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2017 AP® Preadministration Session

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Presentation on theme: "2017 AP® Preadministration Session"— Presentation transcript:

1 2017 AP® Preadministration Session

2 Please Note Do NOT complete answer sheets if you are ONLY taking the following exams: AP Chinese Language and Culture AP Studio Art (2-D Design or Drawing) If these are the ONLY exams you are taking, you will submit your registration information electronically. DO complete slides 4-6 ONLY.

3 Do you have… A Student Pack? An answer sheet?
A No. 2 pencil? (NO mechanical pencils!) Raise your hand if you need any of these items! About Your Answer Sheet: The area in purple on the right side of page 1 and all of page 4 needs to be completed only once, during today’s session, regardless of how many exams you are taking this year. The area in blue on page 1 of your answer sheet must be completed on the day of each exam you take, though we will complete some of those fields today. Do you have…

4 AP Student Pack Find your sheet of AP number labels in the center of your Student Pack. In the upper right-hand corner of the sheet of AP number labels, write your name in the space provided. Peel off one label. Turn to the back cover of the Student Pack and place the label in the top left-hand corner of the College Information Card.

5 AP Number Card Do NOT lose your AP number!
Peel off another AP number label. Turn to the back cover flap of your Student Pack and place the label on the AP Number Card. Write your name on the card. Remove the card from the booklet and keep it in a safe place. Do NOT lose your AP number! Take a photo of your AP Number Card with your cell phone! Your AP scores will be online only. You will not get scores in the mail. You will need the information on this card to view your scores and order AP score reporting services online. AP Computer Science Principles Students: You will need your AP Number to submit your final performance task (due by April 30) in the AP Digital Portfolio. AP Studio Art Students: You will need your AP Number to forward your digital portfolio to your teacher in the AP Studio Art Digital Submission web application.

6 Front Cover of the Student Pack
Print your grade level, last name, first name, and middle initial. Print your six-digit school code: Wayland High School School Code = Print your AP number in the spaces indicated. Check the box next to each AP Exam you plan to take this year.

7 Important! AP score reports contain all of your AP scores from each testing year, so it is important to provide consistent information from year to year: Provide your full legal name. If you have previously taken an AP Exam and you supplied your Social Security number, you should do so again this year.

8 Page 1 of the Answer Sheet
Take another AP number label from your Student Pack and place it in the white box at the top left-hand corner of the answer sheet.

9 Page 1 of the Answer Sheet
Item A: Leave this item blank. At the start of each exam, you will be asked to sign here to indicate that you have received and understand the information provided in the Bulletin for AP Students and Parents Be sure to read the Bulletin!

10 Page 1 of the Answer Sheet
Item B: Print your legal name (last name, first name, and middle initial). Fill in the corresponding circles. If your name does not fit in the spaces provided, fill in as many circles as you can.

11 Page 1 of the Answer Sheet
Item C: Copy the AP number from the label on your answer sheet. Fill in the corresponding circles.

12 Page 1 of the Answer Sheet
Leave items D, E, F, G, and H, blank. These will be completed on the day of the exam.

13 Page 1: Student Information Area (Purple)
Item I: Print your phone number, including your area code. Fill in the corresponding circles.

14 Page 1: Student Information Area
Item J: Print the school code you printed on the front of your Student Pack. Fill in the corresponding circles Wayland High School School Code = Then print the name, city, state, and country of your school.

15 Page 1: Student Information Area
Item K: Complete your date of birth. Fill in the corresponding circles. Item L is optional. However, if you have previously taken an AP Exam, and you provided your Social Security Number before, you should do so again. If you are not sure of your Social Security Number, do not guess. Leave the item blank.

16 Page 1: Student Information Area
Item M is optional. To send your scores to a college, complete this section. The list of college codes is in your Student Pack, starting on page 10. Enter the college code, fill in the corresponding circles, then print the name, city, state, and country of the college. If you cannot find your college in the Student Pack, use 9999 as the college code, and provide as much information as you can about the college, such as name, city, and state. If you do not want to send your scores at this time, leave this item blank. Item N: Indicate your grade level.

17 Page 1: Student Information Area
Item O: Do you wish to participate in the Student Search Service®? If you mark “Yes,” your name, address, address, and other information on this Answer Sheet will be provided to colleges, universities, scholarship programs, and educational opportunity organizations.

18 Page 4: Student Identification Information
Item R: Print your complete mailing address, including the ZIP or postal code. Fill in the corresponding circles. If your address does not fit in the spaces provided, fill in as many circles as you can. Be sure to fill in a circle for State. Leave the Country Code blank. Item S: Leave this item blank.

19 Page 4: Student Identification Information
Item T: Enter your Wayland Student ID Number. If you don’t know your Student ID number, leave this item blank. You will be able to use your student ID number to access your AP scores online.

20 Page 4: Student Identification Information
Item U: Provide your address so the College Board can send you important information about your scores. If you have a College Board account, be sure to use the same address you used to create that account.

21 Page 4: Student Identification Information
Complete Items V and W. Item X: There are two questions. If you identify with multiple races and ethnic groups, you may mark all the choices that apply to you. Item Y: In the first column, indicate the highest level of education of one parent/guardian, and also indicate whether this is your mother/female guardian or your father/male guardian. If you have a second parent/guardian, do the same in the second column for your other parent/guardian.

22 Finally… Check that all of the information provided is correct.
Check that you placed an AP number label in the white box on page 1. Place your Answer Sheet and Student Pack into your folder. You will be given your folder, with Student Pack and Answer Sheet, at each exam. You will use this Answer Sheet for your first AP Exam. You may take your Student Pack home after your last exam. Remember to take your AP number card with you. Good luck on your AP Exams!

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