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BTEC National Diploma in Sport

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1 BTEC National Diploma in Sport
Unit 11 – Sports Nutrition 1

2 Learning objectives After this session you should be able to…
Describe and explain which nutritional needs are most important in particular sports Describe how nutrition is adapted throughout the training year to meet the changing demands of athletes


4 Diet plans for Sportspeople
Good food choices… Naturally occurring rather than processed Look as they occur in nature No ingredients label Avoid E numbers or additives Organic contains more vit and mins *Diet depends on demands on athlete*

5 Aerobic Sportspeople Needs…
Replacement and maintenance of energy levels Repair damage to tissues Vit and mins for normally functioning Replacement and maintenance of fluid levels – sports drinks?

6 Anaerobic/Power Sportspeople
Needs… Repair considerable damage to tissues Replacement and maintenance of energy levels Vit and mins for normally functioning Replacement and maintenance of fluid levels – sports drinks?

7 Weight Management Sportspeople
Needs… Energy balance (energy intake vs. energy expenditure) Low fat options Replacement and maintenance of energy levels Repair damage to tissues Vit and mins for normally functioning Replacement and maintenance of fluid levels – sports drinks?

8 Other Needs by Sportspeople…
Weight gain Weight loss Muscle gain Fat gain Fat loss

9 Q. What is meant by the term ‘Periodisation’
Timing Nutrition Q. What is meant by the term ‘Periodisation’

10 ‘Periodisation’ – when an athlete year is divided segments
Timing Nutrition ‘Periodisation’ – when an athlete year is divided segments

11 ‘Periodisation’ Training is continually adapted throughout the training year to achieve peak performance for the most important competition(s) Nutrition also needs to be adapted throughout the training year to meet the athletes demands as they change through training Q. how and why?

12 1. Pre-season Increase training, increase nutrition Prevent illness and injury Loose excess fat 2. Mid-season (competition) Nutrition for performance Maintain health and fitness *Consider pre, inter and post-event 3. Off-season Relax nutrition

13 Pre-season This is when an athlete starts their training for the next sporting year Increased training = increased nutritional demands (energy and fluids) Prevent injury and illness May need to loose excess body fat or increase muscle mass from effects of ‘detraining’

14 Mid-season This is the phase when an athlete will be competing
Nutrition is very important during this stage and may need to be continually adapted to meet changing needs Athletes need to consider what they eat and drink 1) pre-event, 2) inter-event and 3) post-event

15 Mid-season Q. What do you think is most important During these stages?
1) pre-event, 2) inter-event and 3) post-event

16 Mid-season Pre-event Carbohydrate loading?
Small meals for faster digestion Familiar foods Fluid intake? Inter-event Energy intake?

17 Mid-season Post-event Rehydration Refuel
Aid recovery - support adaptation

18 Off–season – relax nutrition
Timing Nutrition Off–season – relax nutrition

19 Other considerations Allergies Age Gender Health issues Preferences
Personal beliefs Religious beliefs

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