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Surgical Complication

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1 Surgical Complication

2 Perioperative Fever Infection or Inflammation -injury -catheters -UTI
-pneumonia -surgical sites -thrombophlebitis -drug reactions

3 Fever Day 1 Atelectasis -pulmonary physiotherapy Systemic symptoms
-severe wound complication -intestinal leakage

4 Fever Day 2 Catheter related problem Respiratory complication

5 Fever Day 3 Wound infection UTI, pneumonia Thrombophlebitis
Drug reaction

6 Fever Day >7 Anastomosis leakage Intraabdominal abscess
Deep wound infection

7 Wound Complication Wound infection Wound hematoma Wound seroma
Wound dehiscence

8 Wound Infection Wound classification -clean wound 3-4%
-clean-contaminated wound % -contaminated wound % -dirty wound %

9 Factor Wound Infection
Age DM patient Steroid use Obesity Duration of operation Malnutrition Hypothermia

10 Wound Hematoma Inadequate hemostasis Coagulopathy Aspirin user
Post-op thyroidectomy ---- airway obstruction

11 Wound Seroma Axillary dissection

12 Wound Dehiscence Separation of fascia +/- evisceration
Salmon-colored fluid post-op day 4 + evisceration operation - evisceration incision hernia

13 Factor Technical error Hypoproteinemia Morbid obesity Malignancy
Uremia COPD DM Suture material

14 Postoperative Ileus Non-mechanical obstruction -manipulation
-infection -abnormal eletrolyte -opiate -hypoalbuminemia

15 Post-op Ileus Small-bowel hr Stomach hr Large-bowel hr

16 Thyroidectomy Postoperative bleeding -airway obstruction
Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury -unilateral; hoarseness -bilateral; airway obstruction External branch of superior laryngeal nerve

17 Thyroidectomy Hypoparathyroidism -<8mg/dl -numbness, tingling
-tetany -convulsion -respiratory stridor -chvostek”s sign, trouseau”s sign -prolong Q-T , S-T interval

18 Thyroidectomy Thyroid storm -severe hyperthyroidism
-high mortality rate Symptom ;high fever ;conscious change ;GI dysfunction ;Atrial tachy-arrhythmia

19 Thyroidectomy Hypothyroidism Trachea and esophagus injury keloid

20 Breast Surgery Hemorrhage and hematoma Seroma Wound infection
Skin flap necrosis Frozen shoulder Injury to thoracodorsal nerve -latissimus dorsi -internal rotation and abduction

21 Breast Surgery Injury to long thoracic nerve -serratus anterior
-winged scapula Injury to intercostobrachial nerve Injury to axillary vein and artery Pneumothorax Lymphedema

22 Groin Hernia Hemorrhage Transection of spermatic cord
Severance of nerves Severance of testicular blood supply Femeral vein constriction Severance of vas deferens Damage to intestine Injury to urinary bladder and ureter

23 Groin Hernia Post-op -urinary retention -scrotal ecchymosis
-swollen testis -testicular atrophy -hydrocele -wound infection -neuroma -recurrence

24 Nerve Ilioinguinal nerve -base of penis, upper scrotum, adjacent thigh
Iliohypogastric nerve -suprapubic area Genitofemeral nerve -cremasteric muscle, skin of penis and scrotum, upper lateral thigh Femeral nerve -extensor muscle group of thigh

25 Splenectomy Intraabdominal bleeding Intraabdominal abscess
Pancreatic leakage/ fistula Portal Vein Thrombosis Overwhelming postsplenectomy sepsis

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