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Food & Fun Curriculum Training

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Presentation on theme: "Food & Fun Curriculum Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Food & Fun Curriculum Training
A Recommended Resource from the Healthy Out-of-School Time (HOST) Program Britnee Nwokeji, M.S.Ed Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC Justine Fuga Healthy Out-of-School Time Program Britnee

2 Today’s Session Warm Up Activity What is HOST? Food & Fun Overview
Practice Next Steps Britnee

3 What is your vision of a healthy OST program?
What would you see students and staff doing? What would you hear students and staff saying? Britnee Think ahead a few years. What is your vision of a healthy school? Take away barriers. Take 2 minutes to draw or write. What you would SEE students and staff doing at a healthy school What you would you HEAR students and staff Think about these other questions: How has the school environment changed? How do we prepare students for a healthy future? Who are the stakeholders involved in helping us reach our goals? What do we have in place to sustain our successes? Share your vision: Turn to a person next to you? Take one minute to share your visions. What could be done to move your vision into action? Who else could you share this vision with? How could you do it? When will you begin? An inspiring vision statement helps build buy-in and support. Remember to share this vision with other at your school.

4 How healthy is your site?
Not so healthy Healthy Britnee

5 HOST Partnership CHP formed partnership with Alliance for a Healthier Generation in August 2014 to address key community benefit focus areas In school year, CHP launched the Alliance’s Healthy Schools Program (HSP) Summer 2015, CHP and fitUnited partnered with NLA to pilot OST program, EmpowerME4Life CHP and fitUnited launched HOST beginning in January 2016 to align with HSP participating schools Britnee Ten schools engaged in the program in the 2014 – 15 school year, (representing 20% of the district) and the program will be expanded to at least ten more schools in the year. The following 10 schools from Pittsburgh Public Schools participated in the Healthy Schools Program during the school year. The schools are to be commended for their efforts.

6 Britnee LET’S START WITH A BIT OF INFORMATION ABOUT THE ALLIANCE: The Alliance for a Healthier Generation is a catalyst for children’s health. We work with schools, companies, community organizations, healthcare professionals and families to transform the conditions and systems that lead to healthier kids. Founded by the American Heart Association and Clinton Foundation, we are collaborative change-makers working to create a nation where children thrive.

7 Mission: To reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity and to empower kids nationwide to make healthy lifestyle choices. Britnee Our goal is to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity and to empower kids to develop lifelong, healthy habits.

8 Today about one out of three children
and adolescents (ages 2-19) in the United States is overweight or obese, putting them at risk for serious health problems. Britnee Childhood obesity has almost tripled in children and adolescents in the past 30 years.

9 Pittsburgh Pittsburgh
33% of children in grades 7 – 12 and 32% in grades K – 6 have a BMI that falls within the range for overweight. 17% of children have a BMI that considers them obese. Britnee Rates of obesity in children in Pittsburgh mimic rates nationwide.

10 Healthy Out-of-School Time
Provides evidence-based processes and professional development, and tools and resources needed to increase children’s access to healthier foods and physical activity. HOST in action Britnee We also work with out-of-school time providers around the country to create healthy environments where youth can eat better and move more – another place youth spend their time. Our Healthy Out-of-School Time Framework combines Alliance best practices with national healthy eating and physical activity standards to create a guide for communities nationwide to transform the areas where kids spend their time before school, after school, and during school breaks. We work with OST providers in a few ways: Our direct support model, in which a Healthy Out-of-School Time Manager collaborates personally with OST organization and site staff in a particular community (now 9) to encourage healthy changes, introducing tools and resources during face-to-face meetings and through online support. Our indirect model, in which national HOST staff and content experts work with groups of OST sites through a national organization such as Boys & Girls Clubs of America and the National Recreation and Park Association, as well as thorough statewide afterschool networks and alliances. Additionally, any out-of-school time provider in the country can tap into the same tools and resources online, and interface with Alliance healthy eating and physical activity experts, primarily over the phone and via webinars.

11 Benefits of Joining HOST
ASSESSMENT AND ACTION PLAN process tools to assist with continual health improvement efforts PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES comprised of onsite and virtual trainings for staff to implement the Framework CONTENT ADVISORS who provide support to help site staff address specific healthy eating and physical activity issues TOOLS AND RESOURCES which connect site staff to both national and local quality resources, programs, grant opportunities and free or discounted materials HOST NETWORK unifies all site staff to connect and share ideas, resources and more! Britnee Today’s training session is just a small glimpse of the benefits of HOST.

