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Laksono Trisnantoro Universitas Gadjah Mada

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1 Laksono Trisnantoro Universitas Gadjah Mada
Supply side challenges for JKN, Benefit Package, and their implications for equity Laksono Trisnantoro Universitas Gadjah Mada

2 Contents: Health Financing Situation: Who gets the most from BPJS?
Supply side growth and its impact on equity Political-economy analysis Policy Recommendations

3 1. Health Financing under JKN
Health Social Security system for achieving UHC started in January 2014. Service Providers (Supply side) include Primary and Referral Care. Supply side is extremely not well distributed across Indonesia Human resources Health facilities In 2015, some reports show that BPJS faces a deficit of Rp. 2-4 trillion

4 BPJS Funding Deficits in 2014
In 2015 and 2016: Also projected deficits Pardede, 2015

5 PMA 2020: Is it a proper thing?
Captures data on insurance coverage for family planning services. Poorer women are likely to be covered by Jamkesda Wealthier women by BPJS Overall: 26% covered by Jamkesda 21% by BPJS

6 Analysis Using Health Financing Concepts: Revenue Collection Pooling
Purchasing and Political Economy

7 Health Financing Concepts applied in Indonesia (simplified)
Non-tax Income Tax Income Non-PBI, former PT Askes APBN Very low premium relative to benefit received Non-PBI self-employed BKKBN PBI BPJS MoH Private Insurance Other Ministries Primary Care Referral Care 489 (72.9 T) Pemda Out of pocket Local Gov

8 Revenue Collection (2014 data)
Non-tax Income Tax Income Non-PBI, former PT Askes (67.5 T) APBN ~20 T Non-PBI self-employed BKKBN PBI BPJS Nonpoor members (19.93 T) MoH Private Insurance 4 T Other Ministries Primary Care Referral Care 489 (72.9 T) Pemda Out of pocket NHA 2009 : (18 T) Local Gov revenues

9 Pooling MoH, big pool. BKKBN (Family Planning body), small pool.
BPJS Kesehatan, big pool. The Pools

10 Purchasing APBN BPJS MoH Primary Care Referral Care Tax Income
Non-tax Income Tax Income Non-PBI, former PT Askes APBN Non-PBI self-employed BKKBN PBI BPJS MoH Private Insurance Other Ministries Primary Care Referral Care Pemda Out of pocket Local Gov

11 Facts on JKN implementation in 2014:
Capitation is not linked with performance indicators There is no upper limit for hospitals on claims for services Fraud prevention, detection, deterrence, and prosecution system is not yet established Regions which have many doctors, health services, and high technology equipment get more funding Who gets the most from BPJS?

12 Who gets the most from BPJS?
Non-tax Income Tax Income Claim Ratio Less than 90% (Nov 2014) Non-PBI, former PT Askes APBN Non-PBI self-employed Not so poor BKKBN PBI BPJS MoH Private Insurance In Nov 2014: Claims Ratio was around 1300% In 2015: around 400 – 600% Other Ministries Primary Care Referral Care Pemda Out of pocket Local Gov

13 Possibility: Subsidy for the poor (PBI) is used by the middle and upper class of society
Non-tax Income Tax Income Non-PBI, former PT Askes BPJS APBN Rp Non-PBI self-employed BKKBN Rp PBI Rp MoH Private Insurance Other Ministries Primary Care Referral Care Pemda Out of pocket Local Gov’t income

14 There is widening inequity in who benefits from BPJS.
Overall: There is widening inequity in who benefits from BPJS.

15 2. Supply side growth and its impact on equity a
2. Supply side growth and its impact on equity a. The Growth of Hospitals b. Medical specialists situation and education MoH data from December 2015

16 a. Growth in the Number of Hospitals National Data

17 a. Growth in the Number of Hospitals National Data

18 Hospital growth by ownership

19 Hospital growth by BPJS region
Keterangan: Region 1: DKI, Jabar, Jateng, DIY, Jatim, Banten Region 2: Sumbar, Riau, Sumsel, Lampung, Bali, NTB Region 3: NAD, Sumut, Jambi, Bengkulu, Kepri, Kalbar, Sulut, Sulteng, Sulsel, Sultra, Gorontalo, Sulbar Region 4: Kalteng, Kalsel Region 5: Kep. Babel, NTT, Kaltim, Maluku, Malut, Papua Barat, Papua

20 2015: Number of Hospitals by Region and Class
No Keterangan A B C D Non Kelas Per Dec 2015 1 Region 1 39 208 442 240 355 2 Region 2 8 32 140 70 81 3 Region 3 78 213 86 189 4 Region 4 6 25 11 5 Region 5 16 67 65 Region 1: DKI, Jabar, Jateng, DIY, Jatim, Banten Region 2: Sumbar, Riau, Sumsel, Lampung, Bali, NTB Region 3: NAD, Sumut, Jambi, Bengkulu, Kepri, Kalbar, Sulut, Sulteng, Sulsel, Sultra, Gorontalo, Sulbar Region 4: Kalteng, Kalsel Region 5: Kep. Babel, NTT, Kaltim, Maluku, Malut, Papua Barat, Papua

21 b. Medical Specialists

22 2015: Numbers of 4 Major Specialists
Per Dec 2015 Ketersediaan spesialis di DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Sumatera Utara, Banten lebih banyak dibanding di provinsi lain, di NTT hanya 0.2% dari total jumlah spesialis 4 dasar tersebut.

