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Community Emergency Response Team

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0 Lamorinda Community Emergency Response Team
01/01/2017 Lamorinda Community Emergency Response Team Unit 9: Communications Released: 1 January 2017 Lamorinda CERT

1 Community Emergency Response Team
Personal safety is ALWAYS the number one priority Work as a team Wear personal protective equipment…gloves, helmet, goggles, N95 mask and boots The CERT goal is to do the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number Hope for the best but plan for the worst Lamorinda CERT Visual 9.1

2 Landlines, Cell Phones and Internet
We use these every day but we can’t count on them after a disaster All of these technologies depend on wires or fiber optics and electricity After a disaster these may be out for days, weeks or even months! Visual 9.2 Lamorinda CERT

3 Neighborhood Communications
If landline phones work, use them but expect them to be very busy Cell phones may work but will be very busy also Text messages use less bandwidth and may work better Walk around and talk to each other Keep an AM/FM radio handy Use something that does not depend on wires, fiber cables or electricity Visual 9.3 Lamorinda CERT

4 CERT Data What is expected to be communicated by CERT members?
Immediate – Big picture: life safety, fire, collapse, etc. Soon after – Damage assessments Medical requirements Staffing requirements Emergency announcements Water, power and communications utility status How long are you going to do this without technology? Visual 9.4 Lamorinda CERT

5 Disaster Communications
Communications for CERTs Face-To-Face: verbal Within Sight: signs and signals Beyond Sight: runners and two-way radio Visual 9.5 Lamorinda CERT

6 Basic CERT Disaster Radio Communications
Team CERT Team CERT Incident Command EOC Visual 9.6 Lamorinda CERT

7 Sample Disaster Communications Plan
Neighborhood Homes Neighborhood Homes Captains / CERT Teams Captains / CERT Teams GMRS repeater Hams GMRS repeater Citizens Professionals EOC County Dispatch Law Enforcement Fire & Rescue Medical & Relief Visual 9.7 Lamorinda CERT

8 What is FRS? Family Radio Service (FRS) is an FM walkie-talkie radio service designed for short distance (<5 miles) personal communications. Uses channelized frequencies around 462 and 467 MHz in the UHF band There are 14 simplex channels available Sub-channels, also known as CTCSS or PL tones, are available on all models Can only operate with 0.5 watt of power Antenna must be permanently attached Visual 9.8 Lamorinda CERT

9 About FRS Radios Very low power, ½ watt ERP (Effective Radiated Power)
Very low cost No license required Personal and business use OK Channels 1-7 are shared FRS / GMRS Channels 8-14 are FRS only Channels are GMRS only (OK to listen) No external antennas allowed Typically 0.5 to 1 mile communication range Visual 9.9 Lamorinda CERT

10 What is GMRS? General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) is a land-mobile FM UHF radio service designed for short distance two-way communications. GMRS radios are typically handheld portable devices much like FRS radios. They share the FRS frequencies. There are 22 simplex channels available on all radios and 8 repeater channels on some radios CTCSS sub-channels are available on all models Mobile and base stations are permitted to 50 watts of power Visual 9.10 Lamorinda CERT

11 About FRS/GMRS Radios Handi-talkie radios that have both FRS and GMRS channels Most common radios available Manufacturer range claims not to be believed Use low power channels without a license Household GMRS licenses at $70 for 5 years, effective Aug 26, 2016 GMRS repeaters are in Lafayette, Moraga and Orinda Visual 9.11 Lamorinda CERT

12 Selecting FRS/GMRS Radios
Repeater capable FRS/GMRS Radios with Amazon prices as of December 2016 Motorola makes 3 models: MR355R – Not waterproof hard to find MS350R – Waterproof $64.99 / pair MS355R – Waterproof, Camo $84.99 / pair Olympia has 1 model: R500 $74.99 / pair Radios have rechargeable batteries and charger; may also use AA alkaline cells Ignore “mileage” claims. Battery life is more important than transmit power. Visual 9.12 Lamorinda CERT

13 FRS/GMRS Radio Features & Functions
Off-On / Volume Antenna Ear Phone Jack Channel Push To Talk Switch Subchannel Ring Tone Monitor/Scan Key Function Down Key Function Up Key Menu Key Speaker/Microphone Motorola MR355R Visual 9.13 Lamorinda CERT

14 FRS/GMRS Radio Features & Functions
Off-On Antenna Ear Phone Jack Channel Push To Talk Switch Subchannel Ring Tone Function / Volume Up Key Monitor/Scan Key Function / Volume Down Key Menu Key Speaker/Microphone Motorola MS350R / MS355R Visual 9.14 Lamorinda CERT

