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A CPU register which stores data in current use by the CPU

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1 A CPU register which stores data in current use by the CPU
Accumulator A CPU register which stores data in current use by the CPU

2 Actuator Device that produces physical movement based on output from a computer system.

3 Location in main memory used to store data or instructions
Address Location in main memory used to store data or instructions

4 A set of precise instructions to achieve some goal.
25/03/2014 Algorithm A set of precise instructions to achieve some goal.

5 Continuously changing values
Analogue Continuously changing values

6 Small application designed to perform a single specific task
Applet Small application designed to perform a single specific task

7 Software designed to carry out a real world task
Application Software designed to carry out a real world task

8 Array A data structure containing multiple variables under a single name. Fixed length.

9 ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange. 7-bit system to code the character set of a computer

10 Program which translates assembly code into machine code
Assembler Program which translates assembly code into machine code

11 Assembly Language Low level programming language which uses mnemonics and labels to represent machine level code. One-to-one instruction ratio.

12 Setting the value of a variable.
Assignment Setting the value of a variable.

13 A characteristic of an entity. It becomes a field in a data table.
Attribute A characteristic of an entity. It becomes a field in a data table.

14 Auto documentation A tool provided by an IDE that tracks variables, modules and structures for maintenance purposes.

15 Bar code Pattern of lines representing a unique identifying number that can be scanned into a computer.

16 A number system using only 2 digits, 0 and 1.
Binary A number system using only 2 digits, 0 and 1.

17 Bit Binary digit, 1 or 0

18 ACID Atomicity, consistency, Isolation, Durability. Set of rules in DBMS which ensure transactions are completed correctly.

19 ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit. Performs arithmetic and logical operations in the CPU.

20 The space available for each sample measured in kilobits per second.
Bit rate The space available for each sample measured in kilobits per second.

21 A value that can only be true or false
Boolean A value that can only be true or false

22 A method for expressing mathematically a logic circuit
Boolean Algebra A method for expressing mathematically a logic circuit

23 Bus A part of the computer architecture that transfers data and signals between the components of a computer.

24 Byte 8 bits

25 Special high speed memory used by a computer
Cache memory Special high speed memory used by a computer

26 A device to capture still or moving images
camera A device to capture still or moving images

27 Compact Disk. An optical device with a capacity of 700MB
CD Compact Disk. An optical device with a capacity of 700MB

28 Single alphabetic or numeric character

29 The characters available to a computer
Character set The characters available to a computer

30 Converts an ASCII code into tis corresponding character
CHR( ) Converts an ASCII code into tis corresponding character

31 Software or hardware which requests data from a server
Client Software or hardware which requests data from a server

32 Clock chip The electronic device in a computer which controls the timing of signals

33 Text area in an IDE used for the editing of code.
Code Editor Text area in an IDE used for the editing of code.

34 Number of bits used for each pixel in an image
Colour depth Number of bits used for each pixel in an image

35 Where instructions can be given directly to the operating system.
Command line Where instructions can be given directly to the operating system.

36 Comparing two values and returning TRUE or FALSE.
Comparison Comparing two values and returning TRUE or FALSE.

37 Compiler A program which translates a whole program into machine or object code before executing it.

38 Compression The process of reducing the size of a file for download or storage purposes.

39 Computer Architecture
The internal logical structure and organisation of a computer.

40 Combining two strings into a single string
Concatenation Combining two strings into a single string

41 Constant A label referring to a memory location containing a value which cannot be changed by a program.

42 Works with the CPU to control the flow of data through the CPU.
Control unit Works with the CPU to control the flow of data through the CPU.

43 Central Processing Unit. Fetches, decodes and executes instructions.
25/03/2014 CPU Central Processing Unit. Fetches, decodes and executes instructions.

44 Software specifically developed for a person or company.
Custom written Software specifically developed for a person or company.

45 The stored schema of a database
Data dictionary The stored schema of a database

46 The state of data being as it should be, reflecting reality.
Data integrity The state of data being as it should be, reflecting reality.

