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TOPIC/PERSONALISED QUESTION: Pokemon – Could I catch them all?

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1 TOPIC/PERSONALISED QUESTION: Pokemon – Could I catch them all?
NUMERACY: Basic skills outlined by RJ. Year 3 will be introducing the Bar Method and variations of the Part, Part, Whole models to encourage the children to work in different ways. Comparison of heights and weights of Pokemon. Conqueror also intend on looking at 2D and 3D shapes in art. We will look at measurement of distance in topic linked to hatching eggs and using VR maps. SCIENCE: Working scientifically – we will discuss ‘fair tests’ and how accurate our science lessons can be, gathering data over time. Looking at rocks in the first half term (What type of rock would Geodude be made from? Why?). Brief look at classifying/comparing animals/Pokemon. Key topic for the second half term is forces. This links directly to the moves Pokemon use in battles and can be discussed alongside P4C (Is it fair to make animals fight for entertainment?). We will sort moves into pushes, pulls, twists and squeezes, investigating how to speed up or slow down the processes. We will look at balance (linking to numeracy and the idea of equal amounts) and the effect of surface texture and friction as well as gravity and mass/weight. ENTERPRISE: Conqueror are looking at effective communication and would like to focus on the non-financial elements of enterprise. We are aiming to create a piece of work with members of the public that relates to aspirations versus ‘real life’. This will include questionnaires and interviews, creating a stimulus for work back at school. This will link heavily with PHSE and include BMV/local issues. LITERACY: READING Conqueror will be moving on from small reading groups to class reading sessions with specific intervention for focus children. In order to explore inference further, we will be using photographs and film alongside written texts. In each subject, children to be encouraged to be more independent with instructions available to read clearly visible. WRITING Narrative – Conqueror will spend extended periods of time looking at the key features of narrative, using different feedback techniques to improve the sections of a story separately. Descriptive writing – Using their senses, children to write about different events linked to topic. Word work – still focussing on word types. SPaG – Daily morning work done independently linked to Los for the week when needed. AUTHORS Tom Gates (selected by children), Anne Fine (Y3 AP). TOPIC/PERSONALISED QUESTION: Pokemon – Could I catch them all? AUDIENCE/PURPOSE: Interactive work with general public in Princess Quay unit. SMCS/LOCAL ISSUES (P4C/RP/British Modern Values): Conqueror will consider the use of Pokemon in battles and the enjoyment of violence. The importance of organisation and teamwork (link to enterprise) is going to be investigated using teams in class. Internet safety to be covered. ICT: Children to find aerial shots of circuses for use in numeracy. Research for geography lessons. RE/ETHICS: Eid al Adha – September 11th-14th. Peace One Day – September 21st. Diwali – October 30th. Halloween – October 31st. HISTORY: Extended chronological study on the history of the development of technology continuing up to modern day, including predictions about the future. GEOGRAPHY: Conqueror will look at Pokemon popularity around the world as part of an ongoing homework/research project. MUSIC/DANCE/DRAMA - The class will prepare for the Christmas performance, working with NAPA and external coaches. PE: Fit4Fun, dance and rugby with Hull FC. EXTENDED LEARNING: Research projects and homework purely based on the circus. Children will choose an area of their choice to investigate to create a presentation, model or performance. D&T/ART: The first term will include observational drawing and different pencil drawing techniques, as well as their first seasonal sketch for comparison throughout the year. Conqueror will be looking at and recreating pixelated Gameboy style images (mosaic/black and white work). EXTERNAL OPPORTUNITES: Work with Y3 class at Thoresby (inviting them to an event). Utilising the empty units in Princess Quay.

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