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City of Edinburgh German Second Level

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1 City of Edinburgh German Second Level
Die Farben!

2 Second Level Significant Aspects of Learning
Actively take part in daily routine Understand and respond to classroom instructions and personal information from familiar sources Listen, join in and respond to a story, song or poem Participate in familiar games, paired speaking and short role plays Further develop an understanding of, interest in and respect for other countries, cultures and languages Demonstrate an appreciation and understanding of the value of language learning including skills for life and work Take part in simple, paired conversations about themselves, others and interests of their choice Ask for help confidently using learned phrases and familiar language Give a short presentation about a familiar topic Pronounce words sufficiently accurately so as to make the meaning clear Work with others and make a successful contribution to a group presentation in English supported by the target languages

3 Second Level Significant Aspects of Learning
Read aloud a simple text Read and understand a variety of simple texts Make comparisons between English and target language (including use of a bi-lingual dictionary with support) Write about themselves and others and check the accuracy of own writing Exchange straightforward information in writing using familiar words and phrases

4 Achtung Lehrer! There are two parts to this resource. This PPT will focus on practising colours plus opinions in German. There is an additional PPT resource in the grammar pack which looks at colours and adjective agreements in German.

5 Part A Vocabulary Colours
After having covered the below vocabulary in Early and First level, move onto to adjective agreement at the end for Second level. Welche Farbe ist das? What colour is it? Das ist It is blau blue weiß white rot red grün green glb yellow rosa pink schwarz black grau grey lila purple braun brown Magst du blau? Do you like blue? Ich liebe… I love Ich mag… I like Ich mag ……….nicht. I don’t like Ich hasse… I hate

6 blau

7 orange

8 lila

9 weiß

10 rot

11 grün

12 rosa

13 grau

14 schwarz

15 braun

16 gelb

17 Embedding the language tip
Use German colours for cooperative groups – die Roten, die Blauen etc. Ask pupils “Welche Farbe ist das?” when reading stories, creating art work etc.

18 Sample activities You will find a bank of sample activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.

19 Colour chopsticks race!
Aufgabe 1 Colour chopsticks race! Qu’est-ce qui manque means what’s missing?

20 Colour chopstick race! For this activity you will need a bag of coloured pompom balls and a class set of wooden chopsticks. You can buy both online from site such as Ebay for under a few pounds each. Pupils work in groups and collect a pile of pompoms from the teacher and then place in a pile in front of them. The teacher then says a colour and gives the pupils a certain amount of time to pick up as many pompoms as they can with their chopsticks. Either the group or the pupil with the most of that colour by the end of the time wins! An alternative to chopsticks is to play this with straws and the pupils have to move the pompoms by holding them onto the end of the straw with their breath (as in the next slide!) You could also use multi-coloured sweets like Skittles or Mini-Eggs. I can listen to and show understanding of familiar instructions and language from familiar voices and sources. MLAN 2-01c


22 Welche Farbe magst du? Which colours do you like?

23 Magst du blau? Do you like blue? The colour can be swapped for any other colour to change the question.

24 Ich liebe blau! The colour can be swapped for any other colour to change the answer e.g. Ich liebe grün.

25 Ich mag gelb. The colour can be swapped for any other colour to change the answer e.g. Ich mag rosa.

26 Ich mag rot nicht. The colour can be swapped for any other colour to change the answer e.g. Ich mag weiß nicht.

27 Ich hasse orange! The colour can be swapped for any other colour to change the answer e.g. Ich hasse lila.

28 Aufgabe 2 Was magst du…? Qu’est-ce qui manque means what’s missing?

29 Magst du….? You can play this as a version of corners.
Place an opinion in each corner of the classroom i.e. Ich liebe in one corner, Ich mag in another etc. Go through each of the slides and ask pupils to choose a corner which reflects their opinion about that colour. You can then go round each of the corners and ask them to say their opinion as a group E.g. Magst du blau? Ich liebe blau! Etc. I can listen to and show understanding of familiar instructions and language from familiar voices and sources. MLAN 2-01c

30 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse

31 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse

32 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse

33 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse

34 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse

35 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse

36 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse

37 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse

38 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse

39 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse

40 Magst du…? Ich liebe Ich mag Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse
Each slide has a colour card, use this to ask the class to ask the question and then choose an answer. Either Ich liebe……, ich mag……., ich mag……nicht, ich hasse………. Ich mag………….nicht. Ich hasse

41 Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe?
Aufgabe 3 Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe? Survey

42 Class colour survey Pupils can practice asking:
Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe? by surveying each other around the class. 2. This can then be linked to creating a graph, tally marks etc. Wie viele Schüler mögen gelb? = How many pupils like yellow? I can take part effectively in prepared conversations by sharing information about myself and others or interests of my choice, using familiar vocabulary and basic language structures. MLAN 2-03b

43 Q: Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe? A: Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist….……

44 Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe?
Aufgabe 4 Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe?

