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Speech Contest: Contest Chair

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1 Speech Contest: Contest Chair
District 3 Toastmasters Lynne Nutter, ACS, ALB

2 Contest Overview Purpose: Speech contests are an important part of the Toastmasters educational program. They provide an opportunity for Toastmasters to gain speaking experience, as well as an opportunity for other Toastmasters to learn by observing proficient speakers. Participants: Contest Chair Contest Manager Chief Judge Contestants Judges Tiebreaking Judge Timers Counters SAA

3 Contest Chair by level Club VP Education Area Area Director
Division Division Director District Program Quality Director

4 Build Your Team Contest Chair Contest Manager Chief Judge
Facilities Committee Hospitality Committee Advertising Committee

5 Role Fulfillment Chief Judge Contest Manager Recruits Judges & Timers
Briefs Judges Oversee ballot counting Provide winner slate to Contest Chair & remind ADs/DDs to submit results to District Contest Manager Recruits Functionaries Provides equipment Organizes Sub Committees Promotes contest Provides certificates

6 Contest Chair Budget Location & Logistics Promotion Timed Agenda
Contestant Eligibility Certificates of Participation Pg. 18

7 Facilities Multiple contests held at a single facility over several hours on the same day What can be shared Facility costs Refreshments Some functionaries Hospitality Sgt at Arms Ballot Counters Timers What can NOT be shared Contest Chair Contest Manager Chief Judge Judges panel must be substantially different for each contest held

8 Before Contest: Facility
Confirm date and location Agenda Set times for the contestant and judges briefings Recommendation: Briefing minimum 30 minutes before contest start

9 Contestant Eligibility
For any contest: Be a member in good standing of the club/area/division/district in which they are competing The club must be in good standing For the International Speech Contest Member must have completed 6 projects in the Competent Communicator manual Confirmation of contestant eligibility is the responsibility of the Contest Chair. To be eligible to compete at any level, the member must be a ‘member in good standing’ in the club they are representing. There can be no lapse in membership (no reinstatements during the course of that contest season) – it’s not just that the member has paid their dues, it’s also that the club has paid the members’ dues at WHQ.. So be sure to confirm all contestants and alternates with the current club roster (club level) or with your District representative (Area/Division). Pg. 5-6

10 Timed Agenda Setup Briefings Pledge & Invocation
Introduction of Dignitaries Audience Briefing / Housekeeping Running the Contest Contestant Interviews & Participation Certificates Presentation of Awards Cleanup All these should be covered with your minute-by-minute agenda. Typically each of these has a traditional functionary assigned. Other things the Content Chair must be aware of: Minute of silence: Must maintain control of the room/auditorium while judges are marking their ballots Is responsible for announcing time disqualifications During presentations of certificates, don’t place under one’s arm pit

11 Contestants Briefing Collect Forms From Contestants Profile
Eligibility Draw for Speaking Order Determine any Special Requirements Props for Speech must be setup by Contestant or someone Contestant enlists, not the responsibility of the Contest Chair or any other contest official Define Speaking Area Use large index cards with numbers in left top margin for drawing of speaking order. Then have contestant write name and title of speech and use these to introduce speaker. Pg. 8-9

12 Contestants Briefing, Cont.
“Substantially original” Rules Requirement (25%) Contestant Introduction Protocol Contest Timing Requirements Timing of Green/Yellow/Red Lights When timing starts and stops Minimum and maximum time allowances Review Protest Procedures Humorous contest 5-7 minutes International contest 5-7 minutes Evaluation contest 2-3 minutes Tall Tales 3-5 minutes Table Topics 1-2 minutes Pg. 16

13 Audience Briefing Contest Chair: “Chief Judge, are we ready for a contest?” Chief Judge: “Contest Chair, we are ready.”

14 Note: Do not use 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place certificates from contest kit
And the Winner Is……. Area Contest Second Place First Place If only two contestants in the contest, announce the first place winner first. Division Contest Third Place Second Place First Place Note: Do not use 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place certificates from contest kit

15 Speech Contest: Contest Management
District 3 Toastmasters Lynne Nutter, ACS, ALB

16 Contest Manager Functionaries Refreshments Budget Expenditures
Contestant Eligibility & Bio Sheets As you meet with your contest management team, many of these items will be covered during your meeting agenda.

17 Functionaries Certificates & Awards Committee Timers Ballot Counters
Participant certificates Appreciation certificates for major roles Facilities Committee Setup of room, tables, food Clean up, leave things better than you started Timers Ballot Counters Sgt. At Arms Pledge/Invocation Refreshments Committee Registrar/Sign-In Person Photographer

18 Functionaries, (Cont.) Timers Two required for each contest
Ballot counters Three required for each contest Registration Table Minimum one person Sergeants at Arms Number will depend on facility and type of contest Will need one additional SAA for Table Topics contest Person working registration table should know dignitaries to ensure they sign in on the dignitary list

19 Checklist Tracker

20 Promotion Be Creative Start Early
Distribute fliers to neighboring clubs and community centers Post online in local event calendars Post on D3 Website There’s always 1-2 of those really creative-types in every club. Asking them to share their ‘passion’ with your contest publicity team is a great way to get them involved. Don’t forget to ask them about handling the contest programs and certificates as well!

21 Things to Prepare Certificates Contest Program Dignitaries List
Do not put club name with contestant names or education level Dignitaries List Sign-In Sheets Forms Blank Forms, Index Cards, Envelopes Things that can’t be forgotten. Be sure you know who is on point for each of these and who/how they will be brought to the event. Awards & Certificates Print blank certificates to be completed by Chief Judge – or pre-printed with each contestant and alternate name Format available at Toastmasters International Contest Program Do not put club affiliations with contestant names Timed Agenda Sign-In Sheets - optional Dignitaries List

22 Dignitary List

23 Things to Pack Stopwatches (2) Timing Lights Backup Timing Cards Gavel
Backup Forms Start a contest event box/bag and keep adding things as you have them ready. It never hurts to have ‘spares’ at the event. Again, be sure you know who is on point for each of these and who/how they will be brought to the event. Chief Judge and Contest Chair will also provide Contest Forms Notification of Winners Eligibility & Originality Biographical Information 3x5 index cards for position drawing Extra pens and pencils for contestants & judges

24 The Day of… Check in with all sub-committee leaders
Confirm all major functionaries Arrive early Trust your team (the art of delegation) Keep smiling

25 Contest Manager’s Toolkit
Contest Checklist Contest Planner Timed Agenda Donation Letter Speech Contest Rulebook Sample Flyers & Programs Participation & Award Certificate Templates

26 Contest Resources D3 Website
Dignitary Sign-in List Timed Agenda Sign-In Sheet for contests Contest Kits Certificate of Appreciation District 3 Chief Judge Report Sample of Area and Division Programs Contest Checklist (Contest Chair & Chief Judge) Contest results submission form (ADs & DDs):

27 Additional Resources Barb Hildenbrand, DTM
Lynne Nutter, ACS, ALB Enid Moore-Cranshaw, DTM Contest Resources: Contest results submission form:

28 Questions?

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