12 Food and Fun Curriculum
Improving nutrition and physical activity for children in afterschool programs Developed by the Harvard School of Public Health in collaboration with the YMCA. Adapted and presented by Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh and fitUnited Justine Note to trainer: Start with intro Why you are doing the Food & Fun training Introductions The powerpoint we’re taking you through can be used to train staff at your program(s). Make sure you review the curriculum before your start your own training. Kids do not consume enough healthy foods & drinks, spend excess time in front of screens, and get less physical activity than they need Schools and community organizations are looking for creative ways to help children and families develop healthier habits Afterschool and other out-of-school time programs are ideal settings for promoting healthy nutrition and physical activity The Food & Fun Afterschool Curriculum materials are designed to support healthy environments, and teach kids and families about positive nutrition and physical activity behaviors Copyright YMCA of the USA. The Food and Fun Afterschool Curriculum is jointly copyrighted by President and Fellows of Harvard College and YMCA of the USA.

13 Training Objectives Become familiar with the Food & Fun curriculum
Understand the Food & Fun health messages Identify how Food & Fun can fit with your programming Make a plan for how to get started with Food & Fun Justine Note to trainer: Read through bullets Using another curriculum is fine as long as the messages and goals are consistent with our the messages contained in Food & Fun

14 Background Designed for children in grades K-5
Activities easily adaptable across program settings and diverse populations Focused on 7 simple HEPA standards Encourages healthy behaviors through variety of activities User-friendly, flexible format and instructions Justine Note to trainer: Read through bullets Before developing Food & Fun, researchers at Harvard School of Public Health held focus groups and interviews with childcare and afterschool staff Key issues that emerged included: Major opportunities to integrate lessons are during snack, physical activity time, arts & crafts, and homework periods Storage space and budgets are limited at most locations Activities usually happen in minute intervals Parents want to get health information in a variety of ways When Food & Fun was complete researchers tested the materials in childcare and afterschool programs

15 Food and Fun Curriculum
Justine Note to trainer: The could be a great opportunity to review the Environmental Standards for Out of School Time, which include the rationale and some suggested strategies for each environmental standard . The content in the environmental standards is very similar to the health messages reviewed in these slides.

16 Curriculum Components
Environmental Standards for Nutrition and Physical Activity 11 teaching units Over 70 activities Parent communication tools Planning and tracking tools Justine The Food and Fun Afterschool Curriculum is one support for making YMCA programs a healthy place for kids. The curriculum components include afterschool activities for kids, parents communications, and nutrition and physical activity planning and tracking tool. In this part of the training, we’ll spend the most time talking about the afterschool activities for kids and the parent communications. We’ll also refer to the environmental standards for nutrition and physical activity in out-of –school time that guide the health messages in this curriculum. In training #2, you’ll find out more about our planning and tracking tools. Activities are fun, affordable and simple Health messages are easy to understand and based on the latest science Activities can easily integrate into many parts of the afterschool day Opportunities to enhance academic skills Can be used on its own or to complement other ongoing curricula Many tools and tips to connect with families

17 Environmental Standards for OST
Provide fruits and vegetables Limit sugary drinks Serve whole grains Eliminate screen time Provide clean, potable drinking water Eliminate trans fats Engage youth in minutes of physical activity Justine The Food and Fun Afterschool Curriculum is one support for making YMCA programs a healthy place for kids. The curriculum components include afterschool activities for kids, parents communications, and nutrition and physical activity planning and tracking tool. In this part of the training, we’ll spend the most time talking about the afterschool activities for kids and the parent communications. We’ll also refer to the environmental standards for nutrition and physical activity in out-of –school time that guide the health messages in this curriculum. In training #2, you’ll find out more about our planning and tracking tools. Activities are fun, affordable and simple Health messages are easy to understand and based on the latest science Activities can easily integrate into many parts of the afterschool day Opportunities to enhance academic skills Can be used on its own or to complement other ongoing curricula Many tools and tips to connect with families Wording from Slide: Do not serve sugar-sweetened beverages Serve water everyday Serve a fruit and/or vegetable everyday Do not serve foods with trans fat When serving grains, serve whole grains Eliminate TV and limit computer time to less than 1 hour Provide all children with at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity everyday. Offer 20 minutes of vigorous activity at least 3 days per week.

