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Instructor: Joseph DiVerdi, Ph.D.

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1 Instructor: Joseph DiVerdi, Ph.D.
Setting Up a Remotely-Hosted Web Site Instructor: Joseph DiVerdi, Ph.D.

2 Local vs. Remote Serving
A Web browser renders pages from anyplace Place an HTML file on your desktop and point your browser to it You can view it but nobody else can Locally served page Place an HTML file on a Web server and point your browser to it Now everyone can view it Remotely served page

3 Web Developer Skills Able to log into a Linux server using Telnet and make changes Able to upload files from local computer to Linux server using FTP and make changes Able to quickly and efficiently edit files directly on a Linux server without making a local copy of the files

4 your last name, all lower case, no spaces
Student Accounts Ulltra Technology-owned server Account at host name: HTTP access at URL: Account name is: your last name, all lower case, no spaces No password (at least for now)

5 your last name, all lower case, no spaces
Student Account Setup Use Tera Term Pro to login Use username: your last name, all lower case, no spaces Change password using: passwd Logout using: logout Login to check password You only need to perform this once

6 Single Page Web Site index.html can be accessed using:

7 Make a new directory named "html"
Single Page Site Use: FTPeditor Please note that most operations are case-sensitive Make a new directory named "html" Check its permissions to allow server access Equivalent numeric code: "755" Equivalent abbreviated code: "rwxr-xr-x" owner: read write execute group: read execute world: read execute All directories must have these permissions

8 Navigate inside html directory Make a new file "index.html"
Single Page Site Navigate inside html directory Make a new file "index.html" Type in the contents on the next page Change its permissions to "world readable" Equivalent numeric code: "644" Equivalent abbreviated code: "rw-r--r--" owner: read write group: read world: read All HTML files should have these permissions

9 Single Page Site <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>First Page</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <H1>This is the first page</H1> </BODY> </HTML>

10 Save file to remote server Test page using your most favorite browser
Single Page Site Save file to remote server Test page using your most favorite browser Test page using your least favorite browser Always use both browsers

11 Multi-Page Site

12 Multi-Page Site <BODY> <H1>This is the first page</H1> <A HREF="index.html">first page</a> | <A HREF="second.html">second page</a> | <A HREF="third.html">third page</a> </BODY>

13 Multi-Directory Site

14 Multi-Directory Site <BODY> <H1>This is the first page</H1> <A HREF="index.html">first page</a> | <A HREF="second.html">second page</a> | <A HREF="third.html">third page</a> | <A HREF="members-only/index.html"> members-only page</a> </BODY>

15 User Authentication Now we'll exclude others from the members-only web page...

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