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Easter in Great Britain

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1 Easter in Great Britain
Рыжкова Лилия Викторовна учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №4 г.Красноперекопск Республика Крым

2 Palm sunday Great Britain “a Palming”
сollecting tree branches for the Easter tree

3 Maundy thursday The Last Supper Easter gifts for the poor
Maundy Ceremony Easter gifts for the poor

4 Hot cross buns, hot cross buns! Give them to your daughters,
Good friday = Great Friday = Black Friday Jesus Christ was crusified Hot cross buns Hot cross buns, hot cross buns! One a penny, two a penny Hot cross buns! Give them to your daughters, Give them to your sons!

5 Easter saturday Colouring Eggs Symbol of a New Life

6 Easter Sunday morning Eggs Hunt Visit to a Church In the garden
At home

7 with a special candle on the table
Easter dinner with a special candle on the table 3 traditional Easter dishes

8 Easter Fun Rolling Eggs

9 Thanks The winner is… Happy Easter!

10 Источники Шаблон Видео Песня Картинка Картинка Картинка Картинка Картинка Картинка Картинка Картинка Картинка Картинка Картинка Картинка Картинка Картинка

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