45 Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe?
Ask pupils to make up colour cards, either on coloured card pieces or coloured in themselves, and write the names of the colours on them in German. Then ask them to organise them into a ladder with their favourite at the top and their least favourite at the bottom. Then ask them to make up another set of cards with the opinion phrases on the next slide. They can then use these to have a follow up conversation in groups. I can read and demonstrate understanding of words, signs, phrases and simple texts containing mainly familiar language. MLAN 2-08b

46 Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe. Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist… Magst du gelb
Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe? Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist… Magst du gelb? Ich mag gelb! Magst du rot? Ich mag rot nicht. I can take part effectively in prepared conversations by sharing information about myself and others or interests of my choice, using familiar vocabulary and basic language structures. MLAN 2-03b

47 Aufgabe 5 Colour speed spelling!

48 Colour speed spelling! For this activity you could use multi-coloured foam letters (like in the picture above), or scrabble tiles (you can buy big bags of these online on sites like Ebay) or you could ask pupils to make up their own letter tiles on card/paper. Pupils should work with a partner or in groups. Each group has a selection of letters (e.g. 75 letters per group) in the centre of their table. The teacher shows a colour slide and the group then has a set time e.g. 1 minute to make up as many of the words for that colour as they can. For example, if the slide is blue, each group should “write” as many blau as they can. The group then gets as many points as words they have made up.

49 Schaut euch die Farben an
Schreibt die Worte!

50 Wie viele Wörter habt ihr?
How many words? We have ___ words. Wir haben Wörter.

51 Colour listening apps activity
Aufgabe 6 Colour listening apps activity

52 The following activity has been developed using free apps to record listening texts about colours. The app names are listed on each slide and can be downloaded following the activity so that pupils can create their own talking recordings! This is a really great way for them to practice talking as it takes some of the fear factor out of it by having it down by a talking monkey (for example!) and is a fun way for pupils to practice talking in German. A sample presentation and conversation are provided for you. Listen to each of the following presentations and write down the colours each of them likes and dislikes!

53 Sample presentation Hallo! Wie geht’s? Mir geht’s gut.
I can deliver a brief presentation on a familiar topic using familiar language and phrases. MLAN 2-06a I have worked with others, using a variety of media including ICT where appropriate, and can contribute successfully to a presentation in English, supported by use of the language I am learning, on an aspect of life in a country where the language I am learning is spoken. MLAN 2-06b Hallo! Wie geht’s? Mir geht’s gut. Ich mag rot, blau und weiß. Ich mag grau, braun und schwarz nicht. Ich hasse grün. Meine Lieblingsfarbe ist rosa. Und du? Was ist deine Lieblingsfarbe? Danke! Auf Wiedersehen!

54 Aufgabe 7 Colour BINGO

55 Use a numbered colour bingo sheet
Use a numbered colour bingo sheet. With this sheet, the same colour appears several times but with a different number. The teacher provides the colour and the number in German e.g. „blau – zwei“ and the students have to cross out the blue field with the number two. Whoever crosses out all the fields on the sheet first, wins. These sheets can be easily created with PowerPoint or Word.

56 These sheets can be easily created with PowerPoint or Word.

57 Songs and videos! You will find a bank of sample songs and videos which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. . I explore the patterns and sounds of language through songs and rhymes and show understanding and enjoyment by listening, joining in and responding. MLAN 2-01a

58 ICT Resources online You will find a bank of sample ICT activities which you can use to practise the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. Each of the slides contains an image of the website page. If you click on the image it will take you to the page. Alternatively you can use a link address which you will find in the slide notes.

59 Languages online

60 Victoria Languages Online

61 Bis bald!

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