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Resources on the Internet for NCD prevention and control

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1 Resources on the Internet for NCD prevention and control
Arnaud Chiolero MD PhD epidemiologist senior lecturer Institute for Social and Preventive Medicine (IUMSP) University of Lausanne, Switzerland WHO-IUMSP NCD PROGRAMME MANAGERS SEMINAR 3-7 JUNE 2013 June, 7th 2013 Chiolero - Internet ressources

2 Information resources on the Internet for NCD prevention and control
World Health Organisation (WHO) Supercourse Procor Wikipedia Ressources for evidence-based public health (USPSTF, CPSTF, Cochrane, NICE) Other links Chiolero - Internet ressources

3 Chiolero - Internet ressources
World Health Organisation (WHO) WHO Non-communicable diseases and mental health NCD Global Monitoring Framework Chronic disease and health promotion Chiolero - Internet ressources

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NCD and mental health Chiolero - Internet ressources

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Global monitoring framework Chiolero - Internet ressources

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Global monitoring framework Chiolero - Internet ressources

7 World Health Organisation (WHO)
Impact of chronic diseases in countries Chiolero - Internet ressources

8 World Health Organisation (WHO)
Tobacco free initiative Chiolero - Internet ressources

9 World Health Organisation (WHO)
Health statistics and health information systems Global Health Observatory (GHO): portal providing access to data and analyses for monitoring the global health situation. Data and analyses for key health themes, as well as direct access to the full database. Mortality: Life tables and all-cause mortality profiles for WHO Member States. Estimated deaths by cause, age and sex for WHO Member States and regions. Causes of mortality by age and sex database as reported from civil registration for about 100 Member States. The Global burden of disease (GBD): provides a comprehensive and comparable assessment of mortality and loss of health due to diseases, injuries and risk factors. Global, regional and country estimates are available for mortality, incidence, prevalence, Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) and other indicators by age, sex and cause. WHO Global Infobase Chiolero - Internet ressources

10 Chiolero - Internet ressources
Global Health Observatory (GHO): Chiolero - Internet ressources

11 Mortality
WHO mortality Database Chiolero - Internet ressources

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Global burden of diseases (GBD) Chiolero - Internet ressources

13 Burden of diseases The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) Chiolero - Internet ressources

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GBP country profile Chiolero - Internet ressources

15 WHO infobase
Chiolero - Internet ressources

16 WHO infobase
Chiolero - Internet ressources

17 Chiolero - Internet ressources
World Health Organisation (WHO) Surveillance in adults STEPwise approach to surveillance (STEPS) The WHO STEPwise approach to Surveillance (STEPS) is a simple, standardized method for collecting, analysing and disseminating data in WHO member countries. There are currently two primary STEPS surveillance systems, the STEPwise approach to risk factor surveillance and the STEPwise approach to stroke surveillance. Chiolero - Internet ressources

18 Chiolero - Internet ressources
World Health Organisation (WHO) Surveillance in youth Global school-based student health survey (GSHS) The Global school-based student health survey (GSHS) is a collaborative surveillance project designed to help countries measure and assess the behavioural risk factors and protective factors in 10 key areas among young people aged 13 to 17 years. The GSHS is a relatively low-cost school-based survey which uses a self-administered questionnaire to obtain data on young people's health behaviour and protective factors related to the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among children and adults worldwide. Chiolero - Internet ressources

19 Chiolero - Internet ressources
Supercourse Repository of lectures on global health and prevention designed to improve the teaching of prevention. Has a network of over scientists in 174 countries who are sharing for free a library of 5530 lectures in 31 languages. Has been produced at the WHO Collaborating Center University of Pittsburgh, with Ronald LaPorte, Ph.D., Faina Linkov, Ph.D., Mita Lovalekar, MD, PhD, and Eugene Shubnikov MD. Contact: Chiolero - Internet ressources

20 Chiolero - Internet ressources
Supercourse By topics, for instance: Concepts of Epidemiology Course by Raj Bhohal (10 lectures in English and 1 in Spanish) Epidemiology Course by Nigel Paneth (22 lectures in English, Spanish Version translated by Nicolas Padilla and lectures in Portuguese, translated by Maria Rita Barros Justino) Introduction to Chronic Disease Epidemiology. Supplemental Curriculum for Health Department Associates (Laporte, Linkov) Chiolero - Internet ressources

