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Narrate vs Describe Kaupapa: to identify and describe the difference between these two writing styles:

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Presentation on theme: "Narrate vs Describe Kaupapa: to identify and describe the difference between these two writing styles:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Narrate vs Describe Kaupapa: to identify and describe the difference between these two writing styles:

2 To narrate is to…

3 Hoaketanga /Purpose To narrate
… to tell a story, using a written or imagined or visual scenario as a prompt

4 Āhuatanga /Structural features
Orientation – an opening statement/s that introduces the context: the participants (who), the setting (where) and the time (when) A series of actions or events leading to a complication – one or more problems that must be resolved A climax (point of highest tension) Ending/resolution – in which the problem is resolved (happily or unhappily)

5 Āhuatanga Reo / Language features
Characters with individual personalities and identities Use of dialogue Descriptive and/or figurative language Nouns related to the event – specific people, places and happenings Connectives showing time sequence (first, then, next) Past tense (although may also use present or future tense, especially in dialogue) Choice of language features may create a mystery, action, horror, fantasy, romance, detective or adventure narrative

6 tātai /planning Consider what you will include in your:
Opening: who, when, where Complications and/or conflict Climax Resolution

7 For more information on narrative writing …

8 Vs. To describe is to….

9 Define, depict, portray, sketch, convey, represent Detail, represent …. A moment in a scene at a particular time.

10 Āhuatanga / Structural features
Orientation – an opening statement/s that provides the reader with a clear idea of what the text will be about, and/or that engages the reader’s interest Body – description of key aspects of the scene/moment that gives the reader a sense of ‘being there’ Ending – a closing statement/s that draws the writing to a satisfactory conclusion

11 Āhuatanga Reo/ Language features
Present tense – timeless Expressive vocabulary – vivid, lively and/or emotive words and terms Descriptive detail that draws on a range of senses (sight, smell, sound, touch) to create a vivid image Subjective/informal tone that draws reader into the scene

12 tātai planning Consider what you will include in your: Opening Body
Conclusion Consider the senses:

13 For more information on descriptive writing …

14 Arotake/Review: Think, pair share: One thing I have learned is…
One question I have is…

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