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The intimate relationship between networks' structure and dynamics

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1 The intimate relationship between networks' structure and dynamics
Synch. vs. Link. : The intimate relationship between networks' structure and dynamics Stefano Boccaletti Italian Embassy in Israel CNR-Institute for Complex Systems Collaborators Irene Sendina-Nadal Inmaculada Leyva, Javier Buldú, Juan A. Almendral Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain Daiqing Li, Shlomo Havlin Bar Ilan University 1

2 Few examples of real networks Biological, technological, and social
METABOLIC CITATIONS Nodes: chemicals Links: biochemical reactions Nodes: published articles Links: reference to a published article THE WWW Nodes: web pages Links: hyperlinks

3 The first issue: why a same scaling
The first issue: why a same scaling? Biological, technological, and social METABOLIC CITATIONS THE WWW △ ISI papers; ○ PRD papers between 1975 and 1994 [Jeon et al., Nature 407, 651 (2000)] [Redner Eur. Phys. J. B 4, 131 (1998)] [Albert et al., Nature 401, 130 (1999)]

4 Previous approaches: Dynamics on a network Dynamics of a network
Collective behaviors determined by specific topological properties: weighted networks, aging, dynamical weights... Statistical models (growing or not) to generate SF networks: configuration model, preferential attachment, copying vertex 4 4

5 Our approach to SF networks Dynamics drives topology
A fully dynamically driven growing process is able to reshape the connection topology of an initial graph Scale-free topologies emerge in connection and only in connection with the realization of an entrainment process Gross&Blasius, J. Roy Soc Int 5, 2008 5 5

6 The model The pristine network G0
n0 non-identical oscillators, each one with an intrinsic frequency ωoi randomly selected from 0.5±0.25 and described by a phase equation given by: G0 3 4 1 adjacency matrix 2 coupling strength for which G0 is not phase-synchronized 6 5 6 6

7 The model The forcing network G(t)
On top of G0, at later times, nodes are added up to n1 following the phase of an external pacemaker of a driving frequency Each added node forms m links with nodes of G0. Each added link corresponds to an unidirectional interaction of strength from the added node to the linked node in G0. The network-phase equation is given by: G(t1)‏ 3 4 1 2 size evolving adjacency matrix with 6 time evolving degree of the ith node 5 7 7

8 The model The attaching rule
At each attaching time, the m links formed by the added node are directed to those nodes in G0 whose phases verify more closely a specific condition in the phase difference with the added node (fully dynamically attachment criterion)‏ 8 8

9 Frequency and phase entrainment Scenario in the parameter space dp-ωp
No Entrainment dp small adding off adding on Entrainment dp large 9 9

10 Frequency and phase entrainment Scenario in the parameter space dp-ωp
Frequency entrainment Phase entrainment 0.1 0.5 0.9 10 10

11 02 Frequency and phase entrainment Scenario in the parameter space dp-ωp time time time p=0.3 p=0.5 p=0.7 11 11

12 02 Frequency and phase entrainment Phase relationship dependence
12 12

13 The rising of a scale-free network Resulting graphs
No entrainment Entrainment dp small dp large 13 13

14 The rising of a scale-free network Time evolution of the cumulative degree distribution
[Sendiña-Nadal et al., Plos ONE (2008), accepted]. As a consequence of the entrainment a power-law is obtained in the dinamically driven growth process No entrainment Entrainment 14 14

15 The rising of a scale-free network Cumulative degree distribution in the parameter space
03 15 15

16 03 The rising of a scale-free network Cumulative degree distribution for different initial G0 Before entrainment After entrainment 16 16

17 Frequency and phase entrainment Phase locking process
No entrainment Entrainment 17 17

18 Frequency and phase entrainment Phase locking process
No entrainment Entrainment 18 18

19 The rising of a scale-free network Final degree vs initial frequency
The distribution is almost uniform implying a random shooting The nodes whose original frequency mismatch is higher are more likely to be linked 19 19

20 How the network acts under the presence of different
Identificating the overlapped structure of moduli How the network acts under the presence of different simultaneous stimulous? Clusters of synchronization Overlapping : Formation and dynamics of synchronization interfaces Method for identificating the overlapping structure of the networks moduli through funtion 20

21 Competition entrainment: non modular network
- Initial Erdös-Reiny model of phase oscillators, Go - Inner coupling dnet small - Initially not synchronized 21

22 Two pacemaker of frequencies The strength of the external
Competition entrainment: non modular network ω1 ω2 Two pacemaker of frequencies ω1, ω2 unidirectionally link to a half of Go The strength of the external links dp, is choosen high enough as to assure entrainment. 22

23 ω1 ω2 Competition entrainment: non modular network
The attaching criteria is purely dynamic (phase difference with the pacemaker). The global degree distribution of Go becomes scale-free. (I. Sendiña-Nadal , et. al. PLoS ONE (2008)) 23

24 ω1 ω2 Competition entrainment: non modular network
The Go inner coupling dnet is strenghened above dp The external entrainment compete with the inner network dynamics 24

25 Competition entrainment: non modular network
ω1 ω2 dnet Time 25

26 Competition entrainment: non modular network
To ω2-ω1 26

27 Two big communities connected by
Simplified model of modular network Time ω ω1- ω2 Two big communities connected by a small cluster ω1 ω2 ω3 27

28 Oscillates around ω3 with frequency ωΔ
Simplified model: analitical solution : Main communities Overlapping community Oscillates around ω3 with frequency ωΔ 28

29 Even if the overlapping community
Conclusions : detecting overlapping comunities A new practical way to detect funtional overlapping communities in modular networks, based on dynamical response - Detection based on dynamical distance to mean global frecuency Even if the overlapping community has only a single node !! - Useful in modular networks where coordination of communities in the performance of the ensemble is important 29

30 04 Conclusions and advertisements:
Structure and function of a network are intimately related An entrainment process is associated with the emergence of a scale-free degree distribution in the graph connectivity. Coordination of multiple tasks implies the presence of an overlapped structure of moduli T To know more: S. Boccaletti, V. Latora, Y. Moreno, M. Chavez and D.-U. Hwang, “Complex Neworks: Structure and Dynamics” Physics Reports, 424, (2006) S. Boccaletti “The synchronized dynamics of complex systems” Elsevier (2008) 30 30

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