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Welsh Baccalaureate KS5 Global Citizenship Mini Challenge Theme: Health Topic: Childhood obesity  

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1 Welsh Baccalaureate KS5 Global Citizenship Mini Challenge Theme: Health Topic: Childhood obesity  


3 In this challenge you will:
Develop a detailed understanding of the global issue of childhood obesity, especially in Wales and the UK. Analyse a range of sources to research the issue and understand different viewpoints. Analyse issues using PESTLE. Evaluate different solutions using the SWOT method. Develop and communicate your own personal standpoint. Reflect on the critical thinking and problem solving process.

4 Mini challenge: Health
The Assembly’s Committees undertake inquiries across a broad range of issues, covering all of the responsibilities of the Welsh Government. At the end of an inquiry, the Assembly Members who sit on the Committee will weigh up the evidence they have heard and make recommendations to the Welsh Government about ways to improve existing policies. You will be playing the part of Assembly Members on the Health and Social Care Committee, deciding how best to tackle childhood obesity.

5 Key facts The rates of childhood obesity in Wales are the highest in the UK, with about 35 per cent of children (under 16 years old) being overweight or obese in 2011. 19 per cent of children classified as obese, 23 per cent of boys and 16 per cent of girls. Children aged between two and fifteen years old classed as obese from 16 per cent in 2008, to 19 per cent in 2010. In a survey of the childhood obesity rates of 35 countries, Wales had the fifth highest rate. Having at least one obese parent increases the likelihood of a child being obese 3-4 fold. Obesity related illnesses costs about £73m per year in Wales.

6 Plaid Cymru/Party of Wales
What do Assembly Members think? First Ministers Questions (19/1/16, written question) What action is the Welsh Government taking to reduce levels of childhood obesity in Wales? Lindsay Whittle AM Plaid Cymru/Party of Wales Carwyn Jones AM First Minister The Welsh Government is committed to tackling childhood obesity in Wales and has introduced legislative, policy and delivery initiatives that will bring about the whole-system approach necessary to make an impact on this major public health challenge. Ultimately, people must be encouraged and supported to change their lifestyles.

7 Health and Social Care Committee (16 July 2014, Record of Proceedings)
“We would not advocate bariatric surgery for those aged under 18 as a matter of course, although, again, we heard evidence that there are exceptions, and we have to trust the surgeons in this. I return to my earlier point about the urgent need to bombard parents—bombard them—with the responsibility that they have to protect their children from what amounts to neglect.” Lindsay Whittle AM, Plaid Cymru/Party of Wales “Why will it be different this time so that, in four years’ time, a subsequent health committee will not be having the same debate about the lack of tier 3 services and access to bariatric surgery?” Kirsty Williams AM, Welsh Liberal Democrats “I would like to end by, once again, emphasising that obesity cannot be viewed simply as a health issue, let alone an NHS issue.” Mark Drakeford AM, Welsh Labour – Minister for Health and Social Services Source for all photos:

8 Darren Millar AM, Welsh Conservatives
“Obesity is a challenge. It is a challenge in Wales and in many parts of the western world because of our diets and our lifestyles, and it seems to me that we need to make much more of an effort to educate the public, through our public health schemes, about the risks of obesity and about the links with diabetes and other health conditions, and to promote a greater level of patient responsibility in Wales so that people can be aware that what goes into their mouths can have an effect on their health in the longer term.” Darren Millar AM, Welsh Conservatives “We know that, in Wales, we have one of the highest rates of adult obesity in the western world. More worryingly, this does not look set to change as our childhood obesity rates are also some of the highest in the UK. Even today, we have seen obesity in children in Northern Ireland being raised as a concern. It is not going away.” David Rees AM, Welsh Labour Source for all photos:

9 Children and Young People Committee (15 January 2014)
BBC ‘Democracy Live’ video of the Children and Young People Committee in the National Assembly for Wales questioning witnesses on childhood obesity. Start video at 1:31. Link:

10 Points to consider.. What is the right balance between prevention and intervention? How much should governments intervene in people’s freedom to make their own choices? Is it necessary to bring in new laws to make sure that the changes take place? Or are there other ways to effect change?

11 Activity 1: Understanding childhood obesity

12 Activity 2: evaluating solutions to childhood obesity
In groups, you will be assigned two of the following childhood obesity issues: Health service interventions. Weight management programmes. Food poverty. Awareness raising. Planning and transport policy. Food in schools. Sport and physical activity. Taxes on unhealthy foods.

13 Health service interventions
Do you think the balance is right in terms of prevention and proactive intervention? Do you want to comment on the accessibility of Level 3 interventions? Do you think that surgical services should be available to young people under 18?

14 Weight management programmes
Do you have any comments on the MEND programme? How would you ensure that MEND is available consistently across Wales? Would you like to comment on the availability of weight management programmes for young people between 13 and 16 years?

15 Food poverty Do you want to comment or take any action on the cost of healthy food? Is this an area that is a priority for you? How do you think you could intervene in this area?

16 Awareness raising Do you think that the emphasis on health promotion campaigns is correct? How could they be improved? What do you think is the best way to seek to change people’s behaviour? Do you think rules for advertising unhealthy food should be (or could be) changed?

17 Planning and transport policy
Should planning policy be used to prevent takeaways from opening near schools? Should planning policy require applications to include a Health Impact Assessment? If so, is this necessary in all cases? Source:

18 Food in schools How much of a difference can changing the food available in schools really make? Should other measures, such as banning vending machines, or requiring pupils to eat lunches provided by the school, be introduced? Do you think such approaches, for example banning vending machines, should be extended to other places, such as hospitals? Should more be done to teach young people to cook healthy food?

19 Sport and physical activity
What would you do to encourage young people to be more active? Do you think that the school curriculum should be changed to include physical activity as a “core” subject, like Maths and Science?

20 Taxes on unhealthy foods
Do you think a levy should be introduced for unhealthy foods? What are the pros and cons of this approach?

21 Activity 3: The effectiveness of the solution
Using the SWOT method, analyse your chosen solutions. Remember! You will be presenting these to the whole group. Anticipate questions and criticisms of your solutions, and be ready to respond.

22 Activity 4: The Debate

23 Committee or debate? Committee Room 2 National Assembly for Wales
Committee: Questioning witnesses, reading written evidence, making recommendations. Debate: Making speeches, question viewpoints, respond to criticisms. Committee Room 2 National Assembly for Wales The Siambr National Assembly for Wales

24 Activity 5: Personal reflection
Outcome I have started to develop this skill I am confident I have achieved this outcome I can use PESTLE to think about an issue I can critically assess a variety of sources I can solve problems and make decisions using SWOT I have developed a personal standpoint about the issue of sugar in sugary drinks I can generate appropriate and realistic ideas for raising awareness

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