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Presentation on theme: "Buddhism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buddhism

2 Siddhartha Gautama Founder Born into noble family in Nepal
Isolated as a boy Stay at home – World Ruler Leave home – Universal spiritual leader

3 Quest Age 29 – ventures outside four times
Old man, Sick man, Corpse, Holy man at peace Only religious life offers refuge from suffering Search for religious truth and end life’s suffering Seeks enlightenment (wisdom) for 6 years 49 days of Meditation Understands cause of suffering 4 Noble Truths Becomes Buddha – The Enlightened One

4 Origins and Beliefs First sermon to five friends
Lays out four main ideas during his enlightenment Four Noble Truths Truths Descriptions First Noble Truth Life is filled with suffering and sorrow Second Noble Truth Cause of suffering is people’s selfish desire for temporary pleasures in this world Third Noble Truth The way to end suffering is end all desires Fourth Noble Truth The way to overcome desires and attain enlightenment is to follow the Eightfold Path

5 Eightfold Path Guide to behavior
Master one step at a time over many lifetimes Reincarnation Nirvana – Release from selfishness and pain Ultimate Goal No more reincarnation

6 Eightfold Path (cont.) Right Views Right Resolve Right Speech
Right Conduct Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration See world through FNT Want to behave justly Tell the truth, speak kind Be good Work and be moral Work to keep focused Pay attention to your mind Meditate as Buddha did

7 Spread of Buddhism Spreads to Asia Trade Fades in India Hinduism
Buddha incarnated God of Vishnu

8 Current 350 Million followers 4th largest China has largest population
Thailand has highest %

9 Hinduism

10 Getting Started Aryans in Indus River Valley
Vedas – Sacred literate of four collections Prayers Magical Spells Instructions on how to perform rituals Big Veda – 1,028 hymns to Aryan Gods Upanishads – written ideas about translation of Vedic Hymns Teacher/Student dialogues How to achieve liberation from desires and suffering Getting Started

11 Moksha – State of understanding of all things; a release from life in this world
Reincarnated until you achieve this Karma – good or bad deeds Follows you through reincarnation Determines caste you are born in to, health, etc. Ahimsa – Nonviolence All people and things are aspects of Brahman and need to be respected End Goal

12 God’s Living soul (Brahman) may have 3 personalities
Brahma – Creator Vishnu – Protector (took on many forms) Shiva – The Destroyer Free to choose which to worship Family tradition Free to chose path for Moksha Right Thinking, Action, or Devotion God’s

13 Untouchables Based on occupation Role in Society
Brahmins: Priests Warriors Traders and Landowners Peasants or Traders Role in Society Who you could marry Who you could eat with Untouchables Outside the caste system ‘Impure people’

14 Judaism

15 Abraham – Father of the Hebrews
Lived in Mesopotamia Ordered by God to take his people to Canaan Covenant

16 Torah First 5 books of the Hebrew Bible Most sacred writings
Old Testament to Christians

17 Moses Hebrews slaves in Egypt Drought/Famine Moses lead them out
Male babies killed The Exodus Ten Commandments Mount Sinai Wandered for 40 years

18 Ten Commandments Basis for civil and religious laws of Judaism
New covenant

19 Confucianism

20 Basics Order and Harmony Five key relationships Ruler to Subject
Father and Son Filial Piety Husband and Wife Brother to Brother Friend and Friend

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