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NCAA and Core Course GPA

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1 NCAA and Core Course GPA
Mary Bragg-Lead Counselor-Clear Falls High School Dava West-Lead Counselor-Clear View High School Wade Oliphant-Offensive Coordinator-Clear Brook High School

2 Information for this session comes from:

3 Session Agenda Scholarship myths and facts
Scholarships…what does it really mean The Name Game Dangers of social networking/cellphones A look at NCAA/NAIA/NJCAA Recruiting Services NCAA Core Course Requirements Using Core Course GPA

4 FALSE Scholarship myths…
TRUE OR FALSE: The term “Full Ride” is a 4-year guaranteed scholarship FALSE All athletic scholarships are 1 year renewable deals for Division II schools. Division I schools now have the ABILITY to guarantee to give more than 1 year of aid…it is an option…they do not have to. Schools will let you know yearly what your deal is for the next year.

5 Scholarship facts… 3% of high school student-athletes receive a scholarship Less than 1% receive a 4-year Division I scholarship 26% of students (1 out of 4) who enter college on an athletic scholarship as a freshmen, are no longer on scholarship entering their sophomore year. A few reasons: homesick, athletes realize the work of balancing sport and school is too hard. 80% of scholarship/financial aid opportunities are NOT on the Division I level. By focusing on strictly DI schools, you will be missing out on 80% of the opportunities out there that can help pay for your college.

6 A look at NCAA Division I programs
Football: programs Basketball: Men’s 345 Women’s Soccer: Men’s 322 Women’s Volleyball: 30 Men’s Women’s Looks like a lot of programs…BUT…Not all D1 Schools provide scholarships!

7 A look at NCAA Division II & III programs
Football: programs Basketball: Men’s 276 Women’s Soccer: Men’s 408 Women’s Volleyball: 10 Men’s 269 Women’s Looks like a lot of programs…BUT…Not all DII Schools provide scholarships! Division III Football: programs Basketball: (Men’s & Women’s) Soccer: Men’s 408 Women’s Volleyball: 49 Men’s 311 Women’s No Athletic Scholarship…but these schools can have LOTS of financial aids to offer athletes.

8 Other Programs that offer Athletic Scholarship…
NAIA-(National Association of Interscholastic Athletics) schools have scholarships in Football, Baseball, Soccer, Softball, and Volleyball. NJCAA-(National Junior College Athletic Association) provide athletic scholarships in Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Football, Lacrosse, Track, Golf, Volleyball, Swimming

9 To put it all in perspective…
Total Collegiate Athletic Opportunities NCAA/NAIA/JUCO Sport College High School Football ,226 Basketball (M) 1, ,969 Basketball (W) 1, ,711 Soccer (M) 1, ,375 Soccer (W) 1, , 901

10 The Name Game… Going to a “Name Brand” school may get yoou to the school, but your play time might be limited. A good question to ask yourself…if the college you are researching did not offer your sport, would you still consider attending that school? The end result of going to college is to get an education…not to play a sport. Remember…this is not a 4 year decision…it is a 40 year or longer year decision!

11 Dangers of social networking/cellphones
NEVER FACEBOOK OR TWITTER WHEN YOU ARE BITTER! Posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. have caused issues for students. Even though posts have been taken down…they are still out there. Coaches monitor social media for the type of character you possess. Keep your social media positive. Athletes have lost scholarships over things they posted on social media. Cell Phone photos can cause problems. Everyone has a cell phone and people like to capture moments on their phone. Athletes have lost scholarships for photos that were posted online. Make sure your address makes a good first impression. All this holds true for future employers as well!!!

12 Recruiting Services If you want something done right…do it yourself with your coach’s assistance. Don’t fall victim to hearing what you want to hear. Listen to what you need to hear. “We have a HUGE database that will help you…way more than your coach has.” DIY You can video yourself. Make a highlight tape. Post on YouTube/Vimeo. Now you have somewhere coaches can see you. Have a student profile (aka resume). Have your Core Course GPA information.

13 What is Core Course GPA? It is a FREE student membership provided by CCISD. It is a web-based tool assisting high school players and parents.

14 NCAA DI Initial-Eligibility Minimum Requirements…
Division I Graduate from high school Complete 16 core courses Earn a minimum 2.30 GPA in your NCAA core courses Earn a qualifying SAT or ACT score based on a sliding scale correlated to core course GPA 10 core course credits must be completed PRIOR to senior year and those grade are “locked in” once senior year begins 7 core credits in English, Math or Science must be completed PRIOR to the senior year There are two qualifier status: Full Qualifier and Academic Redshirt

15 NCAA DII Initial-Eligibility Minimum Requirements…
Division II Graduate from high school Complete 16 core courses Earn a minimum 2.20 GPA in your NCAA core courses Earn a qualifying SAT or ACT score based on a sliding scale correlated to core course GPA Two qualifier status: Full Qualifier and Partial Qualifier

16 Core Course Requirements
Although both divisions require 16 core credits, the subcategory course requirements are different for DI and DII: Subject Division I Division II English years years Math years years Natural/Physical Science years years Social Science: years years Additional English, Math, or Science: 1 year years Additional Core Courses years years

17 NCAA Core Course Requirements
Your cumulative GPA DOES NOT EQUAL your NCAA Core Course GPA. It is not uncommon for the NCAA Core Course GPA to be an ENTIRE POINT LOWER than the Cumulative GPA. The earlier a student-athlete begins tracking their core courses, the better. Every semester counts. Student-athletes satisfy up to 33% of their NCAA core course requirements in the… FRESHMAN YEAR

18 NCAA Core Course Requirements
NCAA credit recovery rules are very restrictive regarding approval and acceptance of online and distance learning classes. In CCISD online COMPASS Credit Recovery both during the school year and at summer school DOES NOT meet NCAA requirements. Face-to-face credit recovery in summer school DOES meet NCAA requirements. Online course must meet NCAA standards and be on the school’s NCAA List of Approved Core Courses. Just because a course is valid for graduation does not guarantee that it is approved by the NCAA Eligibility Center. Year-end grade averaging for credit does not meet NCAA requirements of a passing grade. Meeting the MINIMUM NCAA initial-eligibility standards does not guarantee admittance into the college of your choice. Some colleges may have higher standards.

19 Core Course GPA…A 5 step process

20 Produce a Report…

21 How to get your Core Course log in…
Download the handout or PowerPoint from Clear To College






27 How to get your Core Course log in…
Final Thoughts…. Once you log into Core Course GPA, please check out the PowerPoint and the Free Webinar for more information about the NCAA and playing sports in college.

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