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Supercourse By authors, for instance: S.N. Blair: Physical Inactivity: The Most Important Public Health Problem of the 21st Century P. Bovet: Health transition and emerging cardiovascular disease in developing countries: situation and strategies for prevention. Part I Part II Part III Chiolero - Internet ressources

22 Chiolero - Internet ressources
Procor A global network promoting cardiovascular health in developing countries and other low-resource settings. ProCor disseminates timely, relevant, unbiased information about affordable, effective prevention strategies, and facilitates discussion among a global community that is committed to heart health. For instance: Knowledge, What We Know: Cardiovascular diseases Action, What We Can Do: Community program Global, Community, Working Together: Global Dialogue an open discussion forum for questions, information exchange, and networking to find solutions and to share challenges, moderated by ProCor Chiolero - Internet ressources

23 Chiolero - Internet ressources
Wikipedia Lots of information on diseases and pathophysiology Few information on prevention – but many links Improvement is necessary (weak scientific validity) Chiolero - Internet ressources

24 Resources for evidence-based public health
Kohatsu ND, Robinson JG, Torner JC. Evidence-based public health: an evolving concept. Am J Prev Med. 2004;27(5): Chiolero - Internet ressources

25 Chiolero - Internet ressources
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force The USPSTF conducts scientific evidence reviews of a broad range of clinical preventive health care services (such as screening, counseling, and preventive medications) and develops recommendations for primary care clinicians and health systems. Screening for Breast Cancer Tobacco cessation Chiolero - Internet ressources

26 The Community Preventive Services Task Force
The Guide to Community Preventive Services is a free resource to help you choose programs and policies to improve health and prevent disease in your community. Systematic reviews are used to answer these questions: Which program and policy interventions have been proven effective? Are there effective interventions that are right for my community? What might effective interventions cost? Diabetes: Case Management Interventions to Improve Glycemic Control Tobacco Use Initiation: Increasing the Unit Price of Tobacco Products Chiolero - Internet ressources

27 Chiolero - Internet ressources
Centers for diseases control and prevention High quality information on chronic diseases and prevention For instance: For public health professionnals Healthy Living Diabetes Public Health Resource Chiolero - Internet ressources

28 The Cochrane collaboration
International, independent, not-for-profit organisation of over 28,000 contributors from more than 100 countries, dedicated to making up-to-date, accurate information about the effects of health care readily available worldwide. Systematic reviews of healthcare interventions, known as Cochrane Reviews, are published online in The Cochrane Library. To help providers, practitioners and patients make informed decisions about health care based on comprehensive, reliable and relevant source of evidence. Statins for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease Improving outcomes for people with multiple chronic conditions Chiolero - Internet ressources

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National institue for Health and Clinical Excellence - NICE Independent organization for providing national guidance on promoting good health and preventing and treating ill health High quality information to promote good health and prevent ill health, based on the best evidence For instance: Clinical guidelines Type 2 diabetes: the management of type 2 diabetes Public health guidance Guidance on the prevention of cardiovascular disease at the population level Chiolero - Internet ressources

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Other links PANacea & GOLBAlink PANacea is an online network linking the global physical activity and nutrition community; GLOBALink is the online nework for the tobacco control community. Union for International Cancer Control Founded in 1933, the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) is the largest cancer fighting organisation of its kind, with more than 400 member organisations across 120 countries. See also: World heart federation The World Heart Federation is dedicated to leading the global fight against cardiovascular disease (CVD) – including heart disease and stroke - with a focus on low- and middle-income countries International diabetes federation The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) is an umbrella organization of over 200 national diabetes associations in over 160 countries. Chiolero - Internet ressources

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Other links Plos Medicine Open-access medical journal, providing an influential venue for research and commentary on the major challenges to human health worldwide. NEJM Global Health The Lancet Global Health The Lancet Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 Chiolero - Internet ressources

32 Thank you for your interest
Arnaud Chiolero MD PhD Epidemiologist Senior lecturer Chiolero - Internet ressources

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