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STEPS Job advertisement Cover(ing) letter (application letter) 3) CV

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Presentation on theme: "STEPS Job advertisement Cover(ing) letter (application letter) 3) CV"— Presentation transcript:

1 STEPS Job advertisement Cover(ing) letter (application letter) 3) CV
4) Job interview 5) Contract

Internet and job search websites Business, financial magazines Informagiovani counter EURES The European Job Mobility Portal (Website) Chambers of Commerce Agenzia ICE (ha il compito di agevolare, sviluppare e promuovere i rapporti economici e commerciali italiani con l'estero)

3 CV or Résumé Europass

4 COVER LETTER Main information: Who you are
Reference to job advertisement Interest to work with the company, organization, etc. Reasons why you are right for that job Availability to a job interview

5 COVER LETTER Not too long Concise Describes your CV in brief
Professional style Formal language

6 VERBS Fare domanda di lavoro, candidarsi per: to apply for (a position, a job) Laurearsi in: to graduate in Essere laureato in: - Laurea triennale: to have a bachelor’s degree Laurea magistrale: to have a master’s degree Parlare inglese correntemente (bene): to speak English fluently, to have a good command of English

7 ISTRUZIONE Istruzione: education Crediti formativi: credit units (CU)
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado, scuola superiore: secondary school, upper secondary school, high school (AE) Diploma di scuola superiore: certificate Laureando: final year student Tesi di laurea: (final) dissertation

8 ISTRUZIONE Laureato: graduate Laurea magistrale:
Master of Arts: laurea in campo umanistico-artistico (MA) Master of Science: laurea in campo scientifico ((MSc) Master of Business Administration: laurea in campo economico (MBA) Master di 1 anno: postgraduate certificate Master di due anni: postgraduate diploma

9 LAVORO Dottorato di ricerca: doctorate, PhD
Ricercatore: researcher, assitant professor (AE), lecturer (BE) Stage, tirocinio: work placement, internship, traineeship Apprendista: apprentice Apprendistato: apprenticeship Formazione: training Stagista: trainee Abilità: skills Conoscenze: knowledge

10 LAVORO Stipendio: salary Lavoro d’ufficio: back-office work
Tipo di lavoro: job type A tempo indeterminato: permanent A tempo pieno: full-time Part-time: part-time A tempo determinato: temporary A contratto: contract A progetto: project

11 RUOLI Manager: direttore, responsabile
Sales manager: direttore vendite Production manager: responsabile di produzione General manager: direttore generale Area manager: responsabile di area Executive: dirigente, direttore CEO: Chief Executive Officer

12 RUOLI Official, officer: funzionario (pubblica amministrazione)
Agent: impiegato, agente, addetto Assistant: segretario (assistant to the CEO: segretaria di direzione) Representative: assitente (Es. Sales representative: commerciale, venditore) Analyst: impiegato, tecnico (Es. Technical analyst, ICT analyst)

13 EXERCISE Advertised Assistant Since Dealing Mobile Discuss Entitles
Interview Start Working Language Knowledge Experience Attached Apply

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