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The Americas Unit 2 AP World History.

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1 The Americas Unit 2 AP World History

2 Toltecs Nomadic peoples from beyond the northern frontier of sedentary agriculture in Mesoamerica Around 1000 they established capital at Tula after migration in central Mesoamerican plateau Strong militaristic ethic that included cult of human sacrifice Influenced American Southwest, Mississippi, & Ohio Valley Indians Collapsed around 1150


4 North American Indians
Southwest – harsh environment; some used irrigation; planted maize, kidney beans, & squash; adobe dwellings; Hohokam, Pueblo (Anasazi), Apache (raiders not farmers), & Navajo (sheep) Moundbuilders/Mississippians ( C.E.) – settlements along major rivers, hunted deer & turkey; abundant rainfall; grew corn, squash, beans, & tobacco; some were moundbuilders (for burials & ceremony) For most: communal ownership of resources, kin based societies, material wealth was not important for status, women were subordinate - but held important economic (central role in crop production) and political roles, viewed themselves as part of ecology – not separate from it.



7 Maya Time period – peak was A.D. 300-900
Location – Yucatan Peninsula (Tikal, Copan, Palenque, Uxmal, & Chitzen Itza) Culture – were not unified; developed into city-states instead of an empire; played pok-a-tok (ball game); did not have wheeled vehicles or beasts of burden; 3 class system Religion – kings were spiritual; some human sacrifices & bloodletting; polytheistic Economy/Agriculture – mainly slash & burn farming; open air markets; traded salt, flint, feathers, shells, honey & jade; cacao beans used as currency Achievements – built plazas, temples, and huge pyramids; became excellent mathematicians & astronomers; 260 & 365 day calendar; 800 glyphs (writing system) Decline & Fall – mysterious (theories of warfare, population growth, trade disruption, over-farming, food shortages, famine, & disease)


9 Aztec (Mexica) Time period – 1200-1500s A.D.
Location – Central Mexico (preceded by the Toltecs) Culture – inherited centralized government, hierarchical society – four classes – nobility (pipiltin), commoners, serfs, & slaves, Tenochtitlan – capital built in the middle of lake Texcoco; social structure based on calpulli (clans); ruled harshly Religion – war & sacrifice motivated religion; live human sacrifices to prevent floods, and other natural disasters; chief deity was the sun god Huitzilopochtli; also worshiped Toltec gods (Quetzalcóatl & Tlaloc [rain]). Economy/Agriculture – used chinampas; goods & tribute from all over the empire; maize & beans grown; marketplace w/long distance trade, had a merchant class (pochteca) that specialized in luxury items Achievements – chinampas (artificial islands); empire; giant pyramid temple; 360 day religious calendar; canal, bridges, & causeways



12 Inca (Quechua) Time period – 1200-1500s A.D.
Location – Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia, & Argentina (Andes Mountains) Culture – Preceded by the Chimor; Cuzco (City of the Sun)– capital; strong central government; common language – Quechua; clans called ayllus; integrated 11,000,000 diverse people into empire; Quechua language unified empire; leaders used marriage alliances; women had traditional roles; parallel descent & split inheritance Religion – polytheistic (sun god & creator god – Viracocha); sacrificed food, animals, & humans to please the deities Economy/Agriculture – grew potatoes & quinoa; established a tribute empire; required mita from subject peoples Achievements – terraced farming; irrigation; kept records with a quipu (rope w/knotted cords); math & astronomy; built roads; created an empire, way stations (tambos) for military & messengers


14 Ch. 11 Discussion Questions

15 Discussion Questions Describe the relationship between the Aztecs and the Toltec. Define the political and economic organization of the Aztec Empire. Outline the social organization of the Aztec Empire Describe the political and economic organization of the Inca Empire. Outline the social organization of the Inca Empire. Compare the other Indian groups of the Americas with the imperial cultures. Compare American societies with European societies. Compare the civilizations of the Americas and Polynesia.

16 1. Describe the relationship between the Aztecs and the Toltec
The Toltecs are related to the Aztecs because when the Toltec Empire fell, the Aztecs used the turmoil after the fall of the Toltecs to their advantage. Then they rose to power because of the Toltecs’ fall.

17 2. Define the political and economic organization of the Aztec Empire
After their rise, the Aztecs began to take a more active role in the regional politics. They were mercenaries and allies. The economy was agriculturally based. They used conquered land and any other kind they had to farm; they also had irrigated agriculture.

18 3. Outline the social organization of the Aztec Empire
After the rise, the once loose society with many different clans became a stratified society under a supreme ruler.

19 4. Describe the political and economic organization of the Inca Empire
The empire was ruled by a controlling emperor who was almost a god. The empire was divided into four great provinces, each headed by a governor and then through further divisions. The economy was largely dependent on agriculture.

20 5. Outline the social organization of the Inca Empire
Incan society was organized into small communities that aimed at self-sufficiency. Their society was neither distinctly patriarchal nor matriarchal, and men and women had gender-specific, but virtually equal jobs. There was, however, some inequality, which was reflected largely by the Incan military service. Emphasis on military made men dominant. Still Incan culture as a whole placed a large emphasis on cooperation between men and women.

21 6. Compare the other Indian groups of the Americas with the imperial cultures
The various other civilizations of the Americas varied greatly, ranging from large sedentary cultures to small bands of hunters and gatherers. These different peoples spoke many distinct languages and retained many individual cultural religious and lifestyle traits. These groups also stressed various types of traditional clan and tribal organization.

22 7. Compare American societies with European societies
In general these societies lacked outward exploration the Europeans demonstrated. This, in effect, minimized their impact on other areas of the globe. As a result, following the impact of the arrival of Europeans into the New World, the Native American cultures have mistakenly been historically perceived as having little innovation aside from European influences.

23 8. Compare the civilizations of the Americas and Polynesia
Strong emphasis on clan based societies Division of resources according to clans Lack of writing systems (at least among the Inca) Strongly animistic religions Emphasis on militaries (at least among the Maori) Lack of technological innovation Absence of large mammals Lack of pastoral nomadism Practice of human sacrifice and ritual cannibalism Differences Polynesians lacked imperial systems and monumental architecture American civilizations were much larger and had higher population densities

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