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Creating Your Art Gallery

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Your Art Gallery"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Your Art Gallery
Art Appreciation

2 Express beliefs and culture through art

3 Build awareness of different cultures

4 The technique here is impasto

5 The media here is Watercolor

6 Theme – Realism in the American frontier

7 A theme could be religious

8 A theme could be landscapes or mountains

9 A theme could be graphic or comic art

10 A theme could be murals

11 A theme could be photographs of nature

12 Some artists document an important scene

13 Introduce your theme

14 Tell why it interests you

15 Suggested online art museums
The National Gallery Metropolitan Museum of Art Smithsonian American Art Museum Guggenheim york/collections/collection-online

16 Identify each artwork, title, artist, date, size, media

17 Select designs and colors for slides
Look under “COURSE CONTENT” Click on “Course Resources” Use the PowerPoint webinars for information on selecting slide design templates, selecting colors, rearranging text boxes, using your own photos for images or a background, and making a photo lighter so that text shows on top of it.

18 Your title slide is important to your gallery

19 Select a design that enhances your theme

20 Be consistent with your slide design

21 Unit III will add descriptions to your artworks

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