18 11 Teaching Units Unit Title Theme 1 Take a Bite! Fruits & veggies 2
Get Moving Physical activity 3 Be Sugar Smart Sugar-sweetened drinks 4 Go for Good Fat Healthy & unhealthy fats 5 Go for Whole Grains Whole grains 6 Super Snacks Healthy snacking 7 Mix it Up 8 Tune Out the TV Reduce TV viewing 9 Play Hard 10 Be Active, Stay Cool Keeping hydrated 11 Food & Fun Finale! Food & Fun review Justine 11 teaching units focus on 7 science-based healthy recommendations and provide a range of activities to use throughout the school year. You don’t have to do all of them. Staff should pick the ones that they’re comfortable with and excited about doing. Themes support the goals (or environmental standards) for nutrition and physical activity in out of school time programs. For example, they include serving water on the table every day, no sugary drinks or trans fats, eating whole grains, physical activity every day, vegetables and fruits every day, and no TV time (especially TV with advertising). Messages are simple and relevant, and not technical. Discussion questions: What healthy goals/environmental standards do you think will appeal most to your staff? What unit do you think you’d like to start with? Guidelines reflect the current science 2015 Dietary Guidelines 2006 American Heart Association Guidelines 2006 USDA Food Guide Pyramid 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans 2010 White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity Report and Let’s Move Campaign

19 Unit Structure Behavioral goal Key messages Tips for program staff
Activity options and instructions Parent engagement tools Recipes and taste tests Worksheets Justine

20 Activity Options Snack time activities Active games Arts and crafts
Group games & activities Recommended books Justine Original wording from slide: Snack time activities: introduce new foods and get kids interested in healthy eating Active games: designed to involve all children in active play Arts and crafts: introduce health messages in fun and creative way Group games & activities: can be used at circle time or in small groups to reinforce unit themes Books: promote literacy and healthy messages Note to trainer: Read through bullets Discussion questions: What part of your program can you most easily integrate Food and Fun? Will you be able to include active games and snack time activities? Other notes on activities: The symbols can help you find the type of activities you’re looking for Check out the Recipe and Taste Test packet for new snack ideas and tools for doing taste tests with kids.

21 Parent Communication Tools
Tailored to each unit’s goals messages Newsletter articles Parent handouts Family handbook Justine Each program has different ways that they work to engage the families they serve. Food and Fun recognizes that staff have varying levels of comfort talking with parents and helps to support staff with a variety of resources that fit their needs. The engagement activities include ideas for ways to talk to parents about the Food and Fun topics at pick up. Each Food and Fun topic has an message you can send to parents to tell them what the kids are learning and how it relates to creating healthy habits at home. Newsletter articles and colorful parent handouts are other ways to send health information home. If you like the idea of giving an all-in-one reference to families, then check out the family handbook. This comprehensive reference for families provides practical tips for shopping and preparing healthy foods. It also provides recipes. Food and Fun offers many ways to connect with families about nutrition and physical activity Discussion questions: What types of parent communication tools did you try out? Is there a certain type that works best for your program? Did family engagement strategies work differently for addressing different health messages? Did you find any unique ways to engage with families? What types of parent communication tools will you use in the future? * Most parent materials available in English and Spanish

22 Useful Tools Provide support in making healthy changes
Assist with planning budget-friendly snacks Help track implementation of Food & Fun Curriculum Planning & Tracking Tool Parent Engagement Planning and Tracking Tool Snack Sense Guide and Calculator Justine By tracking which components staff choose to use and how well the staff and children like these activities, the curriculum can be assessed for each site. This might also help you determine which sites are resisting the curriculum or may need more help with it. Food & Fun After School 2nd Edition includes planning tools to help assist with planning and tracking. These tools can help sites make Food & Fun lesson plans, set goals, assess progress, and promote sustainability. All the tools are designed as optional self-assessments. Some people might use all of them and others might choose just one that fits the needs of their program. These simple, easy-to-use assessments should not be added work, but instead tools to encourage learning and sharing within and across programs. Discussion questions: How are you/those you’re training planning to track usage and evaluate success of the curriculum? Do you think any of the Food & Fun planning and tracking tools will be useful? How will the results of this tracking data be used? By whom?

