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Basic Programming I Working with QBasic

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1 Basic Programming I Working with QBasic
Lesson Plan Basic Programming I Working with QBasic

2 Core Curriculum Understanding, appreciation, and efficient, effective and ethical use of information technology processes in searching for data, communicating, problem–solving, working and livelihood Write basic programming languages.

3 Working with QBasic 1.Install QBasic to your computer
2. Creating QBasic program files 3.Running a program

4 Some Rules of QBasic - Line numbers - Keywords REM PRINT INPUT CLS END

5 Content: From “My world of Computers Secondary 3 P.13-P.15”
Variable names Mathematical Operators Add Subtract – Multiply * Divide / Remainder MOD

6 Related Subject: Mathematic
Simple calculations Finding the perimeter of a square Finding the circumference of a circle Finding the area of geometric shapes etc..

7 Objectives Students will be able to:
Understand 3 steps of working loop on writing program with QBasic Explain the using of keywords REM, PRINT, INPUT, CLS and END 3. Apply using variable and mathematical operators to rewrite programs for simple calculation

8 Time: 100 minutes(2 periods)

9 Activity 1 –Introduction (5 minutes)
Asking questions? “What have computers done to help people?” Teacher give the question to let them discuss which friends in class tell them to make list of works which have done by using computer then by random or volunteer ask them to present to class. Teacher and class add some ideas or comments. clue1: The development of computers has had beneficial effects on people of all ages. Even as computers continue to improve and progress, people find increased uses for them. Such as: Communication, Doing Business, Researching, Art and Graphics, Educational Modules, (

10 Activity 1 –Introduction (5 minutes +5)
Asking questions? “What have computers done to help people?” clue2: 3ds job Dirty, Dangerous and Demeaning (often Dirty, Dangerous and Demanding or Dirty, Dangerous and Difficult) (

11 Activity 1 –Introduction (5 minutes+5)
Asking questions? “What have computers done to help people?” Summary: 1. Computer works by human instructions. 2. A programming language is an artificial language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a computer. 3.BASIC(Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.) 4. QBasic is an IDE and interpreter for a variant of the BASIC programming language which is based on QuickBASIC.

12 Activity 2 –Vocabulary(10 minutes +5)
Warm up by some activities about the following vocabulary from textbook p13-15. Vocabulary 1.Syntax (n.) Refers to the spelling and grammar of a programming language. Computers are inflexible machines that understand what you type only if you type it in the exact form that the computer expects. The expected form is called the syntax. 2.Editor (n.) Sometimes called text editor, a program that enables you to create and edit text files. 3.Execute (v.) Same as run, to perform an action, as in executing a program or a command. 4.Display (n.) when something is shown electronically such as on a computer screen 5.Screen (n.) a flat surface in a cinema or on a television or a computer system on which pictures or words are shown 6.Component (n.) a part which combines with other parts to form something bigger 7.Handling (v.) to deal with, have responsibility for, or be in charge of 8.Sequential (adj.) following a particular order 9.Remark (n.) something that you say, giving your opinion about something or stating a fact 10.Assign (v.) to put a value in a particular position in the memory of a computer

13 Activity 3 –From the ground up and using online references(20 minutes+5)
From the following keywords: 1. what is QBasic? 2. History of programming languages 3. What is computer language? 4. What Is the Difference Between Computer Software & Hardware? 5. History of Computer 6. History of QBasic programming language Step 1 Assign students to work in pair, group 1 find the answer for the keyword number 1 group 2 - the keyword number 2, 3 – 3…, 6 – 6…, then group 7 start again from keyword number 1 …group 12 with keywords number 6 and then group 13 start from keyword number 1 and so on this way till the last group.

14 Activity 3 –From the ground up and using online references(20 minutes +5)
Step 2 -Use the given keywords to search for the answer from the Internet by using any search engines such as Google. -Choose the best result then copy and paste to Word Document with reference. -If possible summarize by using their own words. -Send their works to Class-Server

15 Activity 3 –From the ground up and using online references(20 minutes +5)
Step 3 -Teacher presents their work to class compare and comment or correct if necessary. -Teacher briefs the meaning of each keyword shortly.

16 Activity 4 – Step by step working with QBasic (about 50 minutes)
Tell students to follow instruction seriously step by step writing their first program with QBasic IDE. Students learn to imitate teacher’s demonstration from the projector screen and explanations. Focus on 3 steps of working loop 1st write source codes on QBasic IDE 2nd Run to check the result 3rd Correct if needed and Modify

17 Activity 4 – Step by step working with QBasic
First program use only PRINT command Increase REM, CLS with variety of PRINT command for the second program. Add variable and INPUT to the third. Ask students to apply for simple calculation. Finally assign students to work freely with simple graphics and/or simple calculation by using all commands they have learned.

18 Activity 5 – Learning report(homework)
Short answers Give the meaning of the following command: REM …………………………………………………….. PRINT……………………………………………………. CLS ………………………………………………………. INPUT …………………………………………………… END ……………………………………………………….

19 Activity 5 – Learning report(homework)
Short answers 2. What is variable in programming language? ……………………………………………………………………. 3. What is the most important point you have learned from this lesson? …………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………

20 Home Work & Revision Write QBasic programs C1 and C2 from page 21
Do the exercise B fill in the blanks on page 21. Write QBasic program on your own by follow instruction and example on page 16: Example 1, 2 and 3

21 Assessment Rubric assessment (by observation)
Excellent: Follow instruction all the time, enable to apply basic command to interesting program. Good: Follow instruction most of the time, finish all programs correctly. Average: Try to follow instruction, finished all program with some errors. Poor: Always lost the step by step track, and unable to finish assignment in class. Check from learning report(writing short answer) Check from homework(Textbook p. 16 & 21)

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