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Aztec and Inca.

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1 Aztec and Inca

2 Learning Target 7.67 I can explain the roles of peoples in the Aztec and Incan societies, including class structures, family life, warfare, religious beliefs and practices, and slavery.

3 Learning Target 7.67 For both the Aztec (front) and the Inca (back), read the informational texts. Use the information to create a visual representation for each category in the learning target: class structures, family life, warfare, religious beliefs, and slavery. Visuals must be colored. Visuals must include a brief written description.

4 Aztec and Inca Class Structures Family Life Warfare
Religious Beliefs and Practices Slavery

5 Merchants, Artisans, Farmers
Class Structures AZTEC INCA Emperor Nobles, High Priests Warriors, Officials Merchants, Artisans, Farmers Slaves, Prisoners

6 Family Life Rich people lived lives of luxury Commoners work very hard
AZTEC INCA Rich people lived lives of luxury Commoners work very hard Men were generally farmers, warriors, or craftsmen Women worked at home cooking, cleaning, and weaving Children attended school and helped with chores The basic unit of Inca society was the ayllu, a group of families who worked the land together. Nobles lived easier lives than peasants/commoners. Only wealthy children attended school. Many people paid taxes through labor.

7 Religious Beliefs and Practices
AZTEC INCA Polytheistic religion based on warfare Huitzilopochtli was the chief god. god of the sun The Aztec offered him human sacrifice to give him strength to battle the forces of darkness each night so that he could rise each morning. Quetzalcoatl the Feathered Serpent Aztecs believed he had left the valley of Mexico and promised to return in triumph. Human Sacrifice Each Aztec city contained a pyramid where they practiced human sacrifice as a way to postpone the end of the world. Polytheistic religion Inti was the chief god god of the sun The emperor, or Sapa Inca, was believed to be descended from him. Mama Quilla Goddess of the moon Pachamama goddess of Earth responsible for farming and harvest Human Sacrifice Sometimes human sacrifices were practiced at religious festivals.

8 Warfare AZTEC INCA War was an important part of Aztec culture, and all boys were taught to fight. War helped the empire get more land and resources. Cities that refused to join the Aztec Empire were forced into battle. Captives captured during war were often used for human sacrifices The Inca army was very-well trained. The empire was built on war and bribery. People were offered gifts and protection if they agreed to join the empire without war. Conquered peoples were all taught the same language. Their greatest weapon was their belief that the gods were on their side.

9 Slavery AZTEC INCA Slaves were generally well-treated Slaves could have possessions, including their own slaves Slaves who escaped their masters and made it to the royal palace would be set free Slaves could buy their freedom Slave children were required to attend school with other Aztec children The Incas did not practice slavery in the same way as other empires. However, people were expected to work for the empire for a designated amount of time each year.

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