23 Health Messages Britnee
Note to trainer: The could be a great opportunity to review the Environmental Standards for Out of School Time, which include the rationale and some suggested strategies for each environmental standard . The content in the environmental standards is very similar to the health messages reviewed in these slides. PA break

24 Short. Simple. Positive. Motivating
Lesson Content Short. Simple. Positive. Motivating NOT lectures, negative, guilt producing, or humiliating Food and physical activity are NOT about dieting and weight Encourage kids to feel good Foster an interest in trying new foods, drinks, and activities Develop healthy behaviors early in life Emphasize that being healthy can help kids feel strong and fit, improve moods, promote learning. It’s also FUN! Britnee First, a primer on what the messages ARE and what they are NOT. Food and Fun messages ARE short, simple, positive, and motivational. Example: “I’m glad to see you’re enjoying that fruit. It’s giving you healthy fiber and vitamins to grow and stay healthy.” Food and Fun messages are NOT lectures, negative, guilt producing, or humiliating. Example of a positive message: “It’s great to eat fruit every day because studies show that fiber can lower blood cholesterol and lower your risk of heart disease. Plus it’s low in calories so it can help you keep a healthy weight.” The goal is to encourage kids to feel good about eating healthy and foster an interest in trying new foods. It is important to start developing healthy behaviors early in life to establish good healthy and physical activity habits for the future. If you don’t know the answer to questions, simply say, “I don’t know”

25 Vegetables and Fruits Every Day
Food & Fun key messages Go for Five! Eat 5 or more fruits and vegetables (combined) each day. Try to eat a fruit or a vegetable with every meal and snack. Just take a bite! Don’t be afraid to try a new fruit or vegetable – chances are you’ll like it. Fruits and vegetables come in lots of colors. Try to eat as many different colors as you can. Britnee

26 I’m Going On A Picnic Courtney
Note to trainer: The could be a great opportunity to review the Environmental Standards for Out of School Time, which include the rationale and some suggested strategies for each environmental standard . The content in the environmental standards is very similar to the health messages reviewed in these slides. PA break

27 Hydrate with Water Food & Fun key messages
Water is the best thirst quencher Water and low fat milk are the best drinks to have at snacks and meals Drink water when you are thirsty Drink water instead of juice or soda at every snack and meal Britnee Unit 10 focuses on the importance of drinking water instead of sugary drinks Note to trainer: Read through each environmental standard, rationale, and key messages

28 Limit Sugar-Sweetened Beverages
Food & Fun key messages Drinks like soda, fruit drinks and sports drinks are loaded with sugar Eating and drinking too much sugar is not healthy for your body and it can cause cavities Juice is not as healthy as it seems. It can have as much sugar as soda Britnee Unit 3 focuses on the importance of cutting out sugary drinks Note to trainer: Read through each environmental standard, rationale, and key messages

29 Avoid Trans Fats Food & Fun key messages
You need to eat fat to keep your body healthy, but not all fats are the same. Fats from fish, nuts, and seeds area healthy for your body. Limit fats from animal sources like butter, whole milk, and red meat. Do not eat trans fats found in fast food like French fries and baked goods like cookies. Britnee Unit 4 focuses on the importance of understanding the difference between unhealthy and healthy fats and cutting out trans fats. Note to trainer: Read through each environmental standard, rationale, and key messages

30 Eat Whole Grains Food & Fun key messages
Whole grains are important because they help you feel full longer and make your body healthy. Eat whole grains (like whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat crackers, and brown rice) instead of refined grains (like white bread, muffins, pasta, and white rice) whenever possible. Britnee Unit 5 focuses on the importance of eating whole grains instead of refined grains whenever possible Note to trainer: Read through each environmental standard, rationale, and key messages

31 60 Minutes of Physical Activity
Food & Fun key messages Moving your body is fun and helps your body be healthy and strong All types of activities like playing, dancing, and sports are good for you Do something active every day Doing activities that make you sweat and breathe hard will make you strong and keep your bones and heart healthy Britnee Unit 2 and Unit 9 focus on the importance of being physically active Note to trainer: Read through each environmental standard, rationale, and key messages Also for vigorous: Children should participate in vigorous physical activity that makes them sweat and breathe hard on at least 3 days per week • Playing hard is fun when it’s something you like to do. • Do an activity that makes you sweat or breathe hard at least 3 times per week.

32 Physical Activity Break
Courtney Note to trainer: The could be a great opportunity to review the Environmental Standards for Out of School Time, which include the rationale and some suggested strategies for each environmental standard . The content in the environmental standards is very similar to the health messages reviewed in these slides. PA break

33 Eliminate Screen Time Food & Fun key messages
Moving your body keeps you fit Do something active instead of watching TV, playing video games, or spending time on the computer Britnee Unit 8 focuses on the importance of cutting down on time in front of the TV, video games and the computer. Note to trainer: Read through each environmental standard, rationale, and key messages

34 Summary: Key Health Messages
Vegetables and fruits every day Hydrate with water Limit sugar-sweetened beverages Avoid foods with trans-fats Eat whole grains Participate in 60 minutes of physical activity daily Eliminate screen time Britnee

35 Brainstorm What strategies can you employ at your site to promote the key health messages of Food & Fun? Circle strategies you are currently implementing. Who at your site can help support your efforts? Do you foresee any barriers to effectively implementing strategies? How can you overcome those barriers? Justine

36 Food & Fun Website Courtney
New materials in Food & Fun 2nd edition are based on feedback from past Food & Fun users and research on training best practices. They are available online.

