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Explorers and Conquerors

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1 Explorers and Conquerors
Chapter 4 Lesson 2 Pages

2 The Aztec Empire Tenochtitlan- Capital of the Aztec empire since the early 1300’s. Moctezuma I- Ruled expanded the empire The three following emperors expanded the empire to encompass much of what is now Mexico Expansion was achieved by conquering surrounding people.

3 Tenochtitlan Illustration

4 Challenges to the Aztec Empire
1502-Moctezuma II (Moctezuma the Younger) was chosen as emperor Moctezuma II faced challenges Conquered people were beginning to rebel They did not want to pay tribute (Taxes) or give prisoners to the Aztec Moctezuma II had enemies The Tlaxcalan had resisted the Aztec for years Moctezuma II was in control of his empire despite the challenges

5 The strangers Arrive Spring 1519
500 Spanish troops land on the East coast of what is now Mexico They were searching for gold The Aztec spied on the Spanish and reported their actions to Moctezuma II

6 Moctezuma II’s Mistake
thinking that the Spanish might be friendly he sent the two discs. One Silver One Gold This makes the Spanish determined to reach Tenochtitlan Moctezuma II

7 Cortes Reaches Tenochtitlan
Hernando Cortez – came from Spain to Cuba at 19yrs old he was given land to farm he wrote “I don’t want to farm, I came for gold.” The Spanish governor asked Cortez to lead an expedition to Mexico, in search of gold, fearing Cortez was too eager –he changed his mind but, Cortez had already left in secret

8 The Road to Tenochtitlan
Cortez did not want his troops to consider a retreat so he burned the ships that had brought them to Mexico.

9 Going to Tenochtitlan Cortez’s group met Malinche (Dona Marina)-
An Indian woman who hated the Aztecs. She was the daughter of a chief and had been sold as a captive. Dona Marina convinced many Indians to join Cortes against the Aztecs.

10 Cortez arrives…. November 1519 Cortez and his followers reached Tenochtitlan and were greeted with jewels, food and plates of copper and silver. Cortez was given food to last several days and 2000 servants. huts were built for them.

11 Conquest of the Aztec Moctezuma II did not understand the Spaniards.
Cortez took Moctezuma II captive and took control of the capital. The Aztecs were outraged, they attacked the emperors palace and drove out the Spanish. Moctezuma II was killed in the fighting.

12 Cuauhtemoc Aztec ruler following the death of Moctezuma II who led the Aztec in the final battle for Tenochtitlan Was the elected ruler of the Aztec. He fought against the Spanish and their Indian allies. The Spanish closed off the entrances to the cities- no food or water could reach the Aztecs Suffering was terrible

13 The End of Tenochtitlan
After 75 days - Cuauhtemoc was captured and later killed. Conquistadors (A Spanish conqueror who first came to the Americas in the 1500’s)captured the city Declared Mexico a colony of Spain called New Spain(Colonial lands held by Spain, Mainly in North America. New Spain included parts of what are now the United States, Mexico, Central America, And islands in the west Indies.) The Spanish destroyed the Aztec temples, smashed the statues of their gods, burned their sacred books

14 The Secret Ally The outnumbered Spanish were able to conquer the Aztecs because of technology Spanish- steel weapons Aztecs- wooden spears and arrows tipped with sharp stones Spanish were also helped by – disease and Indian allies

15 Fall of the Maya 5 yrs later the Spanish went southeast to the Yucatan peninsula(A peninsula in Southeast Mexico) to find Mayan treasures. The Mayan civilization had ended by this time but there were groups of fighters who resisted the Spanish for 20 years- then in 1546 they fell to the Spanish Spanish Conquistadors burned their collection of books. The books contained their knowledge of- math, history, and science only 3 Mayan books exist today

16 Pizarro Conquers the Inca
1531-Francisco Pizarro (Spanish Conquistador who defeated the Inca) led 180 Spanish soldiers against the Inca Inca- a powerful Indian empire that lived in the Andes mountains the empire ranged from Columbia to Chile. The Inca were led by Atahuapa (last ruler of the Inca empire who was captured and killed by the Spaniards).

17 Pizarro reached the Inca
In 1532-the Spanish Ambushed the Inca and killed 1500 of Atahualpa’s followers and took Atahualpa captive. Atahualpa offered the Spanish the gold he knew they wanted – this was a mistake. It made the Spanish more greedy Pizarro broke his word, killed Atahualpa, and conquered Cuzco( The Inca Capital, in modern day Peru) and the rest of the empire.

18 Putting it Together By 1535 Spain had one of the largest empires, Inca and Aztec gold made Spain rich. This changed the way people in the Americas lived

19 Question 2 How did Dona Marina help Cortes to defeat the Aztec?
Dona Marina (Malinche) persuaded other Indian Groups to Join Cortes when he attacked the Aztec.

20 Question 3 How did the arrival of the Spanish change life for Native Americans? The Spanish brought diseases that killed many Indians. The Spanish also destroyed Indian empires.

21 Question 4 Why did Aztec culture and Spanish culture come into conflict? The Spanish felt that they had to conquer and destroy the Aztec to get their gold.

22 Question 5 What were the causes of the Spanish expeditions to the Americas? What were the effects of the expeditions? Spanish expeditions were motivated by a search for wealth and ne lands to conquer. The effects were that Spain became very wealthy and powerful. However, their expeditions led to great changes in the way the people of the Americas lived.

23 Moctezuma II 1480?-1520 Aztec emperor defeated by Hernando Cortes in 1520.

24 Dona Marina ( Malinche)
Indian woman who aided Cortes in his conquest of Tenochtitlan in 1521.

25 Henando Cortes Conquistador who defeated the Aztec in 1521

26 Cuauhtemoc 1495?-1525 Aztec ruler following the death of Moctezuma II who led the Aztec in the final battle of Tenochtitlan

27 Francisco Pizarro 1471?-1541 Spanish conquistador who defeated the Inca in 1533.

28 Atahualpa 1500?-1533 Last ruler of the vast Inca Empire who was captured and later killed by the Spaniards.

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