efficiency 92%

11 Main Equipment's for each Boiler (2 x 250 Met/hr)
Coal, Limestone & Sand Bunkers Main fluidized furnace with cyclones and loop seals Fans (Primary, Secondary & ID) Super-heaters & Economizer Air Pre-heaters Bag house filter Bed Ash Discharge system Continuous and Intermittent blow down vessels BFW System

12 Coal Specification for CPP Project
Coal Range Characteristics of Coals Min Max Design South Africa Indonesia Australia Heating Values (at 25 °C) LHV kcal/kg 3,105 6,927 5,921 5,827 5,703 Volatile Matter % ar 18.5 40 38.68 24 25 Ultimate Analysis Total Moisture 6 26 11 8.7 10.8 Ash 3 27 11.18 14 15.9 Carbon 19 60 61.09 63.91 61.66 Hydrogen 2.0 7.0 5.09 3.65 3.83 Nitrogen 0.5 2.1 1.01 1.6 1.27 Chlorine 0.2 0.09 0.03 Sulfur 4.0 0.90 0.9 0.94 0.45 Provision to utilize local coal after mixing with imported coal

13 Consumptions for CFB Boiler
Major Boiler Consumptions Design Coal (LHV5921 Kcal/Kg) Per boiler at BMCR Design Coal Annual (330 days) per boiler at BMCR Coal consumption 31.7 MeT/hr 502,128 Limestone consumption 1.5 MetT/hr 23,760 Sand 62 MetT (Start Up only) - Fly ash generation 3.6 MeT/hr 57,024 Bottom ash generation 1.5 MeT/hr


15 Process Description of furnace and cyclone

16 Environmental Mitigation Measures
Selection of CFB boiler technology Sufur (present in coal) capture inside the furnace by crushed limestone injection Separate Bag house filter for each boiler to control Particulate Matter Less ash generation when burning imported coals and ash recycle options to cement / brick manufacturing. Dust suppression system Separate Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) for each boiler.

17 Guaranteed (Design Coal) Particulate Matter(PM)
EMISSIONS GuARANTEE Parameters Units Guaranteed (Design Coal) WBG/NEQS Limits NOx mg/Nm3 at 6 % dry O2 370 510 SOx do 400 1500 Particulate Matter(PM) 30 50 CO 100 800 In case of use of high ash or high sulfur (4%), emissions will still within the limits.

18 CEMS In addition to monitoring by lab, each boiler will have dedicated CEMS at flue gas duct to monitor the following:- NOx SOx PM CO Temperature CO2

19 Operation below Ash fusion temperature Higher combustion efficiency
Conclusion CFB Boiler Fuel flexibility High Turndown Operation below Ash fusion temperature In-situ SOx Control Low NOx Emissions Higher combustion efficiency



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