37 Food & Fun Website Courtney
New materials in Food & Fun 2nd edition are based on feedback from past Food & Fun users and research on training best practices. They are available online.

38 Food & Fun Website Courtney
New materials in Food & Fun 2nd edition are based on feedback from past Food & Fun users and research on training best practices. They are available online.

39 Food & Fun Website Courtney
New materials in Food & Fun 2nd edition are based on feedback from past Food & Fun users and research on training best practices. They are available online.

40 Food & Fun Website Courtney
New materials in Food & Fun 2nd edition are based on feedback from past Food & Fun users and research on training best practices. They are available online.

41 Food & Fun Website Courtney
New materials in Food & Fun 2nd edition are based on feedback from past Food & Fun users and research on training best practices. They are available online.

42 Food & Fun Website Courtney
New materials in Food & Fun 2nd edition are based on feedback from past Food & Fun users and research on training best practices. They are available online.

43 Unit 1 Demo Justine

44 Unit 1: Fruits and Vegetables
Behavioral Goal Children eat more fruits and vegetables (5-a-day!) Food & Fun key messages Go for Five! Eat 5 or more fruits and vegetables (combined) each day. Try to eat a fruit or a vegetable with every meal and snack. Just take a bite! Don’t be afraid to try a new fruit or vegetable – chances are you’ll like it. Justine Units 1 & Unit 7 focus on the importance of eating fruits and vegetables Note to trainer: Read through each environmental standard, rationale, and key messages Other key point: Serving fruit juice does not substitute for whole fruit because it does not contain fiber

45 Activity Options Justine

46 Food Group Relay Divide into 2 teams.
Each card has a food item on it. Each basket has the name of a food group. Each person takes a turn to place their card in the correct food group basket. The first team to sort all of their cards into the correct baskets wins! Courtney

47 Your turn! Britnee

48 Group Practice Read your activity. Answer these questions:
Would youth at your site be engaged by this activity? What health messages does the activity promote? Is there anything you would change about the activity? Summarize your activity and answers to your group. Britnee New materials in Food & Fun 2nd edition are based on feedback from past Food & Fun users and research on training best practices. They are available online.

49 Tips for Success Get the kids involved in program planning and delivery Designate a space for food and activity information and recipes Engage staff as role models Use Food & Fun materials to keep parents informed Britnee

50 Tips for Success Focus on feeling good and being healthy
Have fun and have energy! “I don’t know” is an okay answer Justine

51 Reflect What excites you most about Food & Fun?
How will you gain buy-in from other staff to implement the curriculum? How can you as staff role model the health messages promoted in the curriculum? Do you believe Food & Fun can help instill positive health behaviors in youth at your site? Justine Now let’s brainstorm on how you see the Food and Fun Afterschool Curriculum moving forward in your sites. Note to trainer: Recap what you’ve heard from slides 3-6 Ask participants if there is anything else they want to work on Discussion questions: Are the staff “on board” with the health messages, or do they need some development in that area? If so, how can that need be met? Are site staff struggling to engage parents and kids? How about the host schools? Are there Parent Advisory Teams to plug into?

52 Next steps Explore the F & F website and curriculum
Recruit two leaders to help deliver the program Identify units to begin implementing Become a HOST site for more assistance Justine Note to trainer: Read bullets and add any other tasks for your trainees to this slide. Extra text on training: Follow-up is a key philosophy in this training—it is probably different than previous curriculum training staff may have had. In this training, follow-up by coaching, mentoring, evaluating, and discussing allows for a gradual and strong implementation. The lead trainer will continue to be involved in coaching and mentoring the trainers. Plan for this here. One way lead trainers will stay connected is through conference calls. Discuss a “touching base” call. After this training participants may want to touch base at a future point to see how it’s going for all. Schedule this call if appropriate. In turn, you will continue to coach and mentor the site staff you train to use the curriculum. You are a coach and mentor… Next support call… Next train the trainer call….

53 Questions? Thank you! Contact:
Justine Fuga, Britnee Nwokeji, Alliance, 1-888-KID-HLTH (ext. 2) Justine

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