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CP Violation in Particle Physics

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1 CP Violation in Particle Physics
违反 CP Violation in Particle Physics

2 Summary of Lecture 4 K0 and K0 mesons are not mass eigenstates; KS and KL are mass eigenstates KL mesons discovered at Brookhaven Laboratory a K0 will oscillate into a K0 and vice versa neutral K mesons produced in f decay are ~100% “quantum correlated” KS mesons are “regenerated” when a KL passes through matter _ _

3 My plan for week 2 Done Week 2: Monday: The neutral K meson system: the KS and KL mass eigenstates and K0-K0 mixing. Wednesday: CP violation in KL decays; measurements of CPV parameters; Friday: Superweak or not superweak? Search for direct CP violation in KL decay.

4 the search for CP violation

5 Properties of the Mass Matrix
-- slide from lecture 4 -- I ignore K0 life-time terms (for now) CPT symmetry requires: CP symmetry says: Let’s not use this condition & assume CP is violated Schrodinger’s equation for energy eigenstates;

6 Hamiltonian operator with decays
2 H=M - -- G - -- now we will include decays -- Hermitian Mass matrix Decay matrix CPT symmetry: no assumptions about CP Hermiticity:

7 Schrodinger’s Equation
-- allowing for CP violation and including decays -- to conform to the standard notation: Schrodinger’s equation for energy eigenstates;

8 Solutions for Y(t) eigenvalue equation: eigenvalues eigenstates
in terms of the CP eigenstates:

9 Decay of the KL CP odd CP even CP even CP odd
OK OK CP even CP odd If CP is violated: KL contains a CP -even K1 component

10 Discovery of KL decays to p+p-

11 “Hint” for KLp+p- ?? a Bubble chamber in a neutral beam
at Brookhaven saw some p+p- events neutrons & KL’s KLp+p-events or KLKS via regeneration

12 proposal

13 AGS Brookhaven’s 2nd HE accelerator
-- world’s first strong focusing accelerator, still running, more than 50 years later -- “Inner Mongolia”

14 BEPC—AGS see the differences?

15 AGS combined function magnets

16 Quadrupoles & dipoles dipole Quadrupole

17 the “inner Mongolia” beam line
shielding blocks sweeping magnet AGS accelerator magnets Internal target

18 The Fitch-Cronin experiment
Helium gas all KS have decayed

19 Spark chamber




23 Data-taking and analysis


25 _______ ____________________________


27 p+ cosq p+p- “invariant mass” M(p+p-)<M(KL) M(p+p-)=M(KL)
5211 KL  π+ + π- candidates remeasured on a commercial bubble chamber measuring machine p+p- “invariant mass” M(p+p-)<M(KL) M(p+p-)=M(KL) p+ | q=1o p+p-)>M(KL) cosq


29 Results

30 CP is violated!! James Cronin Val Fitch 1980 Nobel Prize for Physics
No prizes for Christenson or Turlay

31 25 year anniversary reunion

32 Let’s look at e: what we know about p & q definition of e:
rewrite e in terms that we know:

33 Some comments CP is only violated if the off-
diagonal terms are different Hermiticity: M21=M12 & G12=G21 CPV only driven by imaginary terms * * Latest numbers: CPV is very small, ~10-3GF2, far from the maximum that is possible (unlike P and C violations)

34 virtual & on-shell K0--K0 couplings
_ 2nd-order quark-level virtual |DS|=2 process “short-distance processes” On-shell pion-induced |DS|=2 process “long-distance processes”

35 Phase of e (h+-)

36 K0 -- K0 basis states with CPV
_ Solve for K0 and K0 _ Please check this for HW

37 The CPLEAR experiment

38 Strangeness-tagging at CPLEAR
_ _

39 Time-dependence of K0(K0)p+p-
_ KL(xh+-)

40 Phase of (h+-) from CPLEAR

41 Exploit KLKS regeneration
Need to know regeneration phase p- p+ p- p+

42 DM and f(h+-) measured via regeneration

43 K0 K0 oscillations (mixing);no CPVCPV
_ eigenstates start at t=0 with a K0: then, at a later time t: These are the K0 and K0 rates we measure I0 = beam intensity (particles/s) _

44 K0 K0 in a neutral K beam no CPVCPV
_ _ e=2.23 start with ≈75% K0 and ≈25% K0 (fe=400±40) 2Ree= 3.4±0.2x10-3

45 Neutral Kaon spectrometer @ CERN
expanded view of target region

46 Measurements of 2Ree (circa 1974)

47 Recent values of K-meson CPV parameters

48 Summary of Lecture 5 Discovery of KLp+p- decays proved that CP symmetry is violated Measurements consistent with KL=K2+eK1; e= 2.2x10-3 Phase of e consistent with CPV originating from short-distance Mass-Matrix terms Many beautiful, high-statistics measurements of CPV interference effects reported

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