23 Number of Specialists per Province
Ketersediaan spesialis di DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Sumatera Utara, Banten lebih banyak dibanding di provinsi lain, di NTT hanya 1 % dari total jumlah spesialis tersebut.

24 Residents and fellows No data
They are not classified yet as medical workers They are classified as students No significant increase of medical education which are capable to train residents and fellows

25 Supply side growth in 2015 Not much change Region 1 grew fast
More private for profit hospitals Number of specialists did not change much There was no significant policy to balance supply side in 2014 and 2015 The impact:

26 Claim system (INA-CBG)
Essentially fee-for-service hospital payment system Favors more-developed provinces There is no cap on hospital claims and regional expenditure Fraud control is not yet in place Claims Payments in Region 1 exceeded the budget In some remote provinces (NTT), there is unspent PBI funding

27 Benefit Package and Equity

28 Who enjoys BPJS benefits?
Benefit Package Benefit Package BPJS almost unlimited Standard minimum package In less developed provinces In developed provinces Number of People in Regions:

29 Gap for achieving UHC is widening
DIY NTT Zero 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 The problems of supply side: Gap for achieving UHC is widening

30 3. Political-economy analysis

31 The political economy debate
Welfare State Market Orientation vs Argues that the government has a key role to play in promoting the welfare of all society. Rely on government revenue (mainly tax-based) for financing health and family planning programs. Government should pay less. Social expenditure is expensive and sometimes beyond the capacity of government to finance Let the market work

32 The welfare state requires:
large fiscal capacity: strong tax revenue Well-distributed health facilities and human resources

33 Trends in Government Revenue and GDP 2007 – 2016
Tax Revenue Non-Tax Revenue

34 What is happening in the current Indonesian situation?
The economy is weak: Tax revenue collected is significantly under targets Non-tax Income What is happening in the current Indonesian situation? Tax Income Non-PBI, former PT Askes APBN Non-PBI Self-employed BKKBN PBI BPJS MoH Private Insurance Some of subsidy for the poor is used by the rich Other Ministries Primary Care Referral Care Pemda Out of pocket Local Gov

35 The Power of Private Financing through increasing Premium, Private Insurance and Out of Pocket mechanism is big GDP Tax Revenue Non-Tax Revenue

36 4. Policy Recommendations:
Balancing the supply side. More investment in health facilities and human resources. Residents and fellows should be classified as medical workers Compensation policy should be in place A For better social justice B No hidden subsidy for the rich; Premium increases from the middle and upper segments of society should be imposed; Private financing from the better off should be encouraged Introduce catastrophic insurance for the middle and upper classes

37 Financial Flow Recommendations
Non-tax Income Tax Income B A Non-PBI ex PT Askes APBN Non-PBI Mandiri Very low premium relative to benefit BKKBN PBI BPJS Private Insurance MoH Other Ministries Primary Care Referral Care 489 ( 72.9 T) Pemda Out of pocket Local Gov

38 Note: Hard challenge to address
Keterangan A B C D Non Kelas Per Dec 2015 1 Region 1 39 208 442 240 355 2 Region 2 8 32 140 70 81 3 Region 3 78 213 86 189 4 Region 4 6 25 11 5 Region 5 16 67 65 Region 1: DKI, Jabar, Jateng, DIY, Jatim, Banten Region 2: Sumbar, Riau, Sumsel, Lampung, Bali, NTB Region 3: NAD, Sumut, Jambi, Bengkulu, Kepri, Kalbar, Sulut, Sulteng, Sulsel, Sultra, Gorontalo, Sulbar Region 4: Kalteng, Kalsel Region 5: Kep. Babel, NTT, Kaltim, Maluku, Malut, Papua Barat, Papua

39 Financing Structure Change
Private financing BPJS Jamkesda 100 % Financing Structure Change 50 % Is it possible? Is it better? Is it more equitable? 0 % Poorest Poor Middle Rich Richest

40 Expected policy: Source: Trisnantoro, 2016 Benefit Package
Catastrophic Insurance Standard minimum package Compensation policy for Human Resources In less developed provinces In developed provinces Number of People in Regions:

41 Let’s discuss Thank you

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