15 FRS/GMRS Radio Features & Functions
Off-On Antenna Ear Phone Jack Channel Push To Talk Switch Subchannel Ring Tone Function / Volume Up Key Monitor/Scan Key Function / Volume Down Key Menu Key Speaker/Microphone Olympia R500 Visual 9.15 Lamorinda CERT

16 FRS/GMRS Radio Batteries
“AA” alkaline cells Rechargeable Rear cover Visual 9.16 Lamorinda CERT

17 FRS Channels Channel Frequency (MHz) Notes
FRS/GMRS Shared FRS/GMRS Shared FRS/GMRS Shared FRS/GMRS Shared FRS/GMRS Shared FRS/GMRS Shared FRS/GMRS Shared FRS Only FRS Only FRS Only FRS Only FRS Only FRS Only FRS Only All channels are “simplex”. Radios transmit and receive on the same frequency. 1-7 FRS shared with GMRS, no license if low power 8-14 FRS Only ½ Watt Low Power - NO LICENSE REQUIRED Visual 9.17 Lamorinda CERT

18 GMRS only Channels Channel Frequency (MHz) Notes simplex 15R input R input R repeater input R input R input 20R (Moraga) input ; tone = 77Hz 21R (Orinda) input ; tone = 77Hz 22R (Lafayette) input ; tone = 77Hz Visual 9.18 Lamorinda CERT

19 Selecting a Channel To select a channel: Turn on radio
Note channel number in window Press “Menu” once – BRIEFLY Use + and – keys to move up or down to desired channel. Wait for blinking to stop or tap “Push to Talk” button. Visual 9.19 Lamorinda CERT

20 Selecting a Sub-Channel
To select a sub-channel: Note sub-channel number under channel in window Lamorinda CERT normally uses sub-channel 0 To change sub-channel, press “Menu” twice, quickly. The sub- channel number will blink. Use + and – keys to move up or down to desired sub-channel. Wait for blinking to stop or tap “Push to Talk” button. Your radio is now ready for communications. Visual 9.20 Lamorinda CERT

21 FRS / GMRS Range GMRS Repeater “line of sight” Lamorinda CERT
Visual 9.21 Lamorinda CERT

22 Using the radio Select a channel – your team leader will tell which to use Test the radio before you venture out Make sure you can communicate with your team It is not a cell phone To talk: hold radio 2”-3” from mouth, press “PTT” button To listen: let go of “PTT” button Visual 9.22 Lamorinda CERT

23 Communicating Listen ! Think what you are going to say before you press the “PTT” button Speak clearly, calmly, carefully Get the message across without a lot of words Visual 9.23 Lamorinda CERT

24 Radio Protocols Talking Calling another station
Use agreed-upon identifiers “Team 3 this is Team Leader. Over” Wait for response which should be: “Team Leader this is Team 3. Over” Or just “Team 3. Over” Speak in a normal tone of voice and speak clearly! Visual 9.24 Lamorinda CERT

25 Radio Protocols You have made contact. Exchange questions and answers in brief, clear language understandable to all who may be listening NO police “10” codes or “11” codes ! NO CB jargon ! NO slang or ethnic / gender slurs ! You are conveying important information to people you may neither know nor have worked with in the past Visual 9.25 Lamorinda CERT

26 Radio Protocols - Exchange
Sample exchange “Team A this is Team Leader - Over” “Team A - Over” “What is your location? - Over” “Corner of Moraga Way and Moraga Road - Over” “Check Safeway for damage and injuries. Over” “Will check Safeway for damage and injuries.” “Team A out” Visual 9.26 Lamorinda CERT

27 Examples of FRS Channel Allocations
Ch. 8, Neighborhood channels Ch. 9 Emergency messages for relay Message passing between CERT and EOC/Hams Is it a life-threatening emergency? Is it a major calamity emergency? Is it a Rapid Needs Assessment report? Visual 9.27 Lamorinda CERT

28 CERT FRS Communications
Non-Disaster FRS Communications Channel allocations: Sub-channel (PL Tone, Privacy Code) as directed by the team leader Remember that all team radios need to be set to the same channel and sub-channel. Test them ! Visual 9.28 Lamorinda CERT

29 CERT Radio Communications
GMRS Repeater Communications Moraga GMRS Repeater Ch 20R Sub 4 Orinda GMRS Repeater Ch 21R Sub 4 Lafayette GMRS Repeater Ch 22R Sub 4 Use these repeaters for out-of-neighborhood communications. Use FRS channels for in- neighborhood communications. When you get your new repeater-capable radio, we’ll help you program it! Visual 9.29 Lamorinda CERT

30 Unit Summary Standard forms of communication may not be available but radio is always available FRS requires no license FRS has short range GMRS requires license, has longer range potential Listen first, then speak clearly, calmly, carefully without using a lot of words Use plain English, no codes All team members must use the same channel Visual 9.30 Lamorinda CERT

31 Questions ? Visual 9.31 Lamorinda CERT

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