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Third Grade Curriculum Information

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1 Third Grade Curriculum Information

2 Meet the Teachers Mrs. Paul Mrs. Dyen
Attended Seminole County Schools from K-12 Graduated from UCF Has been teaching at Bear Lake since 1998 Is married and has one son at Bear Lake in Fourth Grade Mrs. Dyen Went to school and grew up outside of Pittsburgh and was a student at Franklin Regional School District K-12 Graduated from USF undergraduate and Nova South Eastern Graduate School Has been teaching at Bear Lake since 2006 Is Married and has 1 Daughter starting college, and two sons one in 11th grade and one in 8th grade

3 Important Information
Please sign into the office any time you come onto campus. The Front Office is now our single point of entrance and exit. The safety of our students is our top priority. Check the Bear Lake Pawprint, one comes home monthly Pawprint can be found on the Bear Lake website at If you are interested in student insurance, you can pick up information in the front office.

4 Your Child’s Education
We follow the Sunshine State Standards More information can be found at Standards are a based on Common Core plus Florida Standards New rigorous standards will prepare the students for Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) later this year. We also give several progress monitoring assessments to the students throughout the year to see how they are progressing towards the Florida Standards Assessment. Some of these are the Scholastic Reading Inventory, Iowa and Common Trimester Assessments

5 Daily Schedule 8:35 First Bell 8:35-8:50 First Work 8:50-9:20 LEAP 9:20-9:40 science 9:40-10:20 Specials 10:20-10:40 science 10:40-12:00 math 12:00-12:20 Lunch 12:20-12:40 base camp and recess 12:40-2:10 English Language Arts 2:10 -2:45 Social Studies 2:45-2:50 Pack up 2:50-3:05 Dismissal

6 Arrival and Dismissal The first bell rings at 8:35
students are tardy after 8:40 Students must sign in at the office after 9:00 Car riders are dismissed at 2:50 (1:50 on Wednesday) If you park your car to pick your child up, you must sign in at the office. Children cannot be dismissed out of their classroom before walkers are called at 3:05 (2:05 on Wednesday) If your child is a walker or a bike rider, please have a rainy day plan in place. Call the office with a change of transportation or write it in the planner on the day of the change

7 Weekly Binder On Tuesdays your child will receive a binder with important information There is a sheet in the back sleeve with the date and a place for you to sign letting us know you have gone over the papers with your student. Please sign the sheet and return on Wednesday this allows us time to begin organizing for the next week.

8 Homework Homework is daily Homework is on the website every week
Monday ELA-Practice Spelling test in class Spelling choice on missed words/reading assignment from book Math-will vary from worksheet, Moby Max and Think Central Tuesday ELA-e-campus reading response assignment on class novel - study for spelling test Wednesday ELA-Spelling test in class Grammar homework Thursday ELA Vocab worksheet study for vocab test Friday- vocab test in class ELA- read read read read STUNDETS NEED 5 Sharpened PENCILS EVERYDAY!!!

9 SCPS Portal Students will be expected to use ecampus to access important learning websites On our website is a tab label SCPS Portal this is how your student will access all websites needed for class There username is their student ID and their password is their birthday We will use this daily to communicate

10 Conferences We will be holding conference during the day on October 14th This gives us time to gather information to meet your students learning needs. We will spend time going over your student’s achievements both academically and socially. If you feel you need a conference before we contact you, we can meet most days at 8am. Please feel free to or call us with any concerns at anytime and we will get back to you within 24hours. Please be sure to both of us.

11 Behavior We do have high expectations with our students when it comes to behavior. Our school follows five behaviors that we expect from our students everyday: Strive for growth Be Safe Be accepting Be respectful Be honest Students will be given positive reinforcement through the following rewards Smartie Cards Dory Dollars Star Bears We love rewarding our students but are always expecting these behaviors even when a reward may not be offered. In the event that your student has had a difficult day a note will go in the planner the 1st offense and a phone call home on the second so we can together come up with a plan to make this a successful school year.

12 Planners Each student is expected to have a planner taken home and brought back each day. In the planner they will write their homework and other important information for that day. The planner must come back to school each day signed by an adult. This will be our main daily source of communication. We will check planners everyday for notes from parents. Please write your emergency contact numbers inside your child’s planner.

13 Class Room Volunteers Dory Dollar Store Book clubs
Keep our library organized Garden maintenance

14 Pencils It is extremely important that your student comes to class with 4 or 5 sharpened pencils each day. They will have a few minutes in the morning before the 1st bell to come into the classroom to sharpen pencils or at the end of the day. They will not be permitted to sharpen pencils throughout the school day They may have mechanical pencils as long as the putting in the led does not cause a distraction during class time

15 Parent information network to access your child’s grades online
Bring your application with an ID to school to sign up The applications can also be found on the SCPS and Bear Lake websites

16 Dividends In order to come into the classroom to volunteer, for parties, or as a chaperone on a field trip, you must be registered as a dividend. To do this go to the Seminole County homepage and click on the department tab. This will take you to the dividends webpage and there is a link you can click to register. You can also register on the Bear Lake homepage. It takes time for approval so please register well in advance before coming into the classroom.

17 Lunchroom Please sign in at the office if you come to eat with your child You will be able to eat with your child at the picnic tables outside the lunchroom

18 PTA We have a great PTA at this school which supports the school, teachers, and students Please join PTA

19 Dyen/Paul Contact Information/ Wish list Classroom Phone Number Anissa Dyen Kim Paul Wish list- Copy paper $10 gift card to Target for supplies

20 How Can You Help? Talk to your child about what they learn each day
Please be supportive and encouraging Plan for your child to read at least 30 minutes each day Plan for your child to complete his/her homework each day Check homework and planner every day Get involved read a book with your child and make it fun by talking about the characters, plot and setting together. Volunteer at school!

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