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Incorporating Healthy Measures into Affordable Housing

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2 Incorporating Healthy Measures into Affordable Housing
Carlie J. Boos, Policy & Program Manager

3 Who Are We? As the state's affordable housing leader, OHFA offers a variety of programs to help first-time homebuyers, renters, senior citizens, and others find quality affordable housing that meets their needs. The Office of Planning, Preservation and Development administers a number of programs to assist in the financing and development of affordable housing. Active in communities throughout the state, we partner with for- and non-profit developers and owners to serve low- and moderate-income households. OHFA has facilitated the development of more than 100,000 affordable rental units since 1987.

4 Housing & Health Direct Impact. Providing or promoting a healthy and safe place to call home. Social Determinants of Health. Creating a social and physical environmental that promotes good health and ensures access to and opportunity for a healthy future.

5 Social Determinants of Health
Built Environment Health Care Community Education Economy

6 Housing Tax Credits The Housing Tax Credit (HTC) program is a federal tax incentive that assists with the financing of development costs for eligible rental housing projects. The IRS requires that state allocating agencies develop a Qualified Allocation Plan for the distribution of housing tax credits within its jurisdiction. The QAP describes policies and procedures for the allocation of housing tax credits to affordable rental housing developments that address state housing needs and priorities. In Ohio, this document is created biannually, with a technical revision in the off-year.

7 HTC: Built Environment
Environmental Assessment required Lead Based Paint Noise Natural & Manmade Hazards Air Quality Visitability for senior and PSH projects Universal Design encouraged 504 Accessibility for some funding Largest affordable housing creation program in the country $8 billion annual equivalency Nationally, over 43,000 projects developed representing over 2.7 million units

8 HTC: Meeting Health Needs
Service Providers Primary health, nutrition, or wellness Assistance with daily living needs (Seniors) Monitored life safety alarm systems (Seniors) Locations Near positive land uses and amenities Seniors Continuing care model with coordinated services including farmers market, pharmacy, hospital/clinic, senior care

9 HTC: Health Education Education-based health, nutrition, or behavioral programming for children Senior health-based education Intergenerational service-learning programs

10 HTC: Creative Design Weighted Value: 1 each Weighted Value: 3 each
Community Garden(s) Exterior open spaces/paths Play areas and/or parks Rain garden or bioswale Smoke-free campus Smart thermostats or resident-controlled smart metering Dual flush toilets throughout Annual, on-site, free dental and/or vision services Monthly, staffed Ohio Benefit Bank on-site Dedicated fitness center with exercise machines Dedicated business/work-from-home center Computer/tablet lending program in lieu of dedicated computer room Reuse of NIP-funded site Free resident Wi-Fi DOE Zero Energy Ready Free Medicaid/Medicare billing services Free access to on-site, licensed physician or nurse practitioner at least once per week. On-site renewable energy generation PHIUS+ Project Certification (Passive House) DOE Zero Energy Ready Home with renewable energy system Platinum LEED rating; OR Emerald NGBS ICC 700 National Green Building Standard; OR Exceeding minimum Enterprise Green Communities Criteria by 20 or more points. Gray water system(s) Dedicated health clinic Community Gardens, Open Spaces Smoke-free campus Free Dental and/or Vision services Monthly, Staffed Ohio Benefit Bank Machine-equipped fitness center Medicaid/Medicare billing services Free physician or nurse practitioner On-site health clinic

11 Draft Assisted Living Silver Tsunami, Olmstead, Consumer Demand
Housing “Plus” Delivery Model Must accept Medicaid waivers Can’t have a “spend down” requirement OHFA’s Non-Competitive Programs

12 ODMSD & 811 Ohio Section 811 Medicaid Subsidy Demonstration
10-25% of units for persons with disabilities with incomes at or below 30%AMI. Medicaid Subsidy Demonstration 5-25% of units for persons with disabilities. Must be 504 compliant. Both aim to support independent living

13 Neighborhood Initiative
Blight Elimination, Community Revitalization Works through county Land Banks

14 Policy & Program Manager
Thank you! Carlie J. Boos, Esq. Policy & Program Manager

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