47 Unnecessary repetition of data
Data redundancy Unnecessary repetition of data

48 A tool provided by an IDE to identify syntax errors
Debugger A tool provided by an IDE to identify syntax errors

49 A flow diagram symbol used to show a decision stage, usually a yes/no.

50 Declaration Identifying a variable or constant or array to a program so that memory space can be allocated.

51 The process of breaking down a problem into more manageable parts.
Decomposition The process of breaking down a problem into more manageable parts.

52 Defragmenter Tool provided by an operating system as part of a disk management suite. A utility program which brings file fragments together , collecting free space into one area of the disk.

53 A number system which uses base 10, or 10 digits.
Denary A number system which uses base 10, or 10 digits.

54 Device driver A piece of software that provides an interface between a peripheral device and the computer.

55 Arranging files and data on a secondary storage device.
Disk organisation Arranging files and data on a secondary storage device.

56 Domain Name A human readable name for a resource on a network. It is changed into an IP address by a DNS server

57 A CPU with multiple cores.
Dual/quad – core A CPU with multiple cores.

58 DVD Digital Versatile Disk. An optical storage device with a capacity of 4.7GB

59 Software used for entering source code when writing a program
Editor Software used for entering source code when writing a program

60 A computer system which forms part of an electronic device
Embedded System A computer system which forms part of an electronic device

61 Entity A real world object or person, about which we store data in a database.

62 Entity Relationship Diagram
A diagram which shows how entities are connected in a database.

63 Erroneous Data that would not normally be expected – for example, the wrong data type.

64 Error Diagnostics A tool provided by an IDE to find errors and produce warnings about the code.

65 Extreme Data which is at the extreme limit of valid or invalid to check boundary conditions

66 Failover Automatic switching to a backup computer system in the event of a failure.

67 Fetch – execute cycle The process of fetching instructions from the cache, decoding them and then executing them in the CPU

68 A characteristic about something sorted in a database
Field A characteristic about something sorted in a database

69 Stored data on a suitable media
File Stored data on a suitable media

70 Firewall Software and/or hardware which limits access to and from a computer system.

71 Firmware Software that is stored permanently in a device, such a control programs for devices.

72 Flash memory Solid-state memory used as low cost secondary storage in portable devices and as removable memory.

73 Database containing only one table
Flat file Database Database containing only one table

74 A number containing a decimal point.
Float A number containing a decimal point.

75 Flowchart/diagram A diagrammatic representation of an algorithm, showing the structure and flow of data, solving a problem.

76 Gigabyte 1024 Megabytes

77 GUI Graphical User Interface. Provides interface with the Operating System.

78 Hexadecimal Base-16 number system.

79 High-level language A Programming language which resembles natural language. One-to-many instruction ratio

80 Hypertext mark up language. A text based system for defining web pages
HTML Hypertext mark up language. A text based system for defining web pages

81 A device for connecting multiple network devices in one segment.
Hub A device for connecting multiple network devices in one segment.

82 Hyperlink An item on a webpage that directs the user to another location when clicked.

83 A picture on screen that represents a file, program or action.
Icon A picture on screen that represents a file, program or action.

84 Indexed sequential file
A sequential file that is accessed using an index which is a separate file

85 Input device A hardware device used to input data into a computer system for processing

86 A set of commands that a processor can recognise and act upon.
Instructions A set of commands that a processor can recognise and act upon.

87 Integer Any whole number.

88 IDE Integrated Development Environment. Program providing a number of tools to assist development of programs.

89 The boundary between systems or between systems and humans
Interface The boundary between systems or between systems and humans

90 Interpreter A program which translates source code into machine code and executes it one line at a time.

91 Interrupt A signal to the operating system to stop what it is doing and perform a different task instead

92 Intranet A private data resource using the same technology as the internet, such as browsers and protocols.

93 Data used to test a program that should be rejected.
Invalid Data used to test a program that should be rejected.

94 A number that identifies a device on a TCP/IP network
IP address A number that identifies a device on a TCP/IP network

95 Instructions repeated until a condition is met.
Iteration Instructions repeated until a condition is met.

96 The lowest level of an operating system that controls the hardware.
Kernel The lowest level of an operating system that controls the hardware.

97 A device that uses labelled keys to enable data input into a computer.
Keyboard A device that uses labelled keys to enable data input into a computer.

98 Kilobyte 1024 bytes

99 Local Area Network. Confined to one location.
LAN Local Area Network. Confined to one location.

100 Linker Software that combines together a number of separate object code files.

101 A circuit made by combining a sequence of logic gates.
Logic circuit A circuit made by combining a sequence of logic gates.

102 The logical structure if the program produces unexpected results
Logic error The logical structure if the program produces unexpected results

103 Logic Gates A circuit that produces an output based on the input. Examples: AND, OR, NOT

104 Low-level language A programming language that is directed at controlling each machine operation

105 Instructions in binary used by the CPU
Machine code Instructions in binary used by the CPU

106 Magnetic hard disk Secondary storage device using magnetised platters to store data and files.

107 Megabyte 1024 kilobytes

108 Metadata Information about the image data that allows the computer to recreate the image from the binary data in the file. This must contain the height and width in pixels, and the colour depth.

109 A device for capturing sound
Microphone A device for capturing sound

110 A device which displays images and text.
Monitor A device which displays images and text.

111 The central PCB that holds the crucial components of the system.
Motherboard The central PCB that holds the crucial components of the system.

112 Mouse A device that controls the movement of a pointer on the screen based on its own movement and allows the user to select an object by pressing a button.

113 Structures inside other structures.
Nesting Structures inside other structures.

114 Nibble 4 bits. Half a byte.

115 Data is retained even after the power is switched off.
Non-volatile Data is retained even after the power is switched off.

116 The machine code produced by a compiler.
Object code The machine code produced by a compiler.

117 Software that is aimed at many users and sold “as is”
Off-the-shelf Software that is aimed at many users and sold “as is”

118 One to many A relationship between entities where a record may have links to many other records in another table.

119 The part of the instruction on which the operation is applied.
Operand The part of the instruction on which the operation is applied.

120 OS Operating system. Controls the hardware and acts as an interface between the user and the computer, and also between applications and the hardware.

121 A logical, arithmetic or comparison operator used by the program.

122 This is the part of the instruction that tells the CPU what to do.
Operator ( assembly) This is the part of the instruction that tells the CPU what to do.

123 Optical disk Secondary storage device using lasers to read and write to a reflective surface.

124 Overflow When a number becomes too large to fit in the number of bits that it has been allocated. Some bits are lost, leaving an incorrect value.

125 PDF Portable document format. A file standard that allows documents to be displayed accurately on any platform.

126 A networks arrangement where all computers are equal.
Peer-to-peer A networks arrangement where all computers are equal.

127 Pixel The smallest element of an image. Pixels are the dots that make the image on screen.

128 Platform A combination of hardware and operating system that supports the running of particular applications.

129 Pretty printer An editor that automatically sets out program code in an easy to read way.

130 Printer A device which produces physical copies of output of a computer system.

131 Process (flowchart) A flow chart symbol which defines any processing to be completed at that stage.

132 A program currently being executed
Process (program) A program currently being executed

133 A stored set of instructions for a computer to execute.
Program A stored set of instructions for a computer to execute.

134 A register in the CPU that keeps the address of the next instruction.
Program Counter A register in the CPU that keeps the address of the next instruction.

135 A way of writing an instructions for a computer to execute.
Programming language A way of writing an instructions for a computer to execute.

136 A set of rules or standards that control communication between devices
Protocol A set of rules or standards that control communication between devices

137 Pseudocode A method for describing an algorithm using structured English. Not language specific.

138 RAM Random Access Memory. Main memory of a computer that stores programs and data that are currently in use.

139 Graphics format consisting of a matrix of dots.
Raster Graphics format consisting of a matrix of dots.

140 ROM Read Only Memory. Storage for data on a computer which cannot be overwritten. ROM data is always available and non-volatile.

141 Number type. Can be whole or fractional.
Real Number type. Can be whole or fractional.

142 All the data about one item in a database.
Record All the data about one item in a database.

143 Good for security, bad for code. Unnecessary repetition.
Redundancy Good for security, bad for code. Unnecessary repetition.

144 Special fast access part of the CPU that stores data currently in use.
Register Special fast access part of the CPU that stores data currently in use.

145 The number of pixels per unit. E.g. ppi or dpi
Resolution The number of pixels per unit. E.g. ppi or dpi

146 RFID Radio Frequency Identification. Similar to a bar code, but using radio frequencies instead of optical scanning.

147 Run time environment Software toe support the execution of programs. Allows the developer to identify logical errors early.

148 Number of times the sound is sampled in a second. Measured in Hertz.
Sample Rate Number of times the sound is sampled in a second. Measured in Hertz.

149 Definition of a database
Schema Definition of a database

150 Non-volatile storage used to store programs, files and data.
Secondary Storage Non-volatile storage used to store programs, files and data.

151 Selection The pathway through a program selected using a condition to decided on whether an instruction is executed or not.

152 Self-booting The ability of a program to load itself. Some small devices load their applications directly without the need for a conventional operating system.

153 Sensor A device that can detect physical conditions such as temperature, weight, light etc.

154 Sequence A list of instructions to be carried out in order, one after the other.

155 Sequential File A serial file in order

156 A file of items on after another
Serial File A file of items on after another

157 Server Software that provides services to a client or the hardware that is running it.

158 Shell Software that provides a traditional text based interface to an operating system.

159 The programs that run on a computer.
Software The programs that run on a computer.

160 Formal methods to guide the writing of software.
Software Engineering Formal methods to guide the writing of software.

161 Solid state Technology based on electronics with no moving parts, for example transistors and capacitors as used in memory chips

162 Source Code The program written by the user in a high level language prior to translation.

163 A device to output sound
Speaker A device to output sound

164 Spyware Malicious software designed to detect what the user is doing and send this information back to the originator.

165 A string of alphanumeric characters

166 A device for connecting multiple network devices and multiple segments
Switch A device for connecting multiple network devices and multiple segments

167 Syntax error An error in the source code which violates the grammar of the programming language

168 TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. A set of standards which control how data is sent across networks

169 Terabyte 1024 gigabytes

170 Touch Screen A touch sensitive surface that allows the user to select, control or move object by touching icons etc. using their fingers or a stylus.

171 Trace A method of using data to check that a flow chart covers all possibilities correctly.

172 A program that converts source code into machine code
Translator A program that converts source code into machine code

173 Malicious software which is disguised as a useful program.
Trojan Malicious software which is disguised as a useful program.

174 Truth table A method for recording all the possible input combinations and their output.

175 Up to 32-bit system for encoding characters.
Unicode Up to 32-bit system for encoding characters.

176 A small program designed to carry out a limited maintenance task
Utility A small program designed to carry out a limited maintenance task

177 Data used in testing that represents normal data.
Valid Data used in testing that represents normal data.

178 The boundary between the computer and the user.
User Interface The boundary between the computer and the user.

179 Validation The process of checking that data as it is input to ensure that it I as expected.

180 A memory location with a handle or label, containing a value.
Variable A memory location with a handle or label, containing a value.

181 The process of checking that data entered is true or correct.
Verification The process of checking that data entered is true or correct.

182 Virtual Memory A section of the hard disk is used as if it was RAM to supplement the amount of main memory available to the computer when the main memory is insufficient.

183 Virus detection The process of detecting possible malicious software and files in a computer system

184 Data is lost when there is no power
Volatile Data is lost when there is no power

185 Wide Area Network. Covers larger geographical area.
WAN Wide Area Network. Covers larger geographical area.

186 A server that handles requests for a website.
Web server A server that handles requests for a website.

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