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Wellness: från andlig healing till cappuccino
Mary Baker Eddy
Wellness Phineas Quimby
”Now seeing how ideas affect the mind, I find that when I correct the ideas, I cure the sick.
Wellness 'Suggestion' is only another name for the power of ideas, so far as they prove efficacious over belief and conduct. --William James
Wellness Horace Fletcher's arguments were heavily influenced by New Thought that maintained that thinking about being well made one well, and that thinking moral thoughts enhanced achievement.
Wellness The Battle Creek Sanitarium became Kellogg's laboratory for developing and promulgating his "Battle Creek Idea" that good health and fitness were the result of good diet, exercise, correct posture, fresh air and proper rest. Through his vigorous efforts to promote and publicize the institution, Kellogg raised the Sanitarium to national prominence as a "place where people learn to stay well."
Wellness Halbert L Dunn and the term high-level wellness
”an integrated method of functioning which is oriented toward maximizing the potential of which the individual is capable. It requires that the individual maintain a continuum of balance and purposeful direction within the environment where he is functioning” (Dunn 1961)
Wellness Wellness ut i fra Dunns filosofi:
Et kontinuum – ingen fiksert tilstand Holistisk tilnærming: fysiske, mentale, sosiale, kulturelle og åndelige dimensjoner Individets ansvar for egen mental helse Wellness = potensiale for å nå høyeste velvære Selvinnsikt og et integrert selv nøkler til ”high level wellness”
Wellness Donald Ardell John Travis
Wellness University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
University wellness programme
Wellness Ardell og alternativet til Dunn’s wellness:
Wellness is focused ”on critical thinking, personal responsibility, physical fitness, a secular quest for added meaning and purpose and a comprehensive, positive view of health set far beyond the margins of normalcy and moderation” (Ardell 2004)
Wellness and New Age
Wellness Den åndelige dimensjonen:
Koppling wellness til kristen tradisjon for healing Fokus på: fysisk, åndelig, mental og emosjonell wellness ”You are what you eat, and so are your kids”
Wellness Wellness som åndlig healing for eksempel i USA: Ideologisk: Wilhelm Reich og kosmisk energi (i Kina qi), teosofer, kvekere, reiki healing ”Most diseases are initiated in the energy fields and are then, through time and living habits, transmitted to the body, becoming serious illness” (Brennan cit. i Albanese 2000) Dr C. Norman Shealy – frontfigur i wellness: ”going beyond logic to common sense”
Wellness in Europe I Europa
Wellness in Sweden Yvonne Lin – Wellness, 2002 Annette Lefterow
Wellness of Sweden
Wellness Yvonne Lin: ”en tillfredsställande fysisk förmåga och ett psykiskt välmående Balanse Kinesisk inspirert ”Lagom är bäst”
Wellness Aerobics Pilates Taiji Step up Stretch Yoga Massasje Frukt
Wellness Wellnessmässan 2009 Göteborg
Wellness ”Wellness is the optimal state of health of individuals and groups. There are two focal concerns: the realization of the fullest potential of an individual physically, psychologically, socially, spiritually and economically, and the fulfilment of one’s role expectations in the family, community, place of worship, workplace and other settings” (WHO 2006)
Wellness Forstå wellness:
1 alternativ og senere komplement til biomedisin New Thought and mental cure Holistisk: fysisk, mental, åndelig og sosialt velbefinnende Livsstil og individuelt ansvar Sivilisasjonskritikk og health promotion
Wellness Forstå wellness: 2 kommersiell variant av health promotion
Nyliberalise på 1980-tallet Individets egne valg Markedet Privatisering av health promotion Konsumsamfunn